Uses of Interface

Packages that use ESMutation

Uses of ESMutation in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.modelmutator.mutation

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.modelmutator.mutation that implement ESMutation
 class AddObjectMutation
          A mutation, which adds a new object into the model.
 class AttributeChangeMutation
          A mutation, which adds, deletes, or reorders an attribute value of an object.
 class ContainmentChangeMutation<M extends ESContainmentChangeMutation<?>>
          Abstract mutation for mutating the containment tree of models.
 class DeleteObjectMutation
          A mutation, which deletes a new object from the model.
 class FeatureMapKeyMutation
          A mutation, which changes the keys of feature map entries.
 class FeatureMapValueMutation
          A mutation, which changes the value of feature map entries.
 class MoveObjectMutation
          A mutation, which moves an object from one container into another.
 class Mutation
          Abstract mutation acting as a common super class of specific implementations of mutations.
 class ReferenceChangeMutation
          A mutation, which changes reference values.
 class StructuralFeatureMutation<M extends ESStructuralFeatureMutation<?>>
          An abstract mutation for changing structural feature values.

Uses of ESMutation in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.modelmutator

Subinterfaces of ESMutation in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.modelmutator
 interface ESAddObjectMutation
          A mutation, which adds a new object into the model.
 interface ESAttributeChangeMutation
          A mutation, which adds, deletes, or reorders an attribute value of an object.
 interface ESContainmentChangeMutation<T extends ESContainmentChangeMutation<?>>
          Mutation for mutating the containment tree of models.
 interface ESDeleteObjectMutation
          A mutation, which deletes a new object from the model.
 interface ESFeatureMapKeyMutation
          A mutation, which changes the keys of feature map entries.
 interface ESFeatureMapValueMutation
          A mutation, which changes the value of feature map entries.
 interface ESMoveObjectMutation
          A mutation, which moves an object from one container into another.
 interface ESReferenceChangeMutation
          A mutation, which changes reference values.
 interface ESStructuralFeatureMutation<T extends ESStructuralFeatureMutation<?>>
          An abstract mutation for changing structural feature values.

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