Package org.eclipse.jgit.lib

Interface Summary
AsyncObjectLoaderQueue<T extends ObjectId> Queue to open objects asynchronously.
AsyncObjectSizeQueue<T extends ObjectId> Queue to examine object sizes asynchronously.
AsyncOperation Asynchronous operation handle.
Config.SectionParser<T> Parses a section of the configuration into an application model object.
ProgressMonitor A progress reporting interface.
Ref Pairing of a name and the ObjectId it currently has.
RepositoryCache.Key Abstract hash key for RepositoryCache entries.

Class Summary
AbbreviatedObjectId A prefix abbreviation of an ObjectId.
AnyObjectId A (possibly mutable) SHA-1 abstraction.
BaseRepositoryBuilder<B extends BaseRepositoryBuilder,R extends Repository> Base builder to customize repository construction.
BatchingProgressMonitor ProgressMonitor that batches update events.
BatchRefUpdate Batch of reference updates to be applied to a repository.
BlobBasedConfig Configuration file based on the blobs stored in the repository.
BranchConfig Branch section of a Git configuration file.
BranchTrackingStatus Status of a branch's relation to its remote-tracking branch.
CommitBuilder Mutable builder to construct a commit recording the state of a project.
Config Git style .config, .gitconfig, .gitmodules file.
ConfigConstants Constants for use with the Configuration classes: section names, configuration keys
Constants Misc.
CoreConfig This class keeps git repository core parameters.
EmptyProgressMonitor A convenient base class which provides empty method bodies for all ProgressMonitor methods.
FileMode Constants describing various file modes recognized by GIT.
FileTreeEntry Deprecated. To look up information about a single path, use TreeWalk.forPath(Repository, String, org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree).
GitlinkTreeEntry Deprecated. To look up information about a single path, use TreeWalk.forPath(Repository, String, org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree).
IndexDiff Compares the index, a tree, and the working directory Ignored files are not taken into account.
InflaterCache Creates zlib based inflaters as necessary for object decompression.
MutableObjectId A mutable SHA-1 abstraction.
NullProgressMonitor A NullProgressMonitor does not report progress anywhere.
ObjectChecker Verifies that an object is formatted correctly.
ObjectDatabase Abstraction of arbitrary object storage.
ObjectId A SHA-1 abstraction.
ObjectIdOwnerMap<V extends ObjectIdOwnerMap.Entry> Fast, efficient map for ObjectId subclasses in only one map.
ObjectIdOwnerMap.Entry Type of entry stored in the ObjectIdOwnerMap.
ObjectIdRef A Ref that points directly at an ObjectId.
ObjectIdRef.PeeledNonTag A reference to a non-tag object coming from a cached source.
ObjectIdRef.PeeledTag An annotated tag whose peeled object has been cached.
ObjectIdRef.Unpeeled Any reference whose peeled value is not yet known.
ObjectIdSubclassMap<V extends ObjectId> Fast, efficient map specifically for ObjectId subclasses.
ObjectInserter Inserts objects into an existing ObjectDatabase.
ObjectInserter.Filter Wraps a delegate ObjectInserter.
ObjectInserter.Formatter An inserter that can be used for formatting and id generation only.
ObjectLoader Base class for a set of loaders for different representations of Git objects.
ObjectLoader.SmallObject Simple loader around the cached byte array.
ObjectReader Reads an ObjectDatabase for a single thread.
ObjectStream Stream of data coming from an object loaded by ObjectLoader.
ObjectStream.Filter Simple filter stream around another stream.
ObjectStream.SmallStream Simple stream around the cached byte array created by a loader.
PersonIdent A combination of a person identity and time in Git.
RefComparator Util for sorting (or comparing) Ref instances by name.
RefDatabase Abstraction of name to ObjectId mapping.
RefRename A RefUpdate combination for renaming a reference.
RefUpdate Creates, updates or deletes any reference.
RefWriter Writes out refs to the Constants.INFO_REFS and Constants.PACKED_REFS files.
Repository Represents a Git repository.
RepositoryBuilder Base class to support constructing a Repository.
RepositoryCache Cache of active Repository instances.
RepositoryCache.FileKey Location of a Repository, using the standard API.
StoredConfig Persistent configuration that can be stored and loaded from a location.
SymbolicRef A reference that indirectly points at another Ref.
SymlinkTreeEntry Deprecated. To look up information about a single path, use TreeWalk.forPath(Repository, String, org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree).
TagBuilder Mutable builder to construct an annotated tag recording a project state.
TextProgressMonitor A simple progress reporter printing on a stream.
ThreadSafeProgressMonitor Wrapper around the general ProgressMonitor to make it thread safe.
Tree Deprecated. To look up information about a single path, use TreeWalk.forPath(Repository, String, org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree).
TreeEntry Deprecated. To look up information about a single path, use TreeWalk.forPath(Repository, String, org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk.RevTree).
TreeFormatter Mutable formatter to construct a single tree object.
UserConfig The standard "user" configuration parameters.

Enum Summary
CoreConfig.AutoCRLF Permissible values for core.autocrlf.
Ref.Storage Location where a Ref is stored.
RefUpdate.Result Status of an update request.
RepositoryState Important state of the repository that affects what can and cannot bed done.

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