Uses of Interface

Packages that use CDORevisionHandler
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.revision Common concepts for dealing with revisions and revision lists. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server Server concepts for dealing with repositories and stores. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db.mapping Server concepts for dealing with mapping strategies and mappings for classes, lists and types. 
org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.server Server service provider interfaces and useful base implementations. 
org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo Client service provider interfaces and useful base implementations. 

Uses of CDORevisionHandler in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.revision

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.revision that implement CDORevisionHandler
static class CDORevisionHandler.Filtered
          A delegating revision handler with a filter() method used to suppress specific revisions.
static class CDORevisionHandler.Filtered.Undetached
          A delegating revision handler that filters detached revisions.

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.common.revision with parameters of type CDORevisionHandler
CDORevisionHandler.Filtered.Undetached(CDORevisionHandler delegate)
CDORevisionHandler.Filtered(CDORevisionHandler delegate)

Uses of CDORevisionHandler in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server

Subinterfaces of CDORevisionHandler in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server
static interface CDOServerImporter.Handler
          Persists the data that has been read by a importer into a new repository.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server with parameters of type CDORevisionHandler
 void IStoreAccessor.handleRevisions(EClass eClass, CDOBranch branch, long timeStamp, boolean exactTime, CDORevisionHandler handler)
          Passes all revisions of the store to the handler if all of the following conditions are met: The eClass parameter is null or equal to revision.getEClass().

Uses of CDORevisionHandler in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db.mapping

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.server.db.mapping with parameters of type CDORevisionHandler
 void IClassMapping.handleRevisions(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, CDOBranch branch, long timeStamp, boolean exactTime, CDORevisionHandler handler)
          Passes all revisions of the store to the handler if all of the following conditions are met: The branch parameter is null or equal to revision.getBranch().
 void IMappingStrategy.handleRevisions(IDBStoreAccessor accessor, EClass eClass, CDOBranch branch, long timeStamp, boolean exactTime, CDORevisionHandler handler)
          Passes all revisions of the store to the handler if all of the following conditions are met: The eClass parameter is null or equal to revision.getEClass().

Uses of CDORevisionHandler in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.server

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.server that implement CDORevisionHandler
static class StoreAccessorBase.CommitDataRevisionHandler

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.cdo.spi.server with parameters of type CDORevisionHandler
 void InternalRepository.handleRevisions(EClass eClass, CDOBranch branch, boolean exactBranch, long timeStamp, boolean exactTime, CDORevisionHandler handler)

Uses of CDORevisionHandler in org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.spi.cdo with parameters of type CDORevisionHandler
 void CDOSessionProtocol.handleRevisions(EClass eClass, CDOBranch branch, boolean exactBranch, long timeStamp, boolean exactTime, CDORevisionHandler handler)

Copyright (c) 2004 - 2012 Eike Stepper (Berlin, Germany) and others.