Uses of Class

Packages that use Repository

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.api

Fields in org.eclipse.jgit.api declared as Repository
protected  Repository GitCommand.repo
          The repository this command is working with

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.api that return Repository
 Repository GitCommand.getRepository()
 Repository Git.getRepository()

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.api with parameters of type Repository
protected  String SubmoduleSyncCommand.getHeadBranch(Repository subRepo)
          Get branch that HEAD currently points to
static Git Git.wrap(Repository repo)

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.api with parameters of type Repository
AddCommand(Repository repo)
AddNoteCommand(Repository repo)
BlameCommand(Repository repo)
CheckoutCommand(Repository repo)
CherryPickCommand(Repository repo)
CleanCommand(Repository repo)
CommitCommand(Repository repo)
CreateBranchCommand(Repository repo)
DeleteBranchCommand(Repository repo)
DeleteTagCommand(Repository repo)
DiffCommand(Repository repo)
FetchCommand(Repository repo)
Git(Repository repo)
          Constructs a new Git object which can interact with the specified git repository.
GitCommand(Repository repo)
          Creates a new command which interacts with a single repository
ListBranchCommand(Repository repo)
ListNotesCommand(Repository repo)
ListTagCommand(Repository repo)
LogCommand(Repository repo)
LsRemoteCommand(Repository repo)
MergeCommand(Repository repo)
PullCommand(Repository repo)
PushCommand(Repository repo)
RebaseCommand(Repository repo)
ReflogCommand(Repository repo)
RemoveNoteCommand(Repository repo)
RenameBranchCommand(Repository repo)
ResetCommand(Repository repo)
RevertCommand(Repository repo)
RmCommand(Repository repo)
ShowNoteCommand(Repository repo)
StashApplyCommand(Repository repo)
          Create command to apply the changes of a stashed commit
StashCreateCommand(Repository repo)
          Create a command to stash changes in the working directory and index
StashDropCommand(Repository repo)
StashListCommand(Repository repo)
          Create a new stash list command
StatusCommand(Repository repo)
SubmoduleAddCommand(Repository repo)
SubmoduleInitCommand(Repository repo)
SubmoduleStatusCommand(Repository repo)
SubmoduleSyncCommand(Repository repo)
SubmoduleUpdateCommand(Repository repo)
TagCommand(Repository repo)
TransportCommand(Repository repo)

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.blame

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.blame that return Repository
 Repository BlameGenerator.getRepository()

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.blame with parameters of type Repository
BlameGenerator(Repository repository, String path)
          Create a blame generator for the repository and path

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.diff

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.diff with parameters of type Repository
 void DiffFormatter.setRepository(Repository repository)
          Set the repository the formatter can load object contents from.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.diff with parameters of type Repository
RenameDetector(Repository repo)
          Create a new rename detector for the given repository

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache with parameters of type Repository
static void DirCacheCheckout.checkoutEntry(Repository repository, File f, DirCacheEntry entry)
          Updates the file in the working tree with content and mode from an entry in the index.
static void DirCacheCheckout.checkoutEntry(Repository repo, File f, DirCacheEntry entry, ObjectReader or)
          Updates the file in the working tree with content and mode from an entry in the index.
static DirCache DirCache.lock(Repository repository, IndexChangedListener indexChangedListener)
          Create a new in-core index representation, lock it, and read from disk.
static DirCache repository)
          Create a new in-core index representation and read an index from disk.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache with parameters of type Repository
DirCacheCheckout(Repository repo, DirCache dc, ObjectId mergeCommitTree)
          Constructs a DirCacheCeckout for checking out one tree, merging with the index.
DirCacheCheckout(Repository repo, DirCache dc, ObjectId mergeCommitTree, WorkingTreeIterator workingTree)
          Constructs a DirCacheCeckout for checking out one tree, merging with the index.
DirCacheCheckout(Repository repo, ObjectId headCommitTree, DirCache dc, ObjectId mergeCommitTree)
          Constructs a DirCacheCeckout for merging and checking out two trees (HEAD and mergeCommitTree) and the index.
DirCacheCheckout(Repository repo, ObjectId headCommitTree, DirCache dc, ObjectId mergeCommitTree, WorkingTreeIterator workingTree)
          Constructs a DirCacheCeckout for merging and checking out two trees (HEAD and mergeCommitTree) and the index.

