Package org.eclipse.emf.validation.service

The semi-public (internal-public) package defining the API for invocation of the validation engine and for the implementation of constraint providers.


Interface Summary
IBatchValidator An IValidator that supports batch-mode validation of EObjects.
IConstraintDescriptor A constraint descriptor provides information about a constraint's role and status in the system.
IConstraintFilter Interface implemented by clients who wish to define a constraint filter on their validator.
IConstraintListener Interface implemented by clients who wish to receive notification whenever constraints are changed.
IConstraintParser Marker interface for extensions on the org.eclipse.emf.validation.constraintParsers extension point, defining an object that knows how to parse IConstraintDescriptors to create the constraint implementations.
ILiveValidator An IValidator that supports live-mode validation of Notifications.
IModelConstraintProvider Interface implemented by objects that can provide IModelConstraints to the system for validation of EMF objects.
INotificationGenerator Interface implemented by clients who wish to define a notification generator.
IParameterizedConstraintDescriptor A specialization of the IConstraintDescriptor interface that additionally supplies parameters as (name, value) pairs of strings.
IParameterizedConstraintParser Interface implemented by an object that knows how to construct constraint implementations from IParameterizedConstraintDescriptors.
ITraversalStrategy A strategy for traversal of one or more model sub-trees in batch validation.
IValidationListener Interface implemented by clients who wish to receive notification whenever validation operations are performed.
IValidator<T> A validator validates model elements on behalf of the validation service's clients.

Class Summary
AbstractConstraintDescriptor A partial implementation of the IConstraintDescriptor interface that is useful for subclassing.
AbstractConstraintProvider For situations in which the XmlConstraintProvider class does not suffice (i.e., where a plug-in provides constraints dynamically, rather than statically registered in XML), this is a useful class to extend as it provides a partial implementation of the IModelConstraintProvider interface.
AbstractTraversalStrategy An iterator-based partial implementation of the ITraversalStrategy interface.
ConstraintChangeEvent Event notifying IConstraintListeners that a constraint has been changed.
ConstraintFactory A constraint factory creates constraint implementations from descriptors.
ConstraintRegistry A centralized registry of descriptors for the constraints that are available in the validation system.
EventTypeService The Event Type Service is responsible for loading the eventTypes Eclipse extension point and creating EMFEventTypes for the event types that have been contributed.
ITraversalStrategy.Flat An implementation of the ITraversalStrategy interface that is non-recursive: it simply iterates the root elements.
ITraversalStrategy.Recursive An implementation of the ITraversalStrategy interface that is recursive: it iterates over the content trees of the roots, according to the basic EMF EObject.eAllContents() tree-iterator.
IValidator.Option<V> The definition of a validator option.
ModelValidationService The Model Validation Service makes constraints and validators available to the client application.
ValidationEvent Event notifying IValidationListeners that a validation operation has occurred.

Enum Summary
ConstraintChangeEventType Enumeration for a constraint change event type.

Exception Summary
ConstraintExistsException Constraint thrown to indicate that a constraint descriptor cannot be registered because a constraint is already registered under the same ID.

Package org.eclipse.emf.validation.service Description

The semi-public (internal-public) package defining the API for invocation of the validation engine and for the implementation of constraint providers.

Package Specification

This package defines the API for the client and provider sides of the "validation service." The main types involved are:

Some supporting types provide additional functionality and/or controls on the validation engine:

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