Uses of Class

Packages that use ObjectReader

Uses of ObjectReader in org.eclipse.jgit.diff

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.diff with parameters of type ObjectReader
 List<DiffEntry> RenameDetector.compute(ObjectReader reader, ProgressMonitor pm)
          Detect renames in the current file set.
static ContentSource ContentSource.create(ObjectReader reader)
          Construct a content source for an ObjectReader.

Uses of ObjectReader in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache with parameters of type ObjectReader
 void DirCacheBuilder.addTree(byte[] pathPrefix, int stage, ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId tree)
          Recursively add an entire tree into this builder.
static void DirCacheCheckout.checkoutEntry(Repository repo, File f, DirCacheEntry entry, ObjectReader or)
          Updates the file in the working tree with content and mode from an entry in the index.
 AbstractTreeIterator DirCacheBuildIterator.createSubtreeIterator(ObjectReader reader)
 AbstractTreeIterator DirCacheIterator.createSubtreeIterator(ObjectReader reader)

Uses of ObjectReader in org.eclipse.jgit.lib

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.lib that return ObjectReader
 ObjectReader Repository.newObjectReader()
abstract  ObjectReader ObjectReader.newReader()
          Construct a new reader from the same data.
abstract  ObjectReader ObjectDatabase.newReader()
          Create a new ObjectReader to read existing objects.

Uses of ObjectReader in org.eclipse.jgit.merge

Fields in org.eclipse.jgit.merge declared as ObjectReader
protected  ObjectReader Merger.reader
          Reader to support Merger.walk and other object loading.

Uses of ObjectReader in org.eclipse.jgit.notes

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.notes with parameters of type ObjectReader
 Note NoteMerger.merge(Note base, Note ours, Note their, ObjectReader reader, ObjectInserter inserter)
          Merges the conflicting note changes.
 Note DefaultNoteMerger.merge(Note base, Note ours, Note theirs, ObjectReader reader, ObjectInserter inserter)
static NoteMap reader, RevCommit commit)
          Load a collection of notes from a branch.
static NoteMap reader, RevTree tree)
          Load a collection of notes from a tree.
static NoteMap NoteMap.readTree(ObjectReader reader, ObjectId treeId)
          Load a collection of notes from a tree.

Uses of ObjectReader in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk that return ObjectReader
 ObjectReader RevWalk.getObjectReader()

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk with parameters of type ObjectReader
DepthWalk.ObjectWalk(ObjectReader or, int depth)
DepthWalk.RevWalk(ObjectReader or, int depth)
ObjectWalk(ObjectReader or)
          Create a new revision and object walker for a given repository.
RevWalk(ObjectReader or)
          Create a new revision walker for a given repository.

Uses of ObjectReader in

Subclasses of ObjectReader in
 class DfsReader
          Reader to access repository content through.

Methods in that return ObjectReader
 ObjectReader DfsObjDatabase.newReader()
 ObjectReader DfsReader.newReader()

Uses of ObjectReader in

Constructors in with parameters of type ObjectReader
PackWriter(ObjectReader reader)
          Create a writer to load objects from the specified reader.
PackWriter(PackConfig config, ObjectReader reader)
          Create writer with a specified configuration.
PackWriter(Repository repo, ObjectReader reader)
          Create writer for specified repository.

Uses of ObjectReader in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk that return ObjectReader
 ObjectReader TreeWalk.getObjectReader()

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk with parameters of type ObjectReader
 AbstractTreeIterator EmptyTreeIterator.createSubtreeIterator(ObjectReader reader)
abstract  AbstractTreeIterator AbstractTreeIterator.createSubtreeIterator(ObjectReader reader)
          Create a new iterator for the current entry's subtree.
 CanonicalTreeParser CanonicalTreeParser.createSubtreeIterator(ObjectReader reader)
 AbstractTreeIterator FileTreeIterator.createSubtreeIterator(ObjectReader reader)
 AbstractTreeIterator AbstractTreeIterator.createSubtreeIterator(ObjectReader reader, MutableObjectId idBuffer)
          Create a new iterator for the current entry's subtree.
 CanonicalTreeParser CanonicalTreeParser.createSubtreeIterator(ObjectReader reader, MutableObjectId idBuffer)
 CanonicalTreeParser CanonicalTreeParser.createSubtreeIterator0(ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId id)
          Back door to quickly create a subtree iterator for any subtree.
static TreeWalk TreeWalk.forPath(ObjectReader reader, String path, AnyObjectId... trees)
          Open a tree walk and filter to exactly one path.
 void CanonicalTreeParser.reset(ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId id)
          Reset this parser to walk through the given tree.
 CanonicalTreeParser CanonicalTreeParser.resetRoot(ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId id)
          Reset this parser to walk through the given tree.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk with parameters of type ObjectReader
CanonicalTreeParser(byte[] prefix, ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId treeId)
          Create a new parser for a tree appearing in a subset of a repository.
NameConflictTreeWalk(ObjectReader or)
          Create a new tree walker for a given repository.
TreeWalk(ObjectReader or)
          Create a new tree walker for a given repository.

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