Package org.eclipse.ocl.examples.xtext.completeocl.completeoclcs.util

Interface Summary

Class Summary
AbstractCompleteOCLCSContainmentVisitor An AbstractCompleteOCLCSContainmentVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
AbstractCompleteOCLCSLeft2RightVisitor An AbstractCompleteOCLCSLeft2RightVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
AbstractCompleteOCLCSPostOrderVisitor An AbstractCompleteOCLCSPostOrderVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
AbstractCompleteOCLCSPreOrderVisitor An AbstractCompleteOCLCSPreOrderVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
AbstractDelegatingCompleteOCLCSVisitor<R,C,D extends CompleteOCLCSVisitor<R>> An AbstractDelegatingCompleteOCLCSVisitor delegates all visits.
AbstractExtendingCompleteOCLCSVisitor<R,C> An AbstractExtendingCompleteOCLCSVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that delegates to the visitYyy method of the first super class, (or transitively its first super class' first super class until a non-interface super-class is found).
AbstractNullCompleteOCLCSVisitor<R,C> An AbstractNullCompleteOCLCSVisitor provides a default implementation for each visitXxx method that returns null.
CompleteOCLCSAdapterFactory The Adapter Factory for the model.
CompleteOCLCSSwitch<T> The Switch for the model's inheritance hierarchy.