All Classes and Interfaces

Remote service client abstract superclass.
Remote service client service.
Abstract superclass for consumer container selectors...i.e.
Abstract implementation of IContainer.
Abstract container adapter factory.
Abstract superclass for both host and consumer container selectors...i.e.
Abstract class for browsing an efs file system.
Abstract superclass for host container selectors...i.e.
Abstract superclass for metadata factories...i.e.
Abstract implementer of IRemoteCallListener.
Abstract remote service implementation.
Abstract client container for use by RSA distribution providers.
Abstract client remote service instance.
Abstract container that is intended for use by RSA distribution providers.
Abstract container adapter factory.
Abstract superclass for topology managers.
An adapter config is used to setup an adaptable.
Asynchronous connection event class.
Async method annotation.
Async service annotation.
Base implementation of IContainer.
Default implementation of IContainerInstantiator.
Base class for ID implementation classes Extensions for the org.eclipse.ecf.namespace extension point that expose new Namespace subclasses and their own ID implementations are recommended (but not required) to use this class as a superclass.
Default implementation of IRemoteServiceContainerInstantiator.
Base class for shared object classes.
Callback that handles Boolean types
Exception thrown upon browse problem
Helper class for creating instances of IConnectContext
Exception class for connection creation exceptions
Connection event super class.
Remote service API constants.
Default implementation of IConsumerContainerSelector.
Exception class to be thrown upon authentication failure during connect
Container connected event
Exception class to be thrown upon connection failure.
Exception thrown during container creation
Container disconnected event.
Factory for creating IContainer instances.
Service tracker customized to handle tracking the ECF container factory service (singleton).
Service tracker customized to handle tracking the ECF container manager service (singleton).
Description of an IContainer type.
Disconnection event
Discovered endpoint description.
Default implementation of IDiscoveredEndpointDescriptionFactory service.
Remote Services Discovery Provider Capability and Requirement Namespace.
Remote Services Distribution Provider Capability and Requirement Namespace.
ECF remote service endpoint description.
A description of an endpoint that provides sufficient information for a compatible distribution provider to create a connection to this endpoint An Endpoint Description is easy to transfer between different systems because it is property based where the property keys are strings and the values are simple types.
Implementation of EndpointDescription discovery mechanism, using any/all ECF discovery providers (implementers if IDiscoveryLocator.
Exception class to represent endpoint description parse problems when performed by IEndpointDescriptionReader.
Default implementation of IEndpointDescriptionReader.
Endpoint description writer class for writing EndpointDescriptions to the OSGi 4.2 Remote Service Admin Endpoint Description Extender Format (section 122.8 of OSGi 4.2 enterprise specification).
An Endpoint Event.
A white board service that represents a listener for endpoints.
As of 1.1.
A bundle's authority to export, import or read an Endpoint.
Event 'tag' interface.
An Export Reference associates a service with a local endpoint.
An Export Registration associates a service to a local endpoint.
Exception class for creation of IFileID instances via FileIDFactory
Factory class entry point for creating IFileID instances.
File transfer information delivered to IIncomingFileTransferRequestListener via an event implementing IFileTransferRequestEvent.getFileTransferInfo()
Job subclass for executing file transfers.
URL file namespace class.
Globally unique ID implementation class.
Default implementation of IHostContainerSelector service.
Asynchronous callback contract.
Asynchronous connection
Callback interface for handling asynchronous connection events
Map a given name onto a classloader.
A connect context for passing in information to the IContainer.connect(org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.ID, IConnectContext) call.
Connect policy typically implemented by servers
Policy handler for connect initiator (clients).
Connection interface to represent transport-level connections
Connection listener
Connection request handler
Consumer container selector service contract.
Contract for ECF communications container

IContainer instances are used by clients to define a context for communications.
Container connected event interface
Container connecting event
Container disconnected event
Container disconnecting event
Event sent to listeners when a container is disposed
Container ejected event.
An event received by a container
Container factory contract ContainerFactory for default implementation.
Container filter contract.
Interface that must be implemented by ECF provider implementations.
Listener for objects that wish to receive events from an IContainer instances.
Container manager for getting access to existing container instances previously created via IContainerFactory.
Container manager listener.
Adapter for IServiceInfo instances.
Container event that indicates that a shared object message is being received.
Container event that indicates that a shared object message is being sent.
Contract for ECF identity
Restores Java objects from the underlying stream by using the classloader returned from the call to given IClassLoaderMapper with the Namespace/ID specified by the associated IdentifiableObjectOutputStream.
Stores Java objects in the underlying stream in an manner that allows corresponding input stream to use ID to lookup appropriate associated classloader (via IClassLoaderMapper).
A factory class for creating ID instances.
