Interface GeneratorAdapterFactory

All Superinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractGeneratorAdapterFactory, GenModelGeneratorAdapterFactory, XcoreGenModelGeneratorAdapterFactory

public interface GeneratorAdapterFactory
extends AdapterFactory

A factory for adapters that perform code generation for a Generator.

A single GeneratorAdapterFactory is associated with an EMF or Java package, and can return an adapter that implements GeneratorAdapter for instances of any or all of the classes within that package. Multiple factories can be associated can be associated with a single package, with all of their adapters contributing functionality to code generation for an object.

A type of GeneratorAdapterFactory is registered, via a descriptor, against a package ID in a registry, in order to create adapters for that package. Typically, this is done via the org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.generatorAdapters extension point, using an adapterFactory element.

A GeneratorAdapterFactory is a factory for type GeneratorAdapter.class; that is, its isFactoryForType(Object) method should return true for this type. However, because EMF's adapter framework supports only one adapter of a given type on any object and because each of many generator adapter factories needs to be able to have a generator on a single object, GeneratorAdapter.class cannot be used as the type of the adapters. Instead, each generator adapter factory should use itself as the type of its adapters.

This interface is typically implemented by extending either AbstractGeneratorAdapterFactory or the generated adapter factory for a package. The latter approach provides efficient, package-specific type switching for createAdapter(Notifier), while the former provides simple implementations for several other required methods.

There is also a generic implementation provided by the framework that can create a single adapter for just one type of object. This implementation is used under the covers for adapters registered via the above extension point with an adapter element.


Nested Class Summary
static interface GeneratorAdapterFactory.Descriptor
          In essence, a factory for generator adapter factories.
Method Summary
 void dispose()
          Disposes this adapter factory and all of the adapters it has created.
 Generator getGenerator()
          Returns the Generator associated with this adapter factory.
 void initialize(java.lang.Object input)
          Performs initialization for the given model-level input object.
 void setGenerator(Generator generator)
          Sets the Generator associated with this adapter factory.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.AdapterFactory
adapt, adapt, adaptAllNew, adaptNew, isFactoryForType

Method Detail


Generator getGenerator()
Returns the Generator associated with this adapter factory.

See Also:


void setGenerator(Generator generator)
Sets the Generator associated with this adapter factory.

See Also:


void initialize(java.lang.Object input)
Performs initialization for the given model-level input object. Typically, this involves setting options on the associated Generator.


void dispose()
Disposes this adapter factory and all of the adapters it has created.

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