Uses of Class

Packages that use AttributeSetter

Uses of AttributeSetter in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.modelmutator.intern.attribute

Subclasses of AttributeSetter in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.internal.modelmutator.intern.attribute
 class AttributeSetterEBigDecimal
          Class for creating random BigDecimal values.
 class AttributeSetterEBigInteger
          Class for creating random BigInteger values.
 class AttributeSetterEBoolean
          Class for creating random Boolean values.
 class AttributeSetterEByte
          Class for creating random Byte values.
 class AttributeSetterEByteArray
          Class for creating random Byte[] values.
 class AttributeSetterEChar
          Class for creating random Char values.
 class AttributeSetterEDate
          Class for creating random Date values.
 class AttributeSetterEDouble
          Class for creating random Double values.
 class AttributeSetterEEnum
          Class for creating random Enumerator values.
 class AttributeSetterEFeatureMapEntry
 class AttributeSetterEFloat
          Class for creating random Float values.
 class AttributeSetterEInt
          Class for creating random Integer values.
 class AttributeSetterELong
          Class for creating random Long values.
 class AttributeSetterEShort
          Class for creating random Short values.
 class AttributeSetterEString
          Class for creating random String values.

Uses of AttributeSetter in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.modelmutator

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.emfstore.modelmutator that return types with arguments of type AttributeSetter
 Map<org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClassifier,AttributeSetter<?>> ESModelMutatorUtil.getAttributeSetters()
          Returns a map containing an AttributeSetter-instance for each attribute type, granting access to all AttributeSetters.

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