Service tracker customized to handle tracking the ECF id factory service (singleton).
Factory for creating DiscoveredEndpointDescriptions.
Entry point discovery advertiser.
Use IDisocveryLocator and IDisocveryAdvertiser instead
Entry point discovery locator.
use IDiscoveryLocator and IDiscoveryContainer instead
Service for reading endpoint descriptions from xml-files in the Endpoint Description Extender Format (EDEF) specified in section 122.8 of the OSGi Enterprise Specification (chapter 122).
Event processor for processing events in a sequence.
Contract for general exception handler
ID for a remote file.
An object that describes a file range specification.
File transfer super interface.
Super interface for all file transfer events
File transfer information delivered to IIncomingFileTransferRequestListener via an event implementing IFileTransferRequestEvent.getFileTransferInfo()
Listener for handling file transfer events.
Adapter interface for pausing and resuming IFileTransfer instances that expose this adapter interface via IAdaptable.getAdapter(Class adapter).
Adapter for setting rate control on IFileTransferInfo instances that expose expose this adapter interface via IAdaptable.getAdapter(Class adapter).
Event to represent remote file transfer requests.
Runnable for doing file transfer.
Host container selector service contract.
Defines implementing classes as being identifiable with an ECF ID.
Contract for IDFactory
Incoming file transfer request.
Super interface for incoming file transfer events
Event sent to IFileTransferListener associated with IIncomingFileTransfer instances data are received
Event sent to IFileTransferListeners when an incoming file transfer is completed.
Event sent to IFileTransferListeners when an incoming file transfer is paused.
Event sent to IFileTransferListener associated with IIncomingFileTransfer instances when file transfer is resumed.
Event sent to IFileTransferListener associated with IIncomingFileTransfer instances
Listener for incoming file transfer requests.
An Import Reference associates an active proxy service to a remote endpoint.
An Import Registration associates an active proxy service to a remote endpoint.
Exception thrown upon incoming file transfer problem
Outgoing file transfer.
Super interface for outgoing file transfer events
Asynchronous event sent to IFileTransferListener associated with IOutgoingFileTransfer instances when a response is received from the remote target (or provider times out).
Event sent to IFileTransferListener associated with IOutgoingFileTransfer instances when some data are received
Event sent to IFileTransferListener associated with IOutgoingFileTransfer instances when the file transfer is complete
Queue that includes both enqueue (IQueueEnqueue) and dequeue (IQueueDequeue) operations
Queue enqueing semantics
Contract for reliable container.
Instances of this interface are used to invoke a method call on a remote service
Callables represent a remotely callable method.
The callable request type (e.g.
Event received when remote call is complete.
Remote call event.
Listener for remote call events.
A remote call parameter, with a String name and Object value.
Call parameter serializer.
Event received when remote call started.
Remote file representation.
Remote file attributes.
Information about a remote file.
Event that indicates that a directory list is available via IRemoteFileSystemBrowseEvent.getRemoteFiles().
Remote file system browser service interface.
Remote file system browser adapter.
Remote file browser factory.
Listener for handling events associated with remote file browsing activities.
Remote file request.
Filter for remote service references.
Deserializer for processing call response objects.
Interface providing runtime access to a remote service.
Interface providing the ability to add authorization on a remote service method call.
Remote service changed event.
Remote service client container adapter.
Remote service container that provides access to underlying IContainer and remote service container adapter.
Entry point remote service container adapter.
Interface that must be implemented by ECF remote service provider implementations.
Service interface for registering distribution providers.
Super interface for remote service events (registration and unregistration).
Create a remote service instance for a given RemoteServiceClientRegistration.
Remote service ID.
Listener for remote service changes (register and unregister).
Remote service reference.
Remote service registered event.
Remote service registration.
The IRemoteServiceTrackerCustomizer interface allows a RemoteServiceTracker object to customize the service objects that are tracked.
Remote service unregistered event.
Replica shared object factory
Resource id.
Entry point retrieval file transfer adapter.
Retrieve file transfer factory.
Entry point outgoing file transfer container adapter.
Send file transfer factory.
Service discovery event that provides access to IServiceInfo instance
Service identity contract.
ServiceID factory contract.
Service information contract.
Service info factory service contract.
Listener for receiving service events
Service type discovery event that provides access to service type
Service type ID contract.
Listener for service type notifications
Core interface for implementing components that exist within ISharedObjectContainer
Configuration information provided to ISharedObject via its enclosing ISharedObjectContainer
Implementers which represent the one-way associations between SharedObject instances within the scope of a given ISharedObjectContainer
Core interface that must be implemented by all ECF container instances.
Interface for shared object containers that are clients rather than group manager
Configuration information associated with ISharedObjectContainer.
