Uses of Interface

Packages that use CDOView
org.eclipse.emf.cdo Client concepts like CDOObject and CDOState Client concepts for integrating EMF Compare with CDO. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.net4j Client concepts for dealing with Net4j-based sessions to remote repositories. The generated EMF implementation of the CDO security model. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server Server concepts for dealing with repositories and stores. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.ocl Server implementation of a generic OCL query handler. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.session Client concepts for dealing with sessions to CDO repositories. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.server Server service provider interfaces and useful base implementations. Concepts to represent and manage projects that are mapped to CDO repositories by the CDO team provider 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.transaction Client concepts for dealing with transactions, distributed transactions and their save points. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.transfer.spi.repository Client concepts for dealing with transfers of resources between systems
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.ui Reusable UI components specific to the CDO Model Repository. Classes that help to open EMF Compare user interfaces on CDO models. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.util Client utility classes, some common interfaces and exceptions. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.view Client concepts for dealing with views, view sets, queries, CDO objects and EMF resource sets. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.workspace Concepts to checkout, open and further operate CDO workspaces
org.eclipse.emf.internal.cdo Exposes CDOObjectImpl for extension in generated EMF models. 
org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo Client service provider interfaces and useful base implementations. 

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo that return CDOView
 CDOView CDOObject.cdoView()
          Returns the view this object is associated with, or null if this object is not associated with a view.

Uses of CDOView in

Methods in with parameters of type CDOView
protected  void CDOComparisonScope.Minimal.collectRequiredParentID(CDOView view, CDOID id, Set<CDOID> requiredParentIDs)
static Comparison left, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView)
          Takes an arbitrary object (including resource nodes) and returns matches for all elements of its content tree.
static Comparison left, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView)
          Takes an arbitrary object (including resource nodes) and returns matches for all elements of its content tree.
static Comparison leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView)
          Takes a view/transaction and returns matches only for the changed elements of the entire content tree of its root resource.
static Comparison leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView)
          Takes a view/transaction and returns matches only for the changed elements of the entire content tree of its root resource.
static Comparison leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView, Set<CDOID> ids)
static Comparison leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView, Set<CDOID> ids)
static CDOComparisonScope.AllContents CDOComparisonScope.AllContents.create(CDOObject left, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView)
          Takes an arbitrary object (including resource nodes) and returns matches for all elements of its content tree.
static CDOComparisonScope.AllContents CDOComparisonScope.AllContents.create(CDOObject left, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView)
          Takes an arbitrary object (including resource nodes) and returns matches for all elements of its content tree.
static IComparisonScope CDOComparisonScope.Minimal.create(CDOView leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView)
static IComparisonScope CDOComparisonScope.Minimal.create(CDOView leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView)
static IComparisonScope CDOComparisonScope.Minimal.create(CDOView leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView, Set<CDOID> ids)
static IComparisonScope CDOComparisonScope.Minimal.create(CDOView leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView, Set<CDOID> ids)

Constructors in with parameters of type CDOView
CDOComparisonScope.Minimal(CDOView leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView originView, Set<CDOID> ids)

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.net4j

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.net4j that return CDOView
 CDOView CDONet4jViewProvider.getView(URI uri, ResourceSet resourceSet)

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.net4j with parameters of type CDOView
 URI CDONet4jViewProvider.getResourceURI(CDOView view, String path)

Uses of CDOView in

Methods in that return CDOView
protected  CDOView ObjectPermissionImpl.getView(CDORevisionProvider revisionProvider)

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server that return CDOView
static CDOView CDOServerUtil.openView(ISession session, CDOBranchPoint branchPoint)
static CDOView CDOServerUtil.openView(ISession session, CDOBranchPoint branchPoint, boolean legacyModeEnabled)
          Deprecated. As of 4.2 the legacy mode is always enabled, use CDOServerUtil.openView(ISession, CDOBranchPoint).
static CDOView CDOServerUtil.openView(ISession session, CDOBranchPoint branchPoint, boolean legacyModeEnabled, CDORevisionProvider revisionProvider)
          Deprecated. As of 4.2 the legacy mode is always enabled, use CDOServerUtil.openView(ISession, CDOBranchPoint, CDORevisionProvider).
static CDOView CDOServerUtil.openView(ISession session, CDOBranchPoint branchPoint, CDORevisionProvider revisionProvider)
static CDOView CDOServerUtil.openView(IStoreAccessor.CommitContext commitContext)
static CDOView CDOServerUtil.openView(IStoreAccessor.CommitContext commitContext, boolean legacyModeEnabled)
          Deprecated. As of 4.2 the legacy mode is always enabled, use CDOServerUtil.openView(IStoreAccessor.CommitContext).
static CDOView CDOServerUtil.openView(IView view)
static CDOView CDOServerUtil.openView(IView view, boolean legacyModeEnabled)
          Deprecated. As of 4.2 the legacy mode is always enabled, use CDOServerUtil.openView(IView).

