Uses of Interface

Packages that use BaseCSVisitor

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.basecs

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.basecs with parameters of type BaseCSVisitor
<R> R
ElementCS.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.basecs.impl

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.basecs.impl with parameters of type BaseCSVisitor
<R> R
AnnotationCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
AttributeCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
ClassCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
ConstraintCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
DataTypeCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
DetailCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
DocumentationCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
ElementCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
EnumerationCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
EnumerationLiteralCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
ImportCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
LambdaTypeCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
LibraryCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
ModelElementRefCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
MultiplicityBoundsCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
MultiplicityStringCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
OperationCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
PackageCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
ParameterCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
PathElementCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
PathElementWithURICSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
PathNameCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
PrimitiveTypeRefCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
ReferenceCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
RootPackageCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
SpecificationCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
TemplateBindingCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
TemplateParameterSubstitutionCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
TemplateSignatureCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
TuplePartCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
TupleTypeCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
TypeParameterCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
TypedTypeRefCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
WildcardTypeRefCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.basecs.util

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.basecs.util with type parameters of type BaseCSVisitor
 class AbstractDelegatingBaseCSVisitor<R,C,D extends BaseCSVisitor<R>>
          An AbstractDelegatingBaseCSVisitor delegates all visits.

Subinterfaces of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.basecs.util
 interface DecorableBaseCSVisitor<R>

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.basecs.util that implement BaseCSVisitor
 class AbstractBaseCSVisitor<R,C>
 class AbstractDelegatingBaseCSVisitor<R,C,D extends BaseCSVisitor<R>>
          An AbstractDelegatingBaseCSVisitor delegates all visits.
 class AbstractExtendingBaseCSVisitor<R,C>
          An AbstractExtendingBaseCSVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class' first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractNullBaseCSVisitor<R,C>
          An AbstractNullBaseCSVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that returns null.

Fields in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.basecs.util declared as BaseCSVisitor
protected  D AbstractDelegatingBaseCSVisitor.delegate

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.basecs.util with parameters of type BaseCSVisitor
<R> R
VisitableCS.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Returns the result of accepting a visit from a visitor.
 void DecorableBaseCSVisitor.setUndecoratedVisitor(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.cs2as

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.cs2as that implement BaseCSVisitor
 class AutoBaseCSContainmentVisitor
 class BaseCSContainmentVisitor
 class BaseCSLeft2RightVisitor
 class BaseCSPostOrderVisitor
 class BaseCSPreOrderVisitor
 class NewBaseCSContainmentVisitor

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.base.cs2as that return BaseCSVisitor
protected  BaseCSVisitor<Continuation<?>> BaseCS2Pivot.createContainmentVisitor(CS2PivotConversion converter)
protected abstract  BaseCSVisitor<Continuation<?>> CS2Pivot.createContainmentVisitor(CS2PivotConversion cs2PivotConversion)
protected  BaseCSVisitor<Element> BaseCS2Pivot.createLeft2RightVisitor(CS2PivotConversion converter)
protected abstract  BaseCSVisitor<Element> CS2Pivot.createLeft2RightVisitor(CS2PivotConversion cs2PivotConversion)
protected  BaseCSVisitor<Continuation<?>> BaseCS2Pivot.createPostOrderVisitor(CS2PivotConversion converter)
protected abstract  BaseCSVisitor<Continuation<?>> CS2Pivot.createPostOrderVisitor(CS2PivotConversion converter)
protected  BaseCSVisitor<Continuation<?>> BaseCS2Pivot.createPreOrderVisitor(CS2PivotConversion converter)
protected abstract  BaseCSVisitor<Continuation<?>> CS2Pivot.createPreOrderVisitor(CS2PivotConversion converter)

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.completeocl.completeoclcs.impl

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.completeocl.completeoclcs.impl with parameters of type BaseCSVisitor
<R> R
ClassifierContextDeclCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
CompleteOCLDocumentCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
DefOperationCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
DefPropertyCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
IncludeCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
OCLMessageArgCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
OperationContextDeclCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
PackageDeclarationCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
PropertyContextDeclCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.completeocl.completeoclcs.util

Subinterfaces of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.completeocl.completeoclcs.util
 interface CompleteOCLCSVisitor<R>
 interface DecorableCompleteOCLCSVisitor<R>

