Package org.eclipse.ocl.ecore.delegate

Interface Summary
DelegateDomain A pluggable, dynamic implementation of a delegate domain supervising delegated behavior.
DelegateDomain.Factory A factory for creating delegate domains.
DelegateDomain.Factory.Descriptor A Factory wrapper that is used by the DelegateDomain.Factory.Registry.
DelegateDomain.Factory.Registry A registry of delegate domain factories.
ValidationDelegate A revised interface for delegating validation expression evaluation adopting the same Factory, Registry, Descriptor architecture as the invocation and setting delegates.
ValidationDelegate.Factory A factory for creating delegate domains.
ValidationDelegate.Factory.Descriptor A Factory wrapper that is used by the ValidationDelegate.Factory.Registry.
ValidationDelegate.Factory.Registry A registry of delegate domain factories.

Class Summary
AbstractDelegatedBehavior<E extends EModelElement,R,F> A basic implementation of a delegated behavior.
AbstractDelegatedBehavior.ExpressionCacheAdapter Caches a single OCL expression in an adapter that can be attached, e.g., to an Ecore object without "modifying" the object to which the adapter gets attached.
AbstractOCLDelegateFactory Partial implementation of a factory of OCL delegates for Ecore features.
DelegateEClassifierAdapter DelegateEClassifierAdapter extends an EClassifier to cache its ValidationDelegate.
DelegateEPackageAdapter DelegateEPackageAdapter extends an EPackage to cache its DelegateDomain that supervises installation of OCL annotations from an OCL document.
DelegateResourceAdapter DelegateResourceAdapter extends a Resource to load and unload DelegateDomains for each package with a delegate annotation, when the resource is loaded and unloaded.
DelegateResourceSetAdapter Deprecated. use org.eclipse.ocl.common.delegate.DelegateResourceSetAdapter
OCLDelegateDomain An implementation of a delegate domain for an OCL enhanced package.
OCLDelegateDomainFactory Factory for OCL delegate domains.
OCLDelegateDomainFactory.Delegator Delegator provides a Factory entry that maps one delegate URI key to another.
OCLInvocationDelegate An implementation of an operation-invocation delegate for OCL body expressions.
OCLInvocationDelegateFactory Factory for OCL operation-invocation delegates.
OCLInvocationDelegateFactory.Global The Global variant of the Factory delegates to a local ResourceSet factory if one can be located at the EOperation.Internal.InvocationDelegate.Factory.Registry by the DelegateResourceSetAdapter.
OCLQueryDelegate An implementation of a query delegate for OCL expressions.
OCLQueryDelegateFactory Factory for OCL query delegates.
OCLQueryDelegateFactory.Global The Global variant of the Factory delegates to a local ResourceSet factory if one can be located at the QueryDelegate.Factory.Registry by the DelegateResourceSetAdapter.
OCLSettingDelegate An implementation of a setting delegate that computes OCL derived features.
OCLSettingDelegateFactory Factory for OCL derived-attribute setting delegates.
OCLSettingDelegateFactory.Global The Global variant of the Factory delegates to a local ResourceSet factory if one can be located at the EStructuralFeature.Internal.SettingDelegate.Factory.Registry by the DelegateResourceSetAdapter.
OCLValidationDelegate An implementation of the dynamic validation delegate API, maintaining a cache of compiled constraints and invariants.
OCLValidationDelegateFactory Factory for OCL derived-classifier validation delegates.
OCLValidationDelegateFactory.Global The Global variant of the Factory delegates to a local ResourceSet factory if one can be located at the EOperation.Internal.InvocationDelegate.Factory.Registry by the DelegateResourceSetAdapter.
ValidationBehavior.InvariantCacheAdapter Caches the OCL invariants of an EClassifier.

Exception Summary