Uses of Interface

Packages that use IConstraintDescriptor
org.eclipse.emf.validation.model Types defining the "data model" of the EMF Validation plug-in, in most cases mapping directly to constructs in the constraintProviders extension point schema. 
org.eclipse.emf.validation.service The semi-public (internal-public) package defining the API for invocation of the validation engine and for the implementation of constraint providers. 
org.eclipse.emf.validation.xml The API for specification and processing of constraints in XML. 

Uses of IConstraintDescriptor in org.eclipse.emf.validation.model

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.validation.model that return IConstraintDescriptor
 IConstraintDescriptor ModelConstraint.getDescriptor()
 IConstraintDescriptor IModelConstraint.getDescriptor()
          Obtains my descriptor, which provides a variety of meta-data about me.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.validation.model that return types with arguments of type IConstraintDescriptor
 Set<IConstraintDescriptor> Category.getConstraints()
          Obtains my constraints.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.validation.model with parameters of type IConstraintDescriptor
 void Category.addConstraint(IConstraintDescriptor constraint)
          Adds a constraint to me.
 void Category.removeConstraint(IConstraintDescriptor constraint)
          Removes a constraint from me.

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.validation.model with parameters of type IConstraintDescriptor
ModelConstraint(IConstraintDescriptor descriptor)
          Constructs me with the provided non-null constraint descriptor.

Uses of IConstraintDescriptor in org.eclipse.emf.validation.ocl

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.validation.ocl that return IConstraintDescriptor
 IConstraintDescriptor AbstractOCLModelConstraint.getDescriptor()

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.validation.ocl with parameters of type IConstraintDescriptor
AbstractOCLModelConstraint(IConstraintDescriptor descriptor)
          Initializes me with the descriptor which contains my OCL body.

Uses of IConstraintDescriptor in org.eclipse.emf.validation.service

Subinterfaces of IConstraintDescriptor in org.eclipse.emf.validation.service
 interface IParameterizedConstraintDescriptor
          A specialization of the IConstraintDescriptor interface that additionally supplies parameters as (name, value) pairs of strings.

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.validation.service that implement IConstraintDescriptor
 class AbstractConstraintDescriptor
           A partial implementation of the IConstraintDescriptor interface that is useful for subclassing.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.validation.service that return IConstraintDescriptor
 IConstraintDescriptor ConstraintChangeEvent.getConstraint()
          Obtains IConstraintDescriptor of the constraint associated with the event
 IConstraintDescriptor AbstractConstraintDescriptor.getDescriptor()
 IConstraintDescriptor ConstraintRegistry.getDescriptor(String id)
          Obtains the unique constraint descriptor having the specified ID.
 IConstraintDescriptor ConstraintRegistry.getDescriptor(String pluginId, String id)
          Obtains the unique constraint descriptor having the specified ID.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.validation.service that return types with arguments of type IConstraintDescriptor
 Collection<IConstraintDescriptor> ConstraintRegistry.getAllDescriptors()
          Obtains the descriptors for all registered constraints, in no particular order.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.validation.service with parameters of type IConstraintDescriptor
 boolean IConstraintFilter.accept(IConstraintDescriptor constraint, EObject target)
          Determines whether a given constraint and target pair are accepted by this filter.
protected abstract  IModelConstraint ConstraintFactory.createConstraint(IConstraintDescriptor descriptor)
          Implemented by subclasses to do the hard work of creating a constraint.
protected  IModelConstraint AbstractConstraintProvider.createModelConstraint(IConstraintDescriptor descriptor)
          Creates the model constraint implementation from the descriptor.
protected  IModelConstraint AbstractConstraintProvider.createModelConstraintProxy(IConstraintDescriptor descriptor)
          Creates a contraint proxy which lazily initializes the actual constraint implementation represented by the given descriptor.
 IModelConstraint ConstraintFactory.newConstraint(IConstraintDescriptor descriptor)
          Creates the constraint represented by the specified descriptor.
 void ConstraintRegistry.register(IConstraintDescriptor descriptor)
          Registers a constraint descriptor.
 void ConstraintRegistry.unregister(IConstraintDescriptor descriptor)
          Unregisters an existing constraint descriptor.

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.validation.service with parameters of type IConstraintDescriptor
ConstraintChangeEvent(IConstraintDescriptor constraint, ConstraintChangeEventType eventType)
          Initializes me with the constraint that has changed and the event that details the change.
ConstraintChangeEvent(IConstraintDescriptor constraint, ConstraintChangeEventType eventType, Category category)
          Initializes me with the constraint that has changed, an event that details the change and the category associated with the event.

Uses of IConstraintDescriptor in org.eclipse.emf.validation.xml

Subinterfaces of IConstraintDescriptor in org.eclipse.emf.validation.xml
 interface IXmlConstraintDescriptor
          Deprecated. Use the IParameterizedConstraintDescriptor interface, instead. Note that the default implementation of this interface also implements IParameterizedConstraintDescriptor.

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.validation.xml that implement IConstraintDescriptor
 class AbstractXmlConstraintDescriptor
           This class provides an abstract implementation of an XML constraint descriptor that is used to provide descriptions of a particular constraint from an IConfigurationElement.

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