Uses of Repository in

Methods in that return Repository
 Repository RepositoryEvent.getRepository()

Methods in with parameters of type Repository
 void RepositoryEvent.setRepository(Repository r)
          Set the repository this event occurred on.

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.lib

Classes in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with type parameters of type Repository
 class BaseRepositoryBuilder<B extends BaseRepositoryBuilder,R extends Repository>
          Base builder to customize repository construction.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.lib that return Repository
protected abstract  Repository RefUpdate.getRepository()
 Repository TreeEntry.getRepository()
 Repository Tree.getRepository()
 Repository mustExist)
          Called by if it doesn't exist yet.
 Repository mustExist)
static Repository location)
          Open an existing repository, reusing a cached instance if possible.
static Repository location, boolean mustExist)
          Open a repository, reusing a cached instance if possible.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with parameters of type Repository
static void RepositoryCache.close(Repository db)
          Remove a repository from the cache.
static BranchTrackingStatus BranchTrackingStatus.of(Repository repository, String branchName)
          Compute the tracking status for the branchName in repository.
static void RepositoryCache.register(Repository db)
          Register one repository into the cache.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with parameters of type Repository
BlobBasedConfig(Config base, Repository db, AnyObjectId objectId)
          Load a configuration file from a blob.
BlobBasedConfig(Config base, Repository db, AnyObjectId treeish, String path)
          Load a configuration file from a blob stored in a specific commit.
IndexDiff(Repository repository, ObjectId objectId, WorkingTreeIterator workingTreeIterator)
          Construct an Indexdiff
IndexDiff(Repository repository, String revstr, WorkingTreeIterator workingTreeIterator)
          Construct an IndexDiff
PersonIdent(Repository repo)
          Creates new PersonIdent from config info in repository, with current time.
Tree(Repository repo)
          Deprecated. Constructor for a new Tree
Tree(Repository repo, ObjectId myId, byte[] raw)
          Deprecated. Construct a Tree object with known content and hash value

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.merge

Fields in org.eclipse.jgit.merge declared as Repository
protected  Repository Merger.db
          The repository this merger operates on.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge that return Repository
 Repository Merger.getRepository()

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge with parameters of type Repository
 ThreeWayMerger StrategySimpleTwoWayInCore.newMerger(Repository db)
abstract  ThreeWayMerger ThreeWayMergeStrategy.newMerger(Repository db)
abstract  Merger MergeStrategy.newMerger(Repository db)
          Create a new merge instance.
 Merger StrategyOneSided.newMerger(Repository db)
 ThreeWayMerger StrategyResolve.newMerger(Repository db)
 ThreeWayMerger StrategySimpleTwoWayInCore.newMerger(Repository db, boolean inCore)
abstract  ThreeWayMerger ThreeWayMergeStrategy.newMerger(Repository db, boolean inCore)
abstract  Merger MergeStrategy.newMerger(Repository db, boolean inCore)
          Create a new merge instance.
 Merger StrategyOneSided.newMerger(Repository db, boolean inCore)
 ThreeWayMerger StrategyResolve.newMerger(Repository db, boolean inCore)

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.merge with parameters of type Repository
Merger(Repository local)
          Create a new merge instance for a repository.
ResolveMerger(Repository local)
ResolveMerger(Repository local, boolean inCore)
ThreeWayMerger(Repository local)
          Create a new merge instance for a repository.
ThreeWayMerger(Repository local, boolean inCore)
          Create a new merge instance for a repository.