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.ocl

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.ocl that return CDOView
 CDOView CDOExtentCreator.getView()

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.ocl with parameters of type CDOView
protected  boolean OCLQueryHandler.addResult(Object result, IQueryContext context, CDOView view)
protected  CDOExtentMap OCLQueryHandler.createExtentMap(CDOView view, CDOChangeSetData changeSetData, IQueryContext context)
protected  CDORevision OCLQueryHandler.getRevision(EObject object, CDOView view)

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.ocl with parameters of type CDOView
CDOExtentCreator.Lazy(CDOView view)
CDOExtentCreator(CDOView view)

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.session

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.session that return CDOView
 CDOView CDOSessionLocksChangedEvent.getSender()
          Returns the view that caused the lock changes if this view is local, or null if the view was remote.
 CDOView CDOSessionInvalidationEvent.getView()
          Deprecated. Use CDOSessionInvalidationEvent.getLocalTransaction().

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.server

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.server that return CDOView
protected  CDOView ObjectWriteAccessHandler.getView()

Uses of CDOView in

Methods in that return CDOView
 CDOView IRepositoryProject.getView()

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.transaction

Subinterfaces of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.transaction
 interface CDOTransaction
          A read-write view to the current (i.e. latest) state of the object graph in the repository.

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.transaction that implement CDOView
 class CDOPushTransaction
          A transaction that persists changes to the object graph locally on commit and can later load these changes and push them to the repository.

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.transfer.spi.repository

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.transfer.spi.repository that return CDOView
 CDOView RepositoryTransferSystem.getView()

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.transfer.spi.repository with parameters of type CDOView
RepositoryTransferSystem(CDOView view)

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.ui

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.ui that return CDOView
 CDOView CDOEditorInput.getView()
          Returns the CDOView associated with this CDOEditorInput
 CDOView CDOEventHandler.getView()
 CDOView CDOLabelProvider.getView()

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.ui with parameters of type CDOView
static CDOEditorInput CDOEditorUtil.createCDOEditorInput(CDOView view, String resourcePath, boolean viewOwned)
          Returns an implementation of the CDOEditorInput interface.
 void CDOItemProvider.fillView(IMenuManager manager, CDOView view)
static IEditorReference[] CDOEditorUtil.findEditor(IWorkbenchPage page, CDOView view, String resourcePath)
          Returns references to possibly opened instances of CDOEditor with certain CDOView and resource
static Image CDOItemProvider.getViewImage(CDOView view)
static ImageDescriptor CDOItemProvider.getViewImageDescriptor(CDOView view)
static void CDOEditorUtil.openEditor(IWorkbenchPage page, CDOView view, String resourcePath)
          Opens the specified resource in CDOEditor
static void CDOEditorUtil.refreshEditors(IWorkbenchPage page, CDOView view)
          Refreshes all editor's viewers that are using certain CDOView.

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.ui with parameters of type CDOView
CDOEventHandler(CDOView view, TreeViewer treeViewer)
CDOLabelProvider(AdapterFactory adapterFactory, CDOView view, TreeViewer viewer)

Uses of CDOView in

Methods in with parameters of type CDOView
static boolean CDOCompareEditorUtil.openDialog(CDOView leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView)
static boolean CDOCompareEditorUtil.openDialog(CDOView leftView, CDOView rightView, CDOView[] originView)

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.util

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.util with parameters of type CDOView
static URI CDOURIUtil.createResourceURI(CDOView view, String path)
static void CDOUtil.load(EObject eObject, CDOView view)
static CDOObject CDOUtil.wrapExternalObject(EObject object, CDOView view)

