Package org.eclipse.emf.cdo.session

Client concepts for dealing with sessions to CDO repositories.

Interface Summary
CDOCollectionLoadingPolicy A strategy that specifies which list elememts must be present (loaded) in a CDOID list of a revision when a certain list index is accessed.
CDORepositoryInfo Describes a model repository a session is connected to.
CDOSession Represents and controls the connection to a model repository in addition to the inherited view management functions.
CDOSession.ExceptionHandler Handles protocol exceptions if configured before the session has been opened.
CDOSession.Options Encapsulates a set of notifying session configuration options.
CDOSession.Options.CollectionLoadingPolicyEvent An options event fired when the collection loading policy option of a session has changed.
CDOSession.Options.GeneratedPackageEmulationEvent An options event fired when the generated package emulation enabled option of a session has changed.
CDOSession.Options.LobCacheEvent An options event fired when the large object cache option of a session has changed.
CDOSessionConfiguration Configures and opens new sessions.
CDOSessionConfiguration.SessionOpenedEvent Fired from a session configuration after a new session has been opened.
CDOSessionConfigurationFactory Creates session configuration instances.
CDOSessionEvent A generic event fired from a session.
CDOSessionInvalidationEvent A session event fired when passive updates (commit notifications) are being received from a remote repository.
CDOSessionLocksChangedEvent A session event fired when lock-change notifications are received from a remote repository.
CDOSessionProvider Provides consumers with session instances.

Class Summary
CDORetryExceptionHandler A session exection handler that retries the failed protocol operation a configurable number of times.

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.