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.notes

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.notes with parameters of type Repository
NoteMapMerger(Repository db)
          Constructs a NoteMapMerger with DefaultNoteMerger as the merger for notes and the MergeStrategy.RESOLVE as the strategy for resolving conflicts on non-notes
NoteMapMerger(Repository db, NoteMerger noteMerger, MergeStrategy nonNotesMergeStrategy)
          Constructs a NoteMapMerger with custom NoteMerger and custom MergeStrategy.

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.revplot

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.revplot with parameters of type Repository
PlotWalk(Repository repo)
          Create a new revision walker for a given repository.

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk with parameters of type Repository
DepthWalk.ObjectWalk(Repository repo, int depth)
DepthWalk.RevWalk(Repository repo, int depth)
ObjectWalk(Repository repo)
          Create a new revision and object walker for a given repository.
RevWalk(Repository repo)
          Create a new revision walker for a given repository.

Uses of Repository in

Subclasses of Repository in
 class DfsRepository
          A Git repository on a DFS.
 class InMemoryRepository
          Git repository stored entirely in the local process memory.

Uses of Repository in

Subclasses of Repository in
 class FileRepository
          Represents a Git repository.

Methods in that return Repository
 Repository ReflogWriter.getRepository()
          Get repository that reflog is being written for

Constructors in with parameters of type Repository
ReflogReader(Repository db, String refname)
ReflogWriter(Repository repository)
          Create write for repository
ReflogWriter(Repository repository, boolean forceWrite)
          Create write for repository

Uses of Repository in

Constructors in with parameters of type Repository
PackConfig(Repository db)
          Create a configuration honoring the repository's settings.
PackWriter(Repository repo)
          Create writer for specified repository.
PackWriter(Repository repo, ObjectReader reader)
          Create writer for specified repository.

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.submodule

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.submodule that return Repository
 Repository SubmoduleWalk.getRepository()
          Get repository for current submodule entry
static Repository SubmoduleWalk.getSubmoduleRepository(File parent, String path)
          Get submodule repository at path
static Repository SubmoduleWalk.getSubmoduleRepository(Repository parent, String path)
          Get submodule repository

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.submodule with parameters of type Repository
static SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.forIndex(Repository repository)
          Create a generator to walk over the submodule entries currently in the index The .gitmodules file is read from the index.
static SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.forPath(Repository repository, AbstractTreeIterator iterator, String path)
          Create a generator and advance it to the submodule entry at the given path
static SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.forPath(Repository repository, AnyObjectId treeId, String path)
          Create a generator and advance it to the submodule entry at the given path
static File SubmoduleWalk.getSubmoduleDirectory(Repository parent, String path)
          Get submodule directory
static String SubmoduleWalk.getSubmoduleRemoteUrl(Repository parent, String url)
          Resolve submodule repository URL.
static Repository SubmoduleWalk.getSubmoduleRepository(Repository parent, String path)
          Get submodule repository

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.submodule with parameters of type Repository
SubmoduleWalk(Repository repository)
          Create submodule generator

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.transport

Fields in org.eclipse.jgit.transport declared as Repository
protected  Repository Transport.local
          The repository this transport fetches into, or pushes out of.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.transport that return Repository
 Repository UploadPack.getRepository()
 Repository BaseReceivePack.getRepository()

