Uses of Interface

Packages that use ESSessionId

Uses of ESSessionId in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.client

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.client that return ESSessionId
 ESSessionId ESUsersession.getSessionId()
          Returns the session id of this session.

Uses of ESSessionId in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.model.impl.api

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.client.model.impl.api that return ESSessionId
 ESSessionId ESUsersessionImpl.getESSessionId()
          Returns the session ID.
 ESSessionId ESUsersessionImpl.getSessionId()
          Returns the session id of this session.

Uses of ESSessionId in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.server.accesscontrol

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.server.accesscontrol with parameters of type ESSessionId
 boolean DefaultESAuthorizationService.checkProjectAdminAccess(ESSessionId sessionId, ESGlobalProjectId globalProjectId)
          Check if the session is valid for admin access to the given project.
 boolean DefaultESAuthorizationService.checkProjectAdminAccess(ESSessionId sessionId, ESGlobalProjectId globalProjectId, ESProjectAdminPrivileges privileg)
          Check if the session is valid for admin access to the given project.
 boolean DefaultESAuthorizationService.checkProjectAdminAccessForOrgUnit(ESSessionId sessionId, ESOrgUnitId orgUnitId)
          Check if the session is valid for admin access to the given organizational unit.
 boolean DefaultESAuthorizationService.checkProjectAdminAccessForOrgUnit(ESSessionId sessionId, ESOrgUnitId orgUnitId, Set<ESGlobalProjectId> projectIds)
          Check if the session is valid for admin access to the given organizational unit.
 void DefaultESAuthorizationService.checkReadAccess(ESSessionId sessionId, ESGlobalProjectId globalProjectId, Set<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject> modelElements)
          Check if the session may read the given model elements in the project.
 void DefaultESAuthorizationService.checkServerAdminAccess(ESSessionId sessionId)
          Check if the session is valid for server admin access.
 void DefaultESAuthorizationService.checkWriteAccess(ESSessionId sessionId, ESGlobalProjectId globalProjectId, Set<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject> modelElements)
          Check if the session may write the given model elements in the project.
 void LoginService.logout(ESSessionId sessionId)
          Logout the given session.

Uses of ESSessionId in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.server.model.impl.api

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.server.model.impl.api that implement ESSessionId
 class ESSessionIdImpl
          Mapping between ESSessionId and SessionId.

Uses of ESSessionId in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.server.auth

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.server.auth that return ESSessionId
 ESSessionId ESMethodInvocation.getSessionId()
          Get the session id of the invocation.
 ESSessionId ESSessions.resolveSessionById(String sessionId)
          Resolves a given Session ID string to a valid SessionId object.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.server.auth with parameters of type ESSessionId
 boolean ESAuthorizationService.checkProjectAdminAccess(ESSessionId sessionId, ESGlobalProjectId projectId)
          Check if the session is valid for admin access to the given project.
 boolean ESAuthorizationService.checkProjectAdminAccess(ESSessionId sessionId, ESGlobalProjectId projectId, ESProjectAdminPrivileges privileg)
          Check if the session is valid for admin access to the given project.
 boolean ESAuthorizationService.checkProjectAdminAccessForOrgUnit(ESSessionId sessionId, ESOrgUnitId orgUnitId)
          Check if the session is valid for admin access to the given organizational unit.
 boolean ESAuthorizationService.checkProjectAdminAccessForOrgUnit(ESSessionId sessionId, ESOrgUnitId orgUnitId, Set<ESGlobalProjectId> projectIds)
          Check if the session is valid for admin access to the given organizational unit.
 void ESAuthorizationService.checkReadAccess(ESSessionId sessionId, ESGlobalProjectId projectId, Set<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject> modelElements)
          Check if the session may read the given model elements in the project.
 void ESAuthorizationService.checkServerAdminAccess(ESSessionId sessionId)
          Check if the session is valid for server admin access.
 void ESAuthorizationService.checkWriteAccess(ESSessionId sessionId, ESGlobalProjectId projectId, Set<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject> modelElements)
          Check if the session may write the given model elements in the project.
 ESUser ESSessions.getRawUser(ESSessionId sessionId)
          Returns the user associated with the given session ID.
 void ESSessions.isValid(ESSessionId sessionId)
          Checks whether the given session ID belongs to a known session.
 void ESSessions.remove(ESSessionId sessionId)
          Removes the session with the given ID from the sessions map.
 ESOrgUnitId ESSessions.resolveToOrgUnitId(ESSessionId sessionId)
          Returns the user associated with the given session ID and checks if the user has an active session.
 ESUser ESSessions.resolveUser(ESSessionId sessionId)
          Returns the user associated with the given session ID and checks if the user has an active session.

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