Interface IRemoteServiceContainerInstantiator

All Known Implementing Classes:
BaseRemoteServiceContainerInstantiator, GenericContainerInstantiator, PeerRemoteServiceContainerInstantiator, RemoteServiceContainerInstantiator, RestClientContainerInstantiator, ServletServerContainerInstantiator, SSLGenericContainerInstantiator

public interface IRemoteServiceContainerInstantiator
Interface that must be implemented by ECF remote service provider implementations.
  • Method Details

    • getSupportedConfigs

      String[] getSupportedConfigs(ContainerTypeDescription description)
      Get supported configs for the given ContainerTypeDescription. This method will be called to determine what the OSGi remote service supported config types are for the given description during the search for the service exporter provider/containers upon remote service registration.
      description - the ContainerTypeDescription to return the supported configs for. Will not be null.
      String[] the supported config types. null may be returned if the given description does not support any config types.
    • getSupportedIntents

      String[] getSupportedIntents(ContainerTypeDescription description)
      Get supported intents for the given ContainerTypeDescription. This method will be called to determine what the OSGi remote service supported intents are for the given description during the search for the service exporter provider/containers upon remote service registration.
      description - the ContainerTypeDescription to return the supported intents for. Will not be null.
      String[] the supported intents. null may be returned if the given description does not support any intents.
    • getImportedConfigs

      String[] getImportedConfigs(ContainerTypeDescription description, String[] exporterSupportedConfigs)

      Get the imported config types for a given ContainerTypeDescription for the given exporter supported config types. This method will be called to determine what the local container imported configs are for the given description and exporterSupportedConfigTypes. The local provider can decide which (if any) imported config types should be returned and return them.

      As an example, consider the config types for the ECF generic provider. A generic server has a config type of 'ecf.generic.server', and the client has 'ecf.generic.server'. If the generic server exports a given service, the exportersSupportedConfigTypes will be '[ecf.generic.server]'. When this method is called with the ecf.generic.client description (i.e. the container type description named 'ecf.generic.client'), it should respond with a non-null, non-empty array...e.g.: [ecf.generic.client]. This indicates that the ecf.generic.client can serve as an importer for the given exporter config type. All, other descriptions should return null, to indicate that they cannot import a remote service exported by the given exporterSupportedConfigTypes.

      description - the container type description under consideration.
      exporterSupportedConfigs - the exporter supported config types under consideration.
      String[] indicating the importer's supported config types. Should be null, unless one or more of the exporterSupportedConfigTypes is recognized for the given description.
    • getPropertiesForImportedConfigs

      Dictionary getPropertiesForImportedConfigs(ContainerTypeDescription description, String[] importedConfigs, Dictionary exportedProperties)
      Get the properties associated with the given description, with the given importedConfigTypes, via the given exportedProperties.
      description - the container type description under consideration.
      importedConfigs - the imported config types for the given properties. Will not be null, and should be the same values as returned from getImportedConfigs(ContainerTypeDescription, String[]).
      exportedProperties - the properties from the exported service. Will not be null.
      Dictionary that has all of the properties for the importedConfigTypes. May be null if no properties are associated with the given description, importedConfigTypes, exportedProperties.