Interface CDOSession.Options

All Superinterfaces:
CDOCommonSession.Options, INotifier, IOptions
All Known Subinterfaces:
CDONet4jSession.Options, CDOSession.Options
Enclosing interface:

public static interface CDOSession.Options
extends CDOCommonSession.Options

Encapsulates a set of notifying session configuration options.

The session options can fire the following events:

No Implement
This interface is not intended to be implemented by clients.
No Extend
This interface is not intended to be extended by clients.

Nested Class Summary
static interface CDOSession.Options.CollectionLoadingPolicyEvent
          An options event fired when the collection loading policy option of a session has changed.
static interface CDOSession.Options.GeneratedPackageEmulationEvent
          An options event fired when the generated package emulation enabled option of a session has changed.
static interface CDOSession.Options.LobCacheEvent
          An options event fired when the large object cache option of a session has changed.
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.CDOCommonSession.Options
CDOCommonSession.Options.LockNotificationMode, CDOCommonSession.Options.LockNotificationModeEvent, CDOCommonSession.Options.PassiveUpdateEvent, CDOCommonSession.Options.PassiveUpdateMode
Method Summary
 CDOCollectionLoadingPolicy getCollectionLoadingPolicy()
          The collection loading policy of this session controls how a list gets populated.
 CDOSession getContainer()
          Returns the session of this options object.
 CDOLobStore getLobCache()
          Returns the large object cache currently being used by this session.
 boolean isGeneratedPackageEmulationEnabled()
 void setCollectionLoadingPolicy(CDOCollectionLoadingPolicy policy)
          Sets the collection loading to be used by this session.
 void setGeneratedPackageEmulationEnabled(boolean generatedPackageEmulationEnabled)
 void setLobCache(CDOLobStore lobCache)
          Sets the large object cache to be used by this session.
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.CDOCommonSession.Options
getLockNotificationMode, getPassiveUpdateMode, isPassiveUpdateEnabled, setLockNotificationMode, setPassiveUpdateEnabled, setPassiveUpdateMode
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.net4j.util.event.INotifier
addListener, getListeners, hasListeners, removeListener

Method Detail


CDOSession getContainer()
Returns the session of this options object.

Specified by:
getContainer in interface CDOCommonSession.Options
Specified by:
getContainer in interface IOptions


boolean isGeneratedPackageEmulationEnabled()


void setGeneratedPackageEmulationEnabled(boolean generatedPackageEmulationEnabled)


CDOCollectionLoadingPolicy getCollectionLoadingPolicy()
The collection loading policy of this session controls how a list gets populated. By default, when an object is fetched, all its elements are filled with the proper values.

This could be time-consuming, especially if the reference list does not need to be accessed. In CDO it is possible to partially load collections. The default list implementation that is shipped with CDO makes a distinction between the two following situations:

  1. How many CDOIDs to fill when an object is loaded for the first time;
  2. Which elements to fill with CDOIDs when the accessed element is not yet filled.

CDOUtil.createCollectionLoadingPolicy(initialElements, subsequentElements);

The user can also provide its own implementation of the CDOCollectionLoadingPolicy interface.


void setCollectionLoadingPolicy(CDOCollectionLoadingPolicy policy)
Sets the collection loading to be used by this session.


CDOLobStore getLobCache()
Returns the large object cache currently being used by this session.



void setLobCache(CDOLobStore lobCache)
Sets the large object cache to be used by this session.


Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.