Package org.eclipse.emf.mapping.provider

Class Summary
ComplexTypeConverterItemProvider This is the item provider adpater for a ComplexTypeConverter object.
FunctionNamePairItemProvider This is the item provider adpater for a FunctionNamePair object.
FunctionPairItemProvider This is the item provider adpater for a FunctionPair object.
MappedObjectItemProvider This is the item provider adpater for a Mapping object.
MappingHelperItemProvider This is the item provider adpater for a MappingHelper object.
MappingItemProvider This is the item provider adpater for a Mapping object.
MappingItemProviderAdapter This is the base class for all our providers, in case we need to add common function across all our providers.
MappingItemProviderAdapterFactory This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support JFace viewers.
MappingRootItemProvider This is the item provider adpater for a MappingRoot object.
MappingStrategyItemProvider This is the item provider adpater for a MappingStrategy object.
TypeConverterItemProvider This is the item provider adpater for a TypeConverter object.

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