Package org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.modelmutator

Interface Summary
ESAddObjectMutation A mutation, which adds a new object into the model.
ESAttributeChangeMutation A mutation, which adds, deletes, or reorders an attribute value of an object.
ESContainmentChangeMutation<T extends ESContainmentChangeMutation<?>> Mutation for mutating the containment tree of models.
ESDeleteObjectMutation A mutation, which deletes a new object from the model.
ESFeatureMapKeyMutation A mutation, which changes the keys of feature map entries.
ESFeatureMapValueMutation A mutation, which changes the value of feature map entries.
ESMoveObjectMutation A mutation, which moves an object from one container into another.
ESMutation Abstract mutation acting as a common super class of specific implementations of mutations.
ESReferenceChangeMutation A mutation, which changes reference values.
ESResourceSelectionStrategy A ESResourceSelectionStrategy selects a resource from a given list of resources.
ESStructuralFeatureMutation<T extends ESStructuralFeatureMutation<?>> An abstract mutation for changing structural feature values.

Class Summary
ESAbstractModelMutator Abstract implementation of an model mutator.
ESCrossResourceReferencesModelMutator Model mutator that creates a ResourceSet, places the root object into the first resource and then distributes all children across the different resources.
ESModelMutatorConfiguration Configuration for the ModelMutator.
ESModelMutatorUtil Util class for the ModelMutator.
ESMutationFactory Factory for creating mutations.
ESRoundRobinResourceSelectionStrategy A ESResourceSelectionStrategy that selects each resource from the list of resources in a round-robin fashion.

Enum Summary
ESRandomChangeMode The modes in which an attribute can be changed.

Exception Summary
ESMutationException The class encapsulates mutation-specific exceptions if mutations cannot succeed.

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