Working with another user

We have seen how to create a project and commit it to the repository. We first specified our repository location. Next we shared our project with that location and the HEAD branch. Then we synchronized our project to open the Synchronize view. Finally we committed the resources using the Synchronize view.

The repository currently contains our project and the three files that we committed (file1.txt, file2.txt and file3.txt).

It's time to find that coworker (let's call him Fred) to work through some steps with you. In this section we will learn how two people can work on the same project and simultaneously commit changes to the repository. Specifically we will do the following:


Changes that are in the repository, which you have not yet updated to.


Changes that you are committing.

conflict Both you and the repository have modifications to the same resource.

Next topic Checking out a project 

Back to previous topic Committing

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