Class MutationTargetSelector

  extended by org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.modelmutator.mutation.MutationTargetSelector

public class MutationTargetSelector
extends Object

A selector of a mutation target.

A mutation target is an EObject and a EStructuralFeature to be mutated. This selector can be configured with predicates that are respected during the selection and can also be partly pre-filled with, for instance, an EStructuralFeature, and the selector will complete the selection based on the configuration or pre-filled data.

Philip Langer

Constructor Summary
MutationTargetSelector(ESModelMutatorUtil util)
          Creates a new mutation target selector with the given util.
MutationTargetSelector(ESModelMutatorUtil util, MutationTargetSelector selector)
          Creates a new mutation target selector with the same values as the given selector and the given util.
Method Summary
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
equals, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Constructor Detail


public MutationTargetSelector(ESModelMutatorUtil util)
Creates a new mutation target selector with the given util.

util - The model mutator util to be used.


public MutationTargetSelector(ESModelMutatorUtil util,
                              MutationTargetSelector selector)
Creates a new mutation target selector with the same values as the given selector and the given util.

util - The model mutator util to be used.
selector - The selector to copy from.

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