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.transport with parameters of type Repository
 boolean TransportProtocol.canHandle(URIish uri, Repository local, String remoteName)
          Determine if this protocol can handle a particular URI.
static Collection<RemoteRefUpdate> Transport.findRemoteRefUpdatesFor(Repository db, Collection<RefSpec> specs, Collection<RefSpec> fetchSpecs)
          Convert push remote refs update specification from RefSpec form to RemoteRefUpdate.
protected  Set<ObjectId> AbstractAdvertiseRefsHook.getAdvertisedHaves(Repository repository, RevWalk revWalk)
          Get the additional haves to advertise.
protected abstract  Map<String,Ref> AbstractAdvertiseRefsHook.getAdvertisedRefs(Repository repository, RevWalk revWalk)
          Get the refs to advertise.
 void RefAdvertiser.init(Repository src)
          Initialize this advertiser with a repository for peeling tags.
static Transport local, RemoteConfig cfg)
          Open a new transport instance to connect two repositories.
static Transport local, RemoteConfig cfg, Transport.Operation op)
          Open a new transport instance to connect two repositories.
static Transport local, String remote)
          Open a new transport instance to connect two repositories.
static Transport local, String remote, Transport.Operation op)
          Open a new transport instance to connect two repositories.
static Transport local, URIish uri)
          Open a new transport instance to connect two repositories.
static Transport local, URIish uri, String remoteName)
          Open a new transport instance to connect two repositories.
abstract  Transport uri, Repository local, String remoteName)
          Open a Transport instance to the other repository.
static List<Transport> Transport.openAll(Repository local, RemoteConfig cfg)
          Open new transport instances to connect two repositories.
static List<Transport> Transport.openAll(Repository local, RemoteConfig cfg, Transport.Operation op)
          Open new transport instances to connect two repositories.
static List<Transport> Transport.openAll(Repository local, String remote)
          Open new transport instances to connect two repositories.
static List<Transport> Transport.openAll(Repository local, String remote, Transport.Operation op)
          Open new transport instances to connect two repositories.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.transport with parameters of type Repository
BaseReceivePack(Repository into)
          Create a new pack receive for an open repository.
BundleWriter(Repository repo)
          Create a writer for a bundle.
HttpTransport(Repository local, URIish uri)
          Create a new transport instance.
ReceivePack(Repository into)
          Create a new pack receive for an open repository.
RemoteRefUpdate(Repository localDb, Ref srcRef, String remoteName, boolean forceUpdate, String localName, ObjectId expectedOldObjectId)
          Construct remote ref update request by providing an update specification.
RemoteRefUpdate(Repository localDb, String srcRef, ObjectId srcId, String remoteName, boolean forceUpdate, String localName, ObjectId expectedOldObjectId)
          Construct remote ref update request by providing an update specification.
RemoteRefUpdate(Repository localDb, String srcRef, String remoteName, boolean forceUpdate, String localName, ObjectId expectedOldObjectId)
          Construct remote ref update request by providing an update specification.
SshTransport(Repository local, URIish uri)
          Create a new transport instance.
TcpTransport(Repository local, URIish uri)
          Create a new transport instance.
Transport(Repository local, URIish uri)
          Create a new transport instance.
TransportBundleStream(Repository db, URIish uri, InputStream in)
          Create a new transport to fetch objects from a streamed bundle.
UploadPack(Repository copyFrom)
          Create a new pack upload for an open repository.

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.transport.resolver

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.transport.resolver that return Repository
 Repository req, String name)
 Repository req, String name)
          Locate and open a reference to a Repository.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.transport.resolver with parameters of type Repository
 UploadPack UploadPackFactory.create(C req, Repository db)
          Create and configure a new UploadPack instance for a repository.
 ReceivePack ReceivePackFactory.create(C req, Repository db)
          Create and configure a new ReceivePack instance for a repository.
 void FileResolver.exportRepository(String name, Repository db)
          Add a single repository to the set that is exported by this daemon.
protected  boolean FileResolver.isExportOk(C req, String repositoryName, Repository db)
          Check if this repository can be served.

Uses of Repository in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk

Fields in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk declared as Repository
protected  Repository WorkingTreeIterator.repository
          Repository that is the root level being iterated over

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk with parameters of type Repository
static TreeWalk TreeWalk.forPath(Repository db, String path, AnyObjectId... trees)
          Open a tree walk and filter to exactly one path.
static TreeWalk TreeWalk.forPath(Repository db, String path, RevTree tree)
          Open a tree walk and filter to exactly one path.
protected  void WorkingTreeIterator.initRootIterator(Repository repo)
          Initialize this iterator for the root level of a repository.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk with parameters of type Repository
FileTreeIterator(Repository repo)
          Create a new iterator to traverse the work tree and its children.
NameConflictTreeWalk(Repository repo)
          Create a new tree walker for a given repository.
TreeWalk(Repository repo)
          Create a new tree walker for a given repository.

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