Factory contract for SharedObjectContainerFactory
Contract for shared object container group manager (e.g.
Implementers represent a transaction associated with the creation of a SharedObject within the scope of a given SharedObjectContainer
Context reference provided to all ISharedObjects upon initialization.
Shared object event
Container factory contract SharedObjectFactory for default implementation.
Interface that must be implemented by extensions of the sharedObjectFactory extension point
Manager for creating, disposing, and accessing ISharedObjects from an ISharedObjectContainer.
Shared object manager connection event.
Shared object manager event
Listener for receiving shared object messages
Serialize/deserialize shared object messages.
Transaction configuration information
Filter for determining transaction participants
Simple queue
Event issued after a socket has been closed.
Event issued after a socket successfully connected.
Event which makes a socket available after it has been created but before it is connected.
Socket events are emitted by a ISocketEventSource and are delivered to a ISocketListener.
A connection instance that has both asynchronous and synchronous messaging capabilities
Event handler callback interface for connections that have both asynchronous and synchronous capabilities
Synchronous connection
Helper class for setting the JRE proxy value (http and socks).
A class for asynchronously browsing a File-based filesystem.
Local representation of an IRemoteFile.
File attributes for LocalRemoteFile instances.
A unique ID class based upon Long/long
Multi protocol handler for remote file system browser.
Adapter factory for handling multiple protocols.
Multi protocol handler for outgoing file transfer.
Multi protocol handler for retrieve file transfer.
Callback that handles String types
Namespace base class.
Callback that handles arbitrary Objects
Superclass for shared object classes that replicate themselves optimistically.
Callback that handles passphrases
Callback that handles passwords
Helper class for eliminating direct references to Platform static methods getAdapterManager and getExtensionRegistry.
Polls a progress monitor periodically and handles timeouts over extended durations.
Class to represent an proxy address
Proxy setup utilities.
Implementation of IRemoteCallable.
Factory for creating IRemoteCallable instances.
Factory to support the creation of IRemoteCall objects.
Implementation of IRemoteCall based upon Method.
Implementation of IRemoteCallParameter.
Factory for creating IRemoteCallParameter instances.
ECF Remote Service Admin RemoteConstants.
Provide the definition of the constants used in the Remote Service Admin specification.
Exception class for the case when no remote reference is found during RemoteServiceAdmin.importService(org.osgi.service.remoteserviceadmin.EndpointDescription) .
A Remote Service Admin manages the import and export of services.
Provides the event information for a Remote Service Admin event.
A RemoteServiceAdminEvent listener is notified synchronously of any export or import registrations and unregistrations.
Reference objects for AbstractClientContainer.
Registrations for AbstractClientContainer.
A remote service registry for client remote services.
Basic implementation of IRemoteServiceDistributionProvider.
Builder for RemoteServiceDistributionProvider instances
Helper class for making it easier to call a remote service with method name and optional parameters.
Remote service tracker.
Description of a remote ISharedObject instance.
A container adapter intended for use by remote service host containers.
Outgoing file transfer exception
Base event implementation of IServiceEvent.
Service identity type.
ServiceIDFactory implementation.
Base implementation of IServiceInfo.
Default implementation of IServiceInfoFactory.
Service properties implementation class for IServiceProperties.
Base event implementation of IServiceEvent.
ServiceTypeID base class.
Exception thrown during transactional add of shared object
Exception thrown upon shared object add to container
Exception thrown when creating connector between shared object
Factory for creating ISharedObjectContainer instances.
Exception thrown upon shared object create by ISharedObjectManager
Description of a local ISharedObject instance.
Factory for creating ISharedObject instances.
Exception thrown during calls to ISharedObject.init(ISharedObjectConfig)
Shared object manager event sent/triggered when a shared object is added to container via ISharedObjectManager.addSharedObject(ID, org.eclipse.ecf.core.sharedobject.ISharedObject, java.util.Map) is called
Shared object manager connection event.
Manger create event.
Shared object manager connection event.
Shared object manager event sent/triggered when a shared object is removed from a container via ISharedObjectManager.removeSharedObject(ID) is called
Shared Object Message.
Event type to represent messages sent between shared objects
Event processor to process SharedObjectMsgEvents
Description of shared object type.
A string-based identity
Parameter serializer for String parameters.
The StringUtils class provides static methods that helps make string manipulation easy.
Synchronous connection event.
Wraps an input stream that blocks indefinitely to simulate timeouts on read(), skip(), and close().
Remote Services Topology Manager Capability and Requirement Namespace.
A utility for tracing debug information.
Superclass for shared object classes that replicate themselves transactionally.
Configuration parameters for transaction shared object creation and replication.
Implementation of two-phase commit for transactional replication of shared objects.
URI ID class.
Exception class for user cancellation