Package org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server

Server concepts for dealing with repositories and stores.

Interface Summary
CDOServerBrowser.Page Represents pluggable content for a server browser.
CDOServerExporter.XMLConstants XML constants being used by both exporters and importers.
CDOServerImporter.Handler Persists the data that has been read by a importer into a new repository.
ILockingManager Manages all persistent aspects of durable CDO views and provides for vetoable interception of the durable view resumption process.
ILockingManager.DurableViewHandler A call-back interface primarily intended to allow implementers to prevent the view from being opened by throwing an exception.
IMEMStore Deprecated. Use IMEMStore
IPermissionManager Provides the protection level of revisions in the context of a specific user.
IQueryContext Represents the execution state of a query in the server towards a query handler.
IQueryHandler A query language handler that is capable of executing a query.
IQueryHandlerProvider Provides the consumer with query handlers that are capable of executing queries represented by specific query infos.
IRepository A CDO repository.
IRepository.Handler A marker interface to indicate valid arguments to IRepository.addHandler(Handler) and IRepository.removeHandler(Handler).
IRepository.Props Contains symbolic constants that specifiy valid keys of repository properties.
IRepository.ReadAccessHandler Provides a way to handle revisions that are to be sent to the client.
IRepository.WriteAccessHandler Provides a way to handle commits that are received from a client.
IRepositoryFactory Creates CDO repositories.
IRepositoryProvider Provides the consumer with CDO repositories specified by their name.
IRepositorySynchronizer Synchronizes a synchronizable repository with a master repository.
ISession The server-side representation of a client session.
ISessionManager Manages the user sessions of a repository.
IStore Represents the physical data storage back-end of a CDO repository, such as a database or a file system folder.
IStore.CanHandleClientAssignedIDs A marker interface for stores that can handle IDs assigned by a client, typically UUIDs.
IStoreAccessor Represents a connection to a physical data storage back-end.
IStoreAccessor.CommitContext Represents the state of a single, logical commit operation which is driven through multiple calls to several methods on the IStoreAccessor API.
IStoreAccessor.DurableLocking An extension interface for store accessors that support durable locking.
IStoreAccessor.DurableLocking2 An extension interface for store accessors that support durable locking.
IStoreAccessor.QueryResourcesContext Represents the query execution state of a resources query.
IStoreAccessor.QueryResourcesContext.ExactMatch Represents the query execution state of a resources query that is supposed to deliver one exact resource, or null.
IStoreAccessor.QueryXRefsContext Represents the query execution state of a XRefs query.
IStoreAccessor.Raw An extension interface for store accessors that support raw data access as needed by repository synchronizers or server importers.
IStoreChunkReader Reads chunks of partially loaded lists from a physical data storage backend.
IStoreFactory Creates stores.
ISynchronizableRepository A repository with the ability to synchronize its content with another repository.
ITransaction The server-side representation of a client transaction.
IView The server-side representation of a client view.

Class Summary
CDOServerBrowser A simple HTTP server that web browsers can connect to in order to render internal server data for debugging purposes.
CDOServerBrowser.AbstractPage An abstract base implementation of a server browser page.
CDOServerBrowser.ContainerBased A server browser for the repositories in a managed container.
CDOServerBrowser.ContainerBased.Factory Creates server browsers for the repositories in a managed container.
CDOServerBrowser.HistoryPage A server browser page that renders commit infos.
CDOServerBrowser.LobsPage A server browser page that renders large object infos.
CDOServerBrowser.PackagesPage A server browser page that renders the package registry contents of a repository.
CDOServerBrowser.RevisionsPage A server browser page that renders revisions.
CDOServerBrowser.RevisionsPage.FromCache A server browser page that renders the revisions in a revision cache.
CDOServerBrowser.RevisionsPage.FromStore A server browser page that renders the revisions in a store.
CDOServerExporter<OUT> Exports the complete contents of a repository in a format suitable for imports into new repositories.
CDOServerExporter.XML An exporter that creates XML output suitable to be interpreted by an XML importer.
CDOServerImporter Imports the complete contents of a repository from the output created by a exporter into a new repository.
CDOServerImporter.XML An importer that reads and interprets XML output created by an XML exporter.
CDOServerUtil Various static methods that may help with CDO repositories and server-side views.
CDOServerUtil.RepositoryReadAccessValidator An abstract read-access handler that grants or denies access to single revisions.
IStoreChunkReader.Chunk Represents a sublist of consecutive elements that are subject to partial collection loading.
StoreThreadLocal Provides server-side consumers with the store accessor that is valid in the context of a specific session during read operations or a specific commit context during write operations.

Enum Summary
IStore.ChangeFormat Enumerates the possible data formats a store can accept for commit operations.
IStore.RevisionParallelism Enumerates the possible branching options a store can accept.
IStore.RevisionTemporality Enumerates the possible history recording options a store can accept.

Exception Summary
ContainmentCycleDetectedException An unchecked exception that is thrown from concurrent commit operations if cycles in the tree containmnent structure would result.
RepositoryNotFoundException An unchecked exception being thrown when opening a session to a named repository that cannot be found.

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.