Uses of Class

Packages that use AdapterImpl
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.provider Provides item providers for the change model. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl Provides an implementation of Ecore. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.provider Provides item providers for Ecore. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl Provides an implementation of the resource API. 
org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util Provides utilities. 
org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain This provides support for an EditingDomain, which acts a centralized control mechanism for managing a set of interrelated models and the Commands which modify them.
org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider This provides reusable ItemProviderAdapter support to drive JFace StructuredViewers, Eclipse IPropertySources, and EditingDomain

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.provider

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.provider
 class GenAnnotationItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a GenAnnotation object
 class GenBaseItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a GenBase object
 class GenClassItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a GenClass object
 class GenDataTypeItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a GenDataType object
 class GenEnumItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a GenEnum object
 class GenEnumLiteralItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a GenEnumLiteral object
 class GenFeatureItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a GenFeature object
 class GenModelItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a GenModel object
 class GenOperationItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a GenOperation object
 class GenPackageItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a GenPackage object

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.databinding.internal

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.databinding.internal
 class EMFPropertyListener
          PROVISIONAL: This API is subject to arbitrary change, including renaming or removal.
static class EMFPropertyListener.EMFListPropertyListener
static class EMFPropertyListener.EMFMapPropertyListener
static class EMFPropertyListener.EMFSetPropertyListener
static class EMFPropertyListener.EMFValuePropertyListener

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.provider

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.provider
 class ChangeDescriptionItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a ChangeDescription object
 class EObjectToChangesMapEntryItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Map.Entry object
 class FeatureChangeItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a FeatureChange object
 class FeatureMapEntryItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a FeatureMapEntry object
 class ListChangeItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a ListChange object
 class ResourceChangeItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a ResourceChange object

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.impl
 class ESuperAdapter
          An adapter implementation for maintaining EClasses

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.provider

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.provider
 class EAnnotationItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EAnnotation object
 class EAttributeItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EAttribute object
 class EClassifierItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EClassifier object
 class EClassItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EClass object
 class EDataTypeItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EDataType object
 class EEnumItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EEnum object
 class EEnumLiteralItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EEnumLiteral object
 class EFactoryItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EFactory object
 class EGenericTypeItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EGenericType object
 class EModelElementItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EModelElement object
 class ENamedElementItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a ENamedElement object
 class EObjectItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EObject object
 class EOperationItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EOperation object
 class EPackageItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EPackage object
 class EParameterItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EParameter object
 class EReferenceItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EReference object
 class EStringToStringMapEntryItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Map.Entry object
 class EStructuralFeatureItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a EStructuralFeature object
 class ETypedElementItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a ETypedElement object
 class ETypeParameterItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a ETypeParameter object

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.impl
protected  class ResourceImpl.ModificationTrackingAdapter
          An adapter implementation for tracking resource modification.
 class ResourceSetImpl.MappedResourceLocator.ResourceAdapter
          A content adapter that listens to the resource set for resources being added and removed, as well as to the resources in the resource set for changes to the resource's URI.

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.util
 class EContentAdapter
          An adapter that maintains itself as an adapter for all contained objects as they come and go.

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.mappings

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.mappings
 class AbstractMapping
 class ToXcoreMapping
 class XClassMapping
 class XDataTypeMapping
 class XEnumLiteralMapping
 class XFeatureMapping
 class XOperationMapping
 class XPackageMapping
 class XParameterMapping
 class XTypeParameterMapping

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.provider

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.provider
 class XAnnotationDirectiveItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XAnnotationDirective object
 class XAnnotationItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XAnnotation object
 class XAttributeItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XAttribute object
 class XClassifierItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XClassifier object
 class XClassItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XClass object
 class XDataTypeItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XDataType object
 class XEnumItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XEnum object
 class XEnumLiteralItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XEnumLiteral object
 class XGenericTypeItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XGenericType object
 class XImportDirectiveItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XImportDirective object
 class XMemberItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XMember object
 class XModelElementItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XModelElement object
 class XNamedElementItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XNamedElement object
 class XOperationItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XOperation object
 class XPackageItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XPackage object
 class XParameterItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XParameter object
 class XReferenceItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XReference object
 class XStringToStringMapEntryItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Map.Entry object
 class XStructuralFeatureItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XStructuralFeature object
 class XTypedElementItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XTypedElement object
 class XTypeParameterItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XTypeParameter object

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.resource

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.resource
protected  class XcoreResource.FragmentCache

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.util

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.ecore.xcore.util
protected static class XcoreJvmInferrer.InferenceAdapter

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.edit.domain
static class AdapterFactoryEditingDomain.EditingDomainProvider
          This class is an adapter than implements IEditingDomainProvider.

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider
 class ItemProviderAdapter
          This adapter implementation provides a convenient reusable base for adapters that will be used as item providers.
 class ReflectiveItemProvider
          This adapter implementation provides reflective support that emulates the behaviour of a default generated item provider.

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.resource

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.edit.provider.resource
 class ResourceItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Resource object.
 class ResourceSetItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a ResourceSet object.

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.edit.tree.provider

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.edit.tree.provider
 class TreeNodeItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a TreeNode object.

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.provider

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.provider
 class Ecore2EcoreMappingRootItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Ecore2EcoreMappingRoot object

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml.provider

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2xml.provider
 class ENamedElementToXMLInfoMapEntryItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Map.Entry object
 class XMLInfoItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XMLInfo object
 class XMLMapItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a XMLMap object

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.impl

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.impl
protected  class MappingRootImpl.MappedObjectStateAdapter
          This is a simple implementation of the basic information that needs to be maintained for any mapped object.

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.impl declared as AdapterImpl
protected  AdapterImpl MappingRootImpl.mappedObjectListener
          This allows this listen for changes to inputs or outputs.

Uses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.provider

Subclasses of AdapterImpl in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.provider
 class ComplexTypeConverterItemProvider
          This is the item provider adpater for a ComplexTypeConverter object.
 class FunctionNamePairItemProvider
          This is the item provider adpater for a FunctionNamePair object.
 class FunctionPairItemProvider
          This is the item provider adpater for a FunctionPair object.
 class MappingHelperItemProvider
          This is the item provider adpater for a MappingHelper object.
 class MappingItemProvider
          This is the item provider adpater for a Mapping object.
 class MappingItemProviderAdapter
          This is the base class for all our providers, in case we need to add common function across all our providers.
 class MappingRootItemProvider
          This is the item provider adpater for a MappingRoot object.
 class MappingStrategyItemProvider
          This is the item provider adpater for a MappingStrategy object.
 class TypeConverterItemProvider
          This is the item provider adpater for a TypeConverter object.

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