Package org.eclipse.emf.cdo.transaction

Client concepts for dealing with transactions, distributed transactions and their save points.

Interface Summary
CDOCommitContext Provides a context for commit operations.
CDOConflictResolver A strategy used to customize the default conflict resolution behaviour of transactions.
CDOConflictResolver2 A strategy used to customize the default conflict resolution behaviour of transactions.
CDOMerger Calculates the changes between a source change set and a target change set and returns the result relative to their common ancestor.
CDOSavepoint One in a sequence of possibly several points in time of a transaction that encapsulates the changes to transactional objects and that later changes can be rolled back to.
CDOTransaction A read-write view to the current (i.e. latest) state of the object graph in the repository.
CDOTransaction.Options Encapsulates a set of notifying transaction configuration options.
CDOTransaction.Options.AutoReleaseLocksEvent An options event fired from transaction options when the auto release locks option has changed.
CDOTransaction.Options.ConflictResolversEvent An options event fired from transaction options when the conflict resolvers option has changed.
CDOTransactionConflictEvent A view event fired from a transaction for each object that enters the conflict state.
CDOTransactionContainer Can open new transactions and provide access to openend transactions.
CDOTransactionFinishedEvent A view event fired from a transaction when it becomes clean after a sucessful commit or rollback.
CDOTransactionHandler A combination of CDOTransactionHandler1 and CDOTransactionHandler2.
CDOTransactionHandler1 A call-back interface that is called by a transcation before objects are attached, modified or detached.
CDOTransactionHandler2 A call-back interface that is called by a transcation before it is committed and after it has been committed or rolled back.
CDOTransactionHandler3 A call-back interface that is called by a transcation before it is committed and after it has been committed (with result info) or rolled back.
CDOTransactionHandlerBase A marker interface for use with CDOTransaction.addTransactionHandler() and CDOTransaction.removeTransactionHandler().
CDOTransactionStartedEvent A view event fired from a transaction when it first becomes dirty.
CDOUserSavepoint Creates a save point in a CDOUserTransaction that can be used to roll back a part of the transaction.
CDOUserTransaction Provides functionality that is common to both single transactions and distributed (XA) transactions.
CDOXASavepoint Creates a save point in a CDOXATransaction that can be used to roll back a part of the transaction.
CDOXATransaction A distributed (XA) transaction that can atomically commit the changes to multiple resource sets, each represented by a registered view set.

Class Summary
CDOAsyncTransactionHandler Asynchronously executes a delegate handler's pre-event methods.
CDOAutoAttacher A transaction handler that automatically attaches cross-referenced objects to the resource that contains the referencing object.
CDOAutoLocker A transaction handler that automatically acquires write locks when objects are modified.
CDODefaultTransactionHandler An empty default implementation of CDOTransactionHandler1 and CDOTransactionHandler2.
CDODefaultTransactionHandler1 An empty default implementation of CDOTransactionHandler1.
CDODefaultTransactionHandler2 An empty default implementation of CDOTransactionHandler2.
CDODefaultTransactionHandler3 An empty default implementation of CDOTransactionHandler3.
CDOPostEventTransactionHandler An abstract call-back class that is called by a transcation after objects have been attached, modified or detached.
CDOPostEventTransactionHandler.Default An empty default implementation of CDOPostEventTransactionHandler.
CDOPushTransaction A transaction that persists changes to the object graph locally on commit and can later load these changes and push them to the repository.
CDOTransactionCommentator A utility class that, when associated with a transaction, automatically updates the commit comment according to local model modifications.

Enum Summary
CDOTransactionFinishedEvent.Type Enumerates the possible causes for a transaction to become finished.

Exception Summary
CDOMerger.ConflictException Thrown from a merger in case of conflicting changes in the a source and target change sets.

Copyright (c) 2011, 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.