Class Namespace

    • Constructor Detail

      • Namespace

        public Namespace()
      • Namespace

        public Namespace​(String name,
                         String desc)
    • Method Detail

      • initialize

        public final boolean initialize​(String n,
                                        String desc)
      • equals

        public boolean equals​(Object other)
        Override of Object.equals. This equals method returns true if the provided Object is also a Namespace instance, and the names of the two instances match.
        equals in class Object
        other - the Object to test for equality
      • hashCode

        public int hashCode()
        Hashcode implementation. Subclasses should not override.
        hashCode in class Object
        int hashCode for this Namespace. Should be unique.
      • testIDEquals

        protected boolean testIDEquals​(BaseID first,
                                       BaseID second)
        Test whether two IDs are equal to one another.
        first - the first ID. Must not be null.
        second - the second ID. Must not be null.
        true if this ID is equal to the given ID. false otherwise.
      • getNameForID

        protected String getNameForID​(BaseID id)
        The default implementation of this method is to call id.namespaceGetName(). Subclasses may override.
        id - the ID to get the name for. Must not be null.
        String that is the unique name for the given id within this Namespace.
      • getCompareToForObject

        protected int getCompareToForObject​(BaseID first,
                                            BaseID second)
        The default implementation of this method is to call first.namespaceCompareTo(second). Subclasses may override.
        first - the first id to compare. Must not be null.
        second - the second id to compare. Must not be null.
        int as specified by Comparable.
      • getHashCodeForID

        protected int getHashCodeForID​(BaseID id)
        The default implementation of this method is to call id.namespaceHashCode(). Subclasses may override.
        id - the id in this Namespace to get the hashcode for. Must not be null.
        the hashcode for the given id. Returned value must be unique within this process.
      • toExternalForm

        protected String toExternalForm​(BaseID id)
        The default implementation of this method is to call id.namespaceToExternalForm(). Subclasses may override.
        id - the id in this Namespace to convert to external form.
        String that represents the given id in an external form. Note that this external form may at some later time be passed to createInstance(Object[]) as a single String parameter, and should result in a valid ID instance of the appropriate Namespace.
      • getName

        public String getName()
        Get the name of this namespace. Must not return null.
        String name of Namespace instance. Must not return null, and the returned value should be a globally unique name for this Namespace subclass.
      • getDescription

        public String getDescription()
        Get the description, associated with this Namespace. The returned value may be null.
        the description associated with this Namespace. May be null.
      • createInstance

        public abstract ID createInstance​(Object[] parameters)
                                   throws IDCreateException
        Make an instance of this namespace. Namespace subclasses, provided by plugins must implement this method to construct ID instances for the given namespace.

        See getSupportedParameterTypes() to get information relevant to deciding what parameter types are expected by this method.

        parameters - an Object[] of parameters for creating ID instances. May be null.
        a non-null ID instance. The class used may extend BaseID or may implement the ID interface directly
        IDCreateException - if construction fails
      • getScheme

        public abstract String getScheme()
        Get the primary scheme associated with this namespace. Subclasses must provide an implementation that returns a non-null scheme identifier. Note that the returned scheme should not contain the Namespace.SCHEME_SEPARATOR (\":\").
        a String scheme identifier. Must not be null.
      • getSupportedSchemes

        public String[] getSupportedSchemes()
        Get an array of schemes supported by this Namespace instance. Subclasses may override to support multiple schemes.
        String[] of schemes supported by this Namespace. Will not be null, but returned array may be of length 0.
      • getSupportedParameterTypes

        public Class<?>[][] getSupportedParameterTypes()
        Get the supported parameter types for IDs created via subsequent calls to createInstance(Object[]). Callers may use this method to determine the available parameter types, and then create and pass in conforming Object arrays to to createInstance(Object[]).

        An empty two-dimensional array (new Class[0][0]) is the default returned by this abstract superclass. This means that the Object [] passed to createInstance(Object[]) will be ignored.

        Subsclasses should override this method to specify the parameters that they will accept in calls to createInstance(Object[]). The rows of the returned Class array are the acceptable types for a given invocation of createInstance.

        Consider the following example:

         public Class[][] getSupportedParameterTypes() {
                return new Class[][] { { String.class }, { String.class, String.class } };
        The above means that there are two acceptable values for the Object [] passed into createInstance(Object[]): 1) a single String, and 2) two Strings. These would therefore be acceptable as input to createInstance:
                ID newID1 = namespace.createInstance(new Object[] { "Hello" });
                ID newID2 = namespace.createInstance(new Object[] { "Hello", "There"}};
        Class [][] an array of class []s. Rows of the returned two-dimensional array define the acceptable parameter types for a single call to createInstance(Object[]). If zero-length Class arrays are returned (i.e. Class[0][0]), then Object [] parameters to createInstance(Object[]) will be ignored.
      • getAdapter

        public Object getAdapter​(Class adapter)
        Specified by:
        getAdapter in interface org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable
      • getInitStringFromExternalForm

        protected String getInitStringFromExternalForm​(Object[] args)