Uses of Class

Packages that use AnyObjectId

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.api

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.api with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 LogCommand LogCommand.add(AnyObjectId start)
          Mark a commit to start graph traversal from.
 LogCommand LogCommand.addRange(AnyObjectId since, AnyObjectId until)
          Adds the range since..until
 CherryPickCommand CherryPickCommand.include(AnyObjectId commit)
 MergeCommand MergeCommand.include(AnyObjectId commit)
 RevertCommand RevertCommand.include(AnyObjectId commit)
 CherryPickCommand CherryPickCommand.include(String name, AnyObjectId commit)
 MergeCommand MergeCommand.include(String name, AnyObjectId commit)
 RevertCommand RevertCommand.include(String name, AnyObjectId commit)
 LogCommand LogCommand.not(AnyObjectId start)
          Same as --not start, or ^start
 BlameCommand BlameCommand.reverse(AnyObjectId start, AnyObjectId end)
          Configure the command to compute reverse blame (history of deletes).
 BlameCommand BlameCommand.reverse(AnyObjectId start, Collection<ObjectId> end)
          Configure the generator to compute reverse blame (history of deletes).
 BlameCommand BlameCommand.setStartCommit(AnyObjectId commit)
          Set start commit id
 RebaseCommand RebaseCommand.setUpstream(AnyObjectId upstream)

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.blame

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.blame with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 BlameGenerator BlameGenerator.push(String description, AnyObjectId id)
          Push a candidate object onto the generator's traversal stack.
 BlameGenerator BlameGenerator.reverse(AnyObjectId start, AnyObjectId end)
          Configure the generator to compute reverse blame (history of deletes).
 BlameGenerator BlameGenerator.reverse(AnyObjectId start, Collection<? extends ObjectId> end)
          Configure the generator to compute reverse blame (history of deletes).

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.diff

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.diff with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 void DiffFormatter.format(AnyObjectId a, AnyObjectId b)
          Format the differences between two trees.
 List<DiffEntry> DiffFormatter.scan(AnyObjectId a, AnyObjectId b)
          Determine the differences between two trees.

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.dircache with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 void DirCacheBuilder.addTree(byte[] pathPrefix, int stage, ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId tree)
          Recursively add an entire tree into this builder.
 void DirCacheEntry.setObjectId(AnyObjectId id)
          Set the ObjectId for the entry.

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.errors

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.errors with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 void LargeObjectException.setObjectId(AnyObjectId id)
          Set the identity of the object, if its not already set.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.errors with parameters of type AnyObjectId
CorruptObjectException(AnyObjectId id, String why)
          Construct a CorruptObjectException for reporting a problem specified object id
LargeObjectException(AnyObjectId id)
          Create a large object exception, naming the object that is too big.

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.lib

Subclasses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.lib
 class MutableObjectId
          A mutable SHA-1 abstraction.
 class ObjectId
          A SHA-1 abstraction.
static class ObjectIdOwnerMap.Entry
          Type of entry stored in the ObjectIdOwnerMap.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.lib that return types with arguments of type AnyObjectId
 Map<AnyObjectId,Set<Ref>> Repository.getAllRefsByPeeledObjectId()

