Uses of Class

Packages that use AbstractSWTBot
org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder Provides convenience API that most users would like to start with. 

Uses of AbstractSWTBot in org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.gef.finder.widgets

Subclasses of AbstractSWTBot in org.eclipse.swtbot.eclipse.gef.finder.widgets
 class SWTBotGefContextMenu
          a context menu implementation that finds the menu and invokes it in one UIRunnable so as to avoid the disposed-before-clicked issue that occurs within Eclipse.
 class SWTBotGefFigureCanvas
          A bot which wraps the swt canvas control.

Uses of AbstractSWTBot in org.eclipse.swtbot.forms.finder.widgets

Subclasses of AbstractSWTBot in org.eclipse.swtbot.forms.finder.widgets
 class SWTBotHyperlink
          This represents a Hyperlink widget.
 class SWTBotImageHyperlink
          This represents a ImageHyperlink widget.

Methods in org.eclipse.swtbot.forms.finder.widgets that return AbstractSWTBot
 AbstractSWTBot<ImageHyperlink> hyperlinkText)
          Clicks on the image hyperlink with the specified text.
 AbstractSWTBot<Hyperlink> hyperlinkText)
          Clicks on the hyperlink with the specified text.

Uses of AbstractSWTBot in org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder

Methods in org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder with parameters of type AbstractSWTBot
static void SWTBotTestCase.assertEnabled(AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Asserts that the widget is enabled.
static void SWTBotAssert.assertEnabled(AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Asserts that the widget is enabled.
static void SWTBotTestCase.assertMatchesRegex(String regex, AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> actual)
          Assert that the widget text matches the regex.
static void SWTBotAssert.assertMatchesRegex(String regex, AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> actual)
          Assert that the widget text matches the regex.
static void SWTBotTestCase.assertNotEnabled(AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Asserts that the widget is not enabled.
static void SWTBotAssert.assertNotEnabled(AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Asserts that the widget is not enabled.
static void SWTBotTestCase.assertNotVisible(AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Asserts that the widget is not visible.
static void SWTBotAssert.assertNotVisible(AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Asserts that the widget is not visible.
static void SWTBotTestCase.assertText(String expected, AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Assert that the given string is the same as the widgets text.
static void SWTBotAssert.assertText(String expected, AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Assert that the given string is the same as the widgets text.
static void SWTBotTestCase.assertTextContains(String expected, AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Assert that the text on the widget contains the expected text.
static void SWTBotAssert.assertTextContains(String expected, AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Assert that the text on the widget contains the expected text.
static void SWTBotTestCase.assertTextDoesNotContain(String expected, AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Assert that the text on the widget does not contain the expected text.
static void SWTBotAssert.assertTextDoesNotContain(String expected, AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Assert that the text on the widget does not contain the expected text.
static void SWTBotTestCase.assertVisible(AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Asserts that the widget is visible.
static void SWTBotAssert.assertVisible(AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)
          Asserts that the widget is visible.

Uses of AbstractSWTBot in org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.waits

Methods in org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.waits with parameters of type AbstractSWTBot
static ICondition Conditions.widgetIsEnabled(AbstractSWTBot<? extends Widget> widget)

Uses of AbstractSWTBot in org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets

Subclasses of AbstractSWTBot in org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets
 class AbstractSWTBotControl<T extends Control>
          Helper to find SWT Controls and perform operations on them.
 class SWTBotArrowButton
          This represents a Button widget of type SWT.ARROW.
 class SWTBotBrowser
          This represents a Browser widget.
 class SWTBotButton
          This represents a Button widget of type SWT.PUSH.
 class SWTBotCCombo
          This represents a CCombo widget.
 class SWTBotCheckBox
          Represents a checkbox Button of type SWT.CHECK.
 class SWTBotCLabel
          This represents a CLabel widget.
 class SWTBotCombo
 class SWTBotCTabItem
 class SWTBotDateTime
 class SWTBotExpandBar
          Represents an ExpandBar.
 class SWTBotExpandItem
          Represents an ExpandItem.
 class SWTBotLabel
          This represents a Label widget.
 class SWTBotLink
          This represents a Link widget.
 class SWTBotList
 class SWTBotMenu
 class SWTBotRadio
          Represents a radio Button of type SWT.RADIO.
 class SWTBotScale
          Represents a scale
 class SWTBotShell
 class SWTBotSlider
          Represents a slider.
 class SWTBotSpinner
          Represents a spinner.
 class SWTBotStyledText
 class SWTBotTabItem
 class SWTBotTable
 class SWTBotTableColumn
 class SWTBotTableItem
 class SWTBotText
          This represents a Text widget.
 class SWTBotToggleButton
          Represents a toggle button Button of type SWT.TOGGLE.
 class SWTBotToolbarButton
 class SWTBotToolbarDropDownButton
          This represents a toolbar item that is a drop down button.
 class SWTBotToolbarPushButton
 class SWTBotToolbarRadioButton
          Represents a tool item of type checkbox
 class SWTBotToolbarSeparatorButton
          This represents a toolbar item that is a separator.
 class SWTBotToolbarToggleButton
          Represents a tool item of type checkbox
 class SWTBotTrayItem
          Represents a tray item.
 class SWTBotTree
 class SWTBotTreeItem

Methods in org.eclipse.swtbot.swt.finder.widgets that return AbstractSWTBot
protected  AbstractSWTBot<T>
          Clicks on this widget.
protected  AbstractSWTBot<T> x, int y, boolean post)
          Perform a click action at the given coordinates
 AbstractSWTBot<Link> hyperlinkText)
          Clicks on the hyperlink with the specified text.
 AbstractSWTBot<T> AbstractSWTBot.pressShortcut(int modificationKeys, char c)
          Presses the shortcut specified by the given keys.
 AbstractSWTBot<T> AbstractSWTBot.pressShortcut(int modificationKeys, int keyCode, char c)
          Presses the shortcut specified by the given keys.
 AbstractSWTBot<T> AbstractSWTBot.pressShortcut(KeyStroke... keys)
          Presses the shortcut specified by the given keys.
protected  AbstractSWTBot<T> AbstractSWTBot.rightClick()
          Empty method stub, since it should be overridden by subclass#rightClick
protected  AbstractSWTBot<T> AbstractSWTBot.rightClick(int x, int y, boolean post)
          Perform a right-click action at the given coordinates