Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractOCLDelegateFactory

Uses of AbstractOCLDelegateFactory in org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.delegate

Subclasses of AbstractOCLDelegateFactory in org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.delegate
 class OCLInvocationDelegateFactory
          Factory for OCL operation-invocation delegates.
static class OCLInvocationDelegateFactory.Global
          The Global variant of the Factory delegates to a local ResourceSet factory if one can be located at the EOperation.Internal.InvocationDelegate.Factory.Registry by the DelegateResourceSetAdapter.
 class OCLQueryDelegateFactory
          Factory for OCL query delegates.
static class OCLQueryDelegateFactory.Global
          The Global variant of the Factory delegates to a local ResourceSet factory if one can be located at the QueryDelegate.Factory.Registry by the DelegateResourceSetAdapter.
 class OCLSettingDelegateFactory
          Factory for OCL derived-attribute setting delegates.
static class OCLSettingDelegateFactory.Global
          The Global variant of the Factory delegates to a local ResourceSet factory if one can be located at the EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate.Factory.Registry by the DelegateResourceSetAdapter.
 class OCLValidationDelegateFactory
          Factory for OCL derived-classifier validation delegates.
static class OCLValidationDelegateFactory.Global
          The Global variant of the Factory delegates to a local ResourceSet factory if one can be located at the EOperation.Internal.InvocationDelegate.Factory.Registry by the DelegateResourceSetAdapter.