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 AbbreviatedObjectId ObjectReader.abbreviate(AnyObjectId objectId)
          Obtain a unique abbreviation (prefix) of an object SHA-1.
 AbbreviatedObjectId ObjectReader.abbreviate(AnyObjectId objectId, int len)
          Obtain a unique abbreviation (prefix) of an object SHA-1.
 void CommitBuilder.addParentId(AnyObjectId additionalParent)
          Add a parent onto the end of the parent list.
 void TreeFormatter.append(byte[] name, FileMode mode, AnyObjectId id)
          Append any entry to the tree.
 void TreeFormatter.append(byte[] nameBuf, int namePos, int nameLen, FileMode mode, AnyObjectId id)
          Append any entry to the tree.
 void TreeFormatter.append(String name, FileMode mode, AnyObjectId id)
          Append any entry to the tree.
 int AnyObjectId.compareTo(AnyObjectId other)
          Compare this ObjectId to another and obtain a sort ordering.
 boolean ObjectIdSubclassMap.contains(AnyObjectId toFind)
          Returns true if this map contains the specified object.
 boolean ObjectIdOwnerMap.contains(AnyObjectId toFind)
          Returns true if this map contains the specified object.
static int Constants.decodeTypeString(AnyObjectId id, byte[] typeString, byte endMark, MutableInteger offset)
          Parse an encoded type string into a type constant.
 boolean AnyObjectId.equals(AnyObjectId other)
          Determine if this ObjectId has exactly the same value as another.
static boolean AnyObjectId.equals(AnyObjectId firstObjectId, AnyObjectId secondObjectId)
          Compare to object identifier byte sequences for equality.
 void MutableObjectId.fromObjectId(AnyObjectId src)
          Copy an ObjectId into this mutable buffer.
static AbbreviatedObjectId AbbreviatedObjectId.fromObjectId(AnyObjectId id)
          Convert an AbbreviatedObjectId from an AnyObjectId.
 V ObjectIdSubclassMap.get(AnyObjectId toFind)
          Lookup an existing mapping.
 V ObjectIdOwnerMap.get(AnyObjectId toFind)
          Lookup an existing mapping.
 long ObjectReader.getObjectSize(AnyObjectId objectId, int typeHint)
          Get only the size of an object.
 boolean ObjectReader.has(AnyObjectId objectId)
          Does the requested object exist in this database?
 boolean ObjectDatabase.has(AnyObjectId objectId)
          Does the requested object exist in this database?
 boolean ObjectReader.has(AnyObjectId objectId, int typeHint)
          Does the requested object exist in this database?
 boolean Repository.hasObject(AnyObjectId objectId)
 ObjectLoader objectId)
          Open an object from this repository.
 ObjectLoader objectId)
          Open an object from this database.
 ObjectLoader objectId)
          Open an object from this database.
 ObjectLoader objectId, int typeHint)
          Open an object from this repository.
abstract  ObjectLoader objectId, int typeHint)
          Open an object from this database.
 ObjectLoader objectId, int typeHint)
          Open an object from this database.
 int AbbreviatedObjectId.prefixCompare(AnyObjectId other)
          Compares this abbreviation to a full object id.
 void RefUpdate.setExpectedOldObjectId(AnyObjectId id)
 void RefUpdate.setNewObjectId(AnyObjectId id)
          Set the new value the ref will update to.
 void TagBuilder.setObjectId(AnyObjectId obj, int objType)
          Set the object this tag refers to, and its type.
 void CommitBuilder.setParentId(AnyObjectId newParent)
          Set the parent of this commit.
 void CommitBuilder.setParentIds(AnyObjectId parent1, AnyObjectId parent2)
          Set the parents of this commit.
 void CommitBuilder.setTreeId(AnyObjectId id)
          Set the tree id for this commit object

Method parameters in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with type arguments of type AnyObjectId
 void CommitBuilder.setParentIds(List<? extends AnyObjectId> newParents)
          Set the parents of this commit.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.lib with parameters of type AnyObjectId
BlobBasedConfig(Config base, Repository db, AnyObjectId objectId)
          Load a configuration file from a blob.
BlobBasedConfig(Config base, Repository db, AnyObjectId treeish, String path)
          Load a configuration file from a blob stored in a specific commit.
ObjectId(AnyObjectId src)
          Initialize this instance by copying another existing ObjectId.
ObjectIdOwnerMap.Entry(AnyObjectId id)
          Initialize this entry with a specific ObjectId.

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.merge

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.merge with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 boolean Merger.merge(AnyObjectId... tips)
          Merge together two or more tree-ish objects.
 boolean ThreeWayMerger.merge(AnyObjectId... tips)
protected  AbstractTreeIterator Merger.openTree(AnyObjectId treeId)
          Open an iterator over a tree.
 void ThreeWayMerger.setBase(AnyObjectId id)
          Set the common ancestor tree.

