Package org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.provider

Provides item providers for the change model.


Class Summary
ChangeDescriptionItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a ChangeDescription object
ChangeEditPlugin This is the central singleton for the Change edit plugin
ChangeEditPlugin.Implementation The actual implementation of the Eclipse Plugin
ChangeItemProviderAdapterFactory This is the factory that is used to provide the interfaces needed to support Viewers.
EObjectToChangesMapEntryItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a Map.Entry object
FeatureChangeItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a FeatureChange object
FeatureMapEntryItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a FeatureMapEntry object
ListChangeItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a ListChange object
ResourceChangeItemProvider This is the item provider adapter for a ResourceChange object

Package org.eclipse.emf.ecore.change.provider Description

Provides item providers for the change model.

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