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.view

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.view that return CDOView
 CDOView CDOView.Options.getContainer()
          Returns the view of this options object.
 CDOView CDOViewLocksChangedEvent.getSender()
          Returns the view that caused the lock changes if this view is local, or null if the view was remote.
 CDOView CDOViewEvent.getSource()
 CDOView CDOQuery.getView()
          Returns the view this query was created by and is associated with.
 CDOView CDOViewRegistry.Registration.getView()
          Returns the CDOView of this registration.
 CDOView CDOViewContainer.getView(int viewID)
 CDOView CDOViewRegistry.getView(int id)
          Returns the view with the given ID if it is registered, null otherwise.
 CDOView CDOViewProvider.getView(URI uri, ResourceSet resourceSet)
          Receives a URI and returns an opened CDOView against the repository.
 CDOView[] CDOViewContainer.getViews()
          Returns an array of all open views and transactions of this session.
 CDOView[] CDOViewRegistry.getViews()
          Returns all registered views.
 CDOView[] CDOViewSet.getViews()
 CDOView[] CDOViewContainer.getViews(CDOBranch branch)
          Returns an array of all views and transactions of this session that are open on the given branch.
 CDOView CDOViewContainer.openView()
          Opens and returns a new view on a new EMF resource set.
 CDOView CDOViewContainer.openView(CDOBranch branch)
          Opens and returns a new view on a new EMF resource set.
 CDOView CDOViewContainer.openView(CDOBranch branch, long timeStamp)
          Opens and returns a new view on a new EMF resource set.
 CDOView CDOViewContainer.openView(CDOBranch branch, long timeStamp, ResourceSet resourceSet)
          Opens and returns a new view on the given EMF resource set.
 CDOView CDOViewContainer.openView(CDOBranchPoint target)
          Opens and returns a new view on a new EMF resource set.
 CDOView CDOViewContainer.openView(CDOBranchPoint target, ResourceSet resourceSet)
          Opens and returns a new view on the given EMF resource set.
 CDOView CDOViewContainer.openView(long timeStamp)
          Opens and returns a new view on a new EMF resource set.
 CDOView CDOViewContainer.openView(ResourceSet resourceSet)
          Opens and returns a new view on the given EMF resource set.
 CDOView CDOViewContainer.openView(String durableLockingID)
          Opens and returns a view on a new EMF resource set by resuming a view that has previously been made durable by calling CDOView.enableDurableLocking(true).
 CDOView CDOViewContainer.openView(String durableLockingID, ResourceSet resourceSet)
          Opens and returns a view on the given EMF resource set by resuming a view that has previously been made durable by calling CDOView.enableDurableLocking(true).
 CDOView CDOViewProviderRegistry.provideView(URI uri, ResourceSet viewSet)
          Returns a view that serves the given URI in the given view set, or null if no view provider in this registry can provide such a view.
 CDOView CDOViewSet.resolveView(String repositoryUUID)

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.view that return types with arguments of type CDOView
 Pair<CDOView,CDOViewProvider> CDOViewProviderRegistry.provideViewWithInfo(URI uri, ResourceSet resourceSet)
          Returns a view that serves the given URI in the given view set, or null if no view provider in this registry can provide such a view.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.view with parameters of type CDOView
 int CDOViewRegistry.getID(CDOView view)
          Returns the ID of the given view if it is registered, 0 otherwise.
 URI AbstractCDOViewProvider.getResourceURI(CDOView view, String path)
          Must be overwritten for non-canonical URI formats!
 URI CDOViewProvider.getResourceURI(CDOView view, String path)
 void CDOObjectHandler.objectStateChanged(CDOView view, CDOObject object, CDOState oldState, CDOState newState)

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.workspace

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.workspace that return CDOView
 CDOView CDOWorkspace.openView()
 CDOView CDOWorkspace.openView(ResourceSet resourceSet)

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.internal.cdo

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.internal.cdo with parameters of type CDOView
 void CDOObjectImpl.cdoInternalSetView(CDOView view)

Uses of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo

Subinterfaces of CDOView in org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo
 interface InternalCDOTransaction
          If the meaning of this type isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...
 interface InternalCDOView
          If the meaning of this type isn't clear, there really should be more of a description here...

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo that return CDOView
 CDOView AbstractQueryIterator.getView()
 CDOView CDOChangeSubscriptionAdapter.getView()

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo with parameters of type CDOView
static InternalCDOObject FSMUtil.adapt(Object object, CDOView view)
 void InternalCDOObject.cdoInternalSetView(CDOView view)
 String CDOSessionProtocol.changeLockArea(CDOView view, boolean create)
 boolean CDOSessionProtocol.isObjectLocked(CDOView view, CDOObject object, IRWLockManager.LockType lockType, boolean byOthers)
 void CDOSessionProtocol.query(CDOView view, AbstractQueryIterator<?> queryResult)
 void CDOSessionProtocol.unlockObjects(CDOView view, Collection<CDOID> objectIDs, IRWLockManager.LockType lockType)
          Deprecated. Not called anymore. Use #unlockObjects2(CDOView, Collection, LockType, boolean) instead.
 CDOSessionProtocol.UnlockObjectsResult CDOSessionProtocol.unlockObjects2(CDOView view, Collection<CDOID> objectIDs, IRWLockManager.LockType lockType, boolean recursive)

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo with parameters of type CDOView
AbstractQueryIterator(CDOView view, CDOQueryInfo queryInfo)
CDOChangeSubscriptionAdapter(CDOView view)

Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.