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.notes

Subclasses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.notes
 class Note
          In-memory representation of a single note attached to one object.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.notes with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 boolean NoteMap.contains(AnyObjectId id)
          Determine if a note exists for the specified ObjectId.
 ObjectId NoteMap.get(AnyObjectId id)
          Lookup a note for a specific ObjectId.
 byte[] NoteMap.getCachedBytes(AnyObjectId id, int sizeLimit)
          Open and return the content of an object's note.
 Note NoteMap.getNote(AnyObjectId id)
          Lookup a note for a specific ObjectId.
 void NoteMap.remove(AnyObjectId noteOn)
          Remove a note from an object.
 void NoteMap.set(AnyObjectId noteOn, ObjectId noteData)
          Attach (or remove) a note on an object.
 void NoteMap.set(AnyObjectId noteOn, String noteData, ObjectInserter ins)
          Attach a note to an object.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.notes with parameters of type AnyObjectId
Note(AnyObjectId noteOn, ObjectId noteData)
          A Git note about the object referenced by noteOn.

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.revplot

Subclasses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.revplot
 class PlotCommit<L extends PlotLane>
          A commit reference to a commit in the DAG.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.revplot with parameters of type AnyObjectId
protected  RevCommit PlotWalk.createCommit(AnyObjectId id)

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.revplot with parameters of type AnyObjectId
PlotCommit(AnyObjectId id)
          Create a new commit.

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk

Subclasses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk
static class DepthWalk.Commit
          RevCommit with a depth (in commits) from a root.
 class RevBlob
          A binary file, or a symbolic link.
 class RevCommit
          A commit reference to a commit in the DAG.
 class RevObject
          Base object type accessed during revision walking.
 class RevTag
          An annotated tag.
 class RevTree
          A reference to a tree of subtrees/files.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk with parameters of type AnyObjectId
protected  RevCommit DepthWalk.RevWalk.createCommit(AnyObjectId id)
protected  RevCommit DepthWalk.ObjectWalk.createCommit(AnyObjectId id)
protected  RevCommit RevWalk.createCommit(AnyObjectId id)
          Construct a new unparsed commit for the given object.
 RevObject RevWalk.lookupAny(AnyObjectId id, int type)
          Locate a reference to any object without loading it.
 RevBlob RevWalk.lookupBlob(AnyObjectId id)
          Locate a reference to a blob without loading it.
 RevCommit RevWalk.lookupCommit(AnyObjectId id)
          Locate a reference to a commit without loading it.
 RevObject RevWalk.lookupOrNull(AnyObjectId id)
          Locate an object that was previously allocated in this walk.
 RevTag RevWalk.lookupTag(AnyObjectId id)
          Locate a reference to a tag without loading it.
 RevTree RevWalk.lookupTree(AnyObjectId id)
          Locate a reference to a tree without loading it.
 RevObject RevWalk.parseAny(AnyObjectId id)
          Locate a reference to any object and immediately parse its headers.
 RevCommit RevWalk.parseCommit(AnyObjectId id)
          Locate a reference to a commit and immediately parse its content.
 RevTag RevWalk.parseTag(AnyObjectId id)
          Locate a reference to an annotated tag and immediately parse its content.
 RevTree RevWalk.parseTree(AnyObjectId id)
          Locate a reference to a tree.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.revwalk with parameters of type AnyObjectId
DepthWalk.Commit(AnyObjectId id)
          Initialize a new commit.
RevBlob(AnyObjectId id)
          Create a new blob reference.
RevCommit(AnyObjectId id)
          Create a new commit reference.
RevTag(AnyObjectId id)
          Create a new tag reference.
RevTree(AnyObjectId id)
          Create a new tree reference.

