Package org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.server.model

Interface Summary
ESAuthenticationInformation Contains authentication information for an authenticated EMFStore user.
ESBranchInfo Represents information about a specific branch.
ESChangePackage Represents a change package.
ESClientVersionInfo Represents the client version of the EMFStore client.
ESGlobalProjectId Represents the global ID of a project.
ESGroup A group consisting of multiple users.
ESHistoryInfo When querying the history API successfully, the result is a set of ESHistoryInfo.
ESLocalProjectId Represents the local ID of a project.
ESLogMessage A log message that is used to describe any changes done by a user.
ESOperation Represents a change operation on the contents of a project.
ESOrgUnit Marker interface for organizational units, i.e.
ESOrgUnitId Represents the ID of an ESOrgUnit.
ESOrgUnitProvider Provides access to known users and groups of EMFStore.
ESOrgUnitRepository Repository for organizational units.
ESProjectHistory Contains the history of a project.
ESProjectId Represents the ID of a project.
ESRole Marker interface for all roles within EMFStore.
ESSessionId Represents the ID of a session as used in an user session.
ESUser A single EMFStore user.

Class Summary
InMemoryOperationIterable In-memory representation of an ESCloseableIterable for operations.

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