Interface GeneratorAdapterFactory.Descriptor

Enclosing interface:

public static interface GeneratorAdapterFactory.Descriptor

In essence, a factory for generator adapter factories. Descriptors are stored in a Registry and create a particular type of GeneratorAdapterFactory, providing an additional level of indirection that allows multiple Generators to share a single registry and supports extension-point-based registration with deferred class loading.

Nested Class Summary
static class GeneratorAdapterFactory.Descriptor.DelegatingRegistry
          A simple Registry implementation, in which getDescriptors(String) can delegate to another Registry if no descriptors are locally registered against the given package ID.
static interface GeneratorAdapterFactory.Descriptor.Registry
          A registry of Descriptors.
Method Summary
 GeneratorAdapterFactory createAdapterFactory()
          Creates and returns an instance of a particular type of GeneratorAdapterFactory.

Method Detail


GeneratorAdapterFactory createAdapterFactory()
Creates and returns an instance of a particular type of GeneratorAdapterFactory. A new instance should be returned on each invocation.

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