Uses of AnyObjectId in

Methods in with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 long DfsReader.getObjectSize(AnyObjectId objectId, int typeHint)
 boolean DfsReader.has(AnyObjectId objectId)
 boolean DfsPackFile.hasObject(DfsReader ctx, AnyObjectId id)
          Check if an object is stored within this pack.
protected  void DfsPackParser.onBeginRefDelta(long streamPosition, AnyObjectId baseId, long inflatedSize)
 ObjectLoader objectId, int typeHint)

Uses of AnyObjectId in

Methods in with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 File ObjectDirectory.fileFor(AnyObjectId objectId)
          Compute the location of a loose object file.
abstract  long PackIndex.findCRC32(AnyObjectId objId)
          Retrieve stored CRC32 checksum of the requested object raw-data (including header).
abstract  long PackIndex.findOffset(AnyObjectId objId)
          Locate the file offset position for the requested object.
 boolean PackFile.hasObject(AnyObjectId id)
          Determine if an object is contained within the pack file.
 boolean PackIndex.hasObject(AnyObjectId id)
          Determine if an object is contained within the pack file.
protected  void ObjectDirectoryPackParser.onBeginRefDelta(long streamPosition, AnyObjectId baseId, long inflatedSize)
static ObjectLoader UnpackedObject.parse(byte[] raw, AnyObjectId id)
          Parse an object from the unpacked object format.

Uses of AnyObjectId in

Subclasses of AnyObjectId in
 class ObjectToPack
          Per-object state used by PackWriter.

Methods in with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 ObjectToPack PackWriter.get(AnyObjectId id)
          Lookup the ObjectToPack object for a given ObjectId.
 boolean PackWriter.willInclude(AnyObjectId id)
          Determine if the pack file will contain the requested object.

Constructors in with parameters of type AnyObjectId
ObjectToPack(AnyObjectId src, int type)
          Construct for the specified object id.

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.submodule

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.submodule with parameters of type AnyObjectId
static SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.forPath(Repository repository, AnyObjectId treeId, String path)
          Create a generator and advance it to the submodule entry at the given path
 SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.setRootTree(AnyObjectId id)
          Set the tree used by this walk for finding .gitmodules.
 SubmoduleWalk SubmoduleWalk.setTree(AnyObjectId treeId)
          Set the tree used for finding submodule entries

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.transport

Subclasses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.transport
 class PackedObjectInfo
          Description of an object stored in a pack file, including offset.

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.transport with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 void RefAdvertiser.advertiseHave(AnyObjectId id)
          Advertise one object is available using the magic .have.
 void RefAdvertiser.advertiseId(AnyObjectId id, String refName)
          Advertise one object under a specific name.
 void BundleWriter.include(String name, AnyObjectId id)
          Include an object (and everything reachable from it) in the bundle.
protected  PackedObjectInfo PackParser.newInfo(AnyObjectId id, PackParser.UnresolvedDelta delta, ObjectId deltaBase)
          Construct a PackedObjectInfo instance for this parser.
protected abstract  void PackParser.onBeginRefDelta(long deltaStreamPosition, AnyObjectId baseId, long inflatedSize)
          Event notifying start of a delta referencing its base by ObjectId.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.transport with parameters of type AnyObjectId
PackedObjectInfo(AnyObjectId id)
          Create a new structure to remember information about an object.

Uses of AnyObjectId in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk

Methods in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk with parameters of type AnyObjectId
 int TreeWalk.addTree(AnyObjectId id)
          Add an already existing tree object for walking.
 CanonicalTreeParser CanonicalTreeParser.createSubtreeIterator0(ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId id)
          Back door to quickly create a subtree iterator for any subtree.
static TreeWalk TreeWalk.forPath(ObjectReader reader, String path, AnyObjectId... trees)
          Open a tree walk and filter to exactly one path.
static TreeWalk TreeWalk.forPath(Repository db, String path, AnyObjectId... trees)
          Open a tree walk and filter to exactly one path.
 void TreeWalk.reset(AnyObjectId... ids)
          Reset this walker to run over a set of existing trees.
 void TreeWalk.reset(AnyObjectId id)
          Reset this walker to run over a single existing tree.
 void CanonicalTreeParser.reset(ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId id)
          Reset this parser to walk through the given tree.
 CanonicalTreeParser CanonicalTreeParser.resetRoot(ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId id)
          Reset this parser to walk through the given tree.

Constructors in org.eclipse.jgit.treewalk with parameters of type AnyObjectId
CanonicalTreeParser(byte[] prefix, ObjectReader reader, AnyObjectId treeId)
          Create a new parser for a tree appearing in a subset of a repository.

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