Uses of Class

Packages that use MutationTargetSelector

Uses of MutationTargetSelector in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.modelmutator.mutation

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.modelmutator.mutation with parameters of type MutationTargetSelector
DeleteObjectMutation(ESModelMutatorUtil util, MutationTargetSelector selector)
          Creates a new mutation with the specified util and the selector.
FeatureMapKeyMutation(ESModelMutatorUtil util, MutationTargetSelector selector)
          Creates a new mutation with the specified util and the selector.
FeatureMapValueMutation(ESModelMutatorUtil util, MutationTargetSelector selector)
          Creates a new mutation with the specified util and the selector.
MutationTargetSelector(ESModelMutatorUtil util, MutationTargetSelector selector)
          Creates a new mutation target selector with the same values as the given selector and the given util.

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