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.completeocl.completeoclcs.util that implement BaseCSVisitor
 class AbstractCompleteOCLCSContainmentVisitor
          An AbstractCompleteOCLCSContainmentVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractCompleteOCLCSLeft2RightVisitor
          An AbstractCompleteOCLCSLeft2RightVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractCompleteOCLCSPostOrderVisitor
          An AbstractCompleteOCLCSPostOrderVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractCompleteOCLCSPreOrderVisitor
          An AbstractCompleteOCLCSPreOrderVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractCompleteOCLCSVisitor<R,C>
 class AbstractDelegatingCompleteOCLCSVisitor<R,C,D extends CompleteOCLCSVisitor<R>>
          An AbstractDelegatingCompleteOCLCSVisitor delegates all visits.
 class AbstractExtendingCompleteOCLCSVisitor<R,C>
          An AbstractExtendingCompleteOCLCSVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class' first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractNullCompleteOCLCSVisitor<R,C>
          An AbstractNullCompleteOCLCSVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that returns null.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.completeocl.completeoclcs.util with parameters of type BaseCSVisitor
 void DecorableCompleteOCLCSVisitor.setUndecoratedVisitor(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.completeocl.cs2as

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.completeocl.cs2as that implement BaseCSVisitor
 class AutoCompleteOCLCSContainmentVisitor
 class CompleteOCLCSContainmentVisitor
 class CompleteOCLCSLeft2RightVisitor
 class CompleteOCLCSPostOrderVisitor
 class CompleteOCLCSPreOrderVisitor
 class NewCompleteOCLCSContainmentVisitor

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.essentialocl.cs2as

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.essentialocl.cs2as that implement BaseCSVisitor
 class AutoEssentialOCLCSContainmentVisitor
 class EssentialOCLCSContainmentVisitor
 class EssentialOCLCSLeft2RightVisitor
 class EssentialOCLCSPostOrderVisitor
 class EssentialOCLCSPreOrderVisitor
 class NewEssentialOCLCSContainmentVisitor

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.essentialocl.essentialoclcs.impl

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.essentialocl.essentialoclcs.impl with parameters of type BaseCSVisitor
<R> R
BinaryOperatorCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
BooleanLiteralExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
CollectionLiteralExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
CollectionLiteralPartCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
CollectionTypeCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
ConstructorExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
ConstructorPartCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
ContextCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
ExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
ExpSpecificationCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
IfExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
IndexExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
InfixExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
InvalidLiteralExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
InvocationExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
LetExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
LetVariableCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
LiteralExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
NameExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
NavigatingArgCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
NavigationOperatorCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
NestedExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
NullLiteralExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
NumberLiteralExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
PrefixExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
PrimitiveLiteralExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
SelfExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
StringLiteralExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
TupleLiteralExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
TupleLiteralPartCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
TypeLiteralExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
TypeNameExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
UnaryOperatorCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
UnlimitedNaturalLiteralExpCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
VariableCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.essentialocl.essentialoclcs.util

Subinterfaces of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.essentialocl.essentialoclcs.util
 interface DecorableEssentialOCLCSVisitor<R>
 interface EssentialOCLCSVisitor<R>

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.essentialocl.essentialoclcs.util that implement BaseCSVisitor
 class AbstractDelegatingEssentialOCLCSVisitor<R,C,D extends EssentialOCLCSVisitor<R>>
          An AbstractDelegatingEssentialOCLCSVisitor delegates all visits.
 class AbstractEssentialOCLCSContainmentVisitor
          An AbstractEssentialOCLCSContainmentVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractEssentialOCLCSLeft2RightVisitor
          An AbstractEssentialOCLCSLeft2RightVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractEssentialOCLCSPostOrderVisitor
          An AbstractEssentialOCLCSPostOrderVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractEssentialOCLCSPreOrderVisitor
          An AbstractEssentialOCLCSPreOrderVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractEssentialOCLCSVisitor<R,C>
 class AbstractExtendingEssentialOCLCSVisitor<R,C>
          An AbstractExtendingEssentialOCLCSVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class' first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractNullEssentialOCLCSVisitor<R,C>
          An AbstractNullEssentialOCLCSVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that returns null.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.essentialocl.essentialoclcs.util with parameters of type BaseCSVisitor
 void DecorableEssentialOCLCSVisitor.setUndecoratedVisitor(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclinecore.cs2as

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclinecore.cs2as that implement BaseCSVisitor
 class AutoOCLinEcoreCSContainmentVisitor
 class NewOCLinEcoreCSContainmentVisitor
 class OCLinEcoreCSContainmentVisitor
 class OCLinEcoreCSLeft2RightVisitor
 class OCLinEcoreCSPostOrderVisitor
 class OCLinEcoreCSPreOrderVisitor

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclinecore.oclinecorecs.impl

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclinecore.oclinecorecs.impl with parameters of type BaseCSVisitor
<R> R
OCLinEcoreConstraintCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
SysMLCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
TopLevelCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclinecore.oclinecorecs.util

Subinterfaces of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclinecore.oclinecorecs.util
 interface DecorableOCLinEcoreCSVisitor<R>
 interface OCLinEcoreCSVisitor<R>

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclinecore.oclinecorecs.util that implement BaseCSVisitor
 class AbstractDelegatingOCLinEcoreCSVisitor<R,C,D extends OCLinEcoreCSVisitor<R>>
          An AbstractDelegatingOCLinEcoreCSVisitor delegates all visits.
 class AbstractExtendingOCLinEcoreCSVisitor<R,C>
          An AbstractExtendingOCLinEcoreCSVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class' first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractNullOCLinEcoreCSVisitor<R,C>
          An AbstractNullOCLinEcoreCSVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that returns null.
 class AbstractOCLinEcoreCSContainmentVisitor
          An AbstractOCLinEcoreCSContainmentVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractOCLinEcoreCSLeft2RightVisitor
          An AbstractOCLinEcoreCSLeft2RightVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractOCLinEcoreCSPostOrderVisitor
          An AbstractOCLinEcoreCSPostOrderVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractOCLinEcoreCSPreOrderVisitor
          An AbstractOCLinEcoreCSPreOrderVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractOCLinEcoreCSVisitor<R,C>

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclinecore.oclinecorecs.util with parameters of type BaseCSVisitor
 void DecorableOCLinEcoreCSVisitor.setUndecoratedVisitor(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclstdlib.cs2as

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclstdlib.cs2as that implement BaseCSVisitor
 class AutoOCLstdlibCSContainmentVisitor
 class NewOCLstdlibCSContainmentVisitor
 class OCLstdlibCSContainmentVisitor
 class OCLstdlibCSLeft2RightVisitor
 class OCLstdlibCSPostOrderVisitor
 class OCLstdlibCSPreOrderVisitor

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclstdlib.oclstdlibcs.impl

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclstdlib.oclstdlibcs.impl with parameters of type BaseCSVisitor
<R> R
LibClassCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
LibConstraintCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
LibIterationCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
LibOperationCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
LibPackageCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
LibPropertyCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
LibRootPackageCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
MetaTypeNameImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.
<R> R
PrecedenceCSImpl.accept(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)
          Accept a visit from a visitor and return the result of a call to the derived type-specific visitXXX in the visitor.

Uses of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclstdlib.oclstdlibcs.util

Subinterfaces of BaseCSVisitor in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclstdlib.oclstdlibcs.util
 interface DecorableOCLstdlibCSVisitor<R>
 interface OCLstdlibCSVisitor<R>

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclstdlib.oclstdlibcs.util that implement BaseCSVisitor
 class AbstractDelegatingOCLstdlibCSVisitor<R,C,D extends OCLstdlibCSVisitor<R>>
          An AbstractDelegatingOCLstdlibCSVisitor delegates all visits.
 class AbstractExtendingOCLstdlibCSVisitor<R,C>
          An AbstractExtendingOCLstdlibCSVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class' first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractNullOCLstdlibCSVisitor<R,C>
          An AbstractNullOCLstdlibCSVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that returns null.
 class AbstractOCLstdlibCSContainmentVisitor
          An AbstractOCLstdlibCSContainmentVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractOCLstdlibCSLeft2RightVisitor
          An AbstractOCLstdlibCSLeft2RightVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractOCLstdlibCSPostOrderVisitor
          An AbstractOCLstdlibCSPostOrderVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractOCLstdlibCSPreOrderVisitor
          An AbstractOCLstdlibCSPreOrderVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
 class AbstractOCLstdlibCSVisitor<R,C>
 class AutoOCLstdlibContainmentVisitor

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.oclstdlib.oclstdlibcs.util with parameters of type BaseCSVisitor
 void DecorableOCLstdlibCSVisitor.setUndecoratedVisitor(BaseCSVisitor<R> visitor)