Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Uses of Interface

Packages that use Listener

Uses of Listener in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.scripting

Classes in org.eclipse.rap.rwt.scripting that implement Listener
 class ClientListener
          A special SWT event listener that is implemented in JavaScript and will be executed on a RAP client.

Uses of Listener in org.eclipse.swt.widgets

Classes in org.eclipse.swt.widgets that implement Listener
 class TypedListener
          Instances of this class are internal SWT implementation objects which provide a mapping between the typed and untyped listener mechanisms that SWT supports.

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.widgets that return Listener
 Listener[] Widget.getListeners(int eventType)
          Returns an array of listeners who will be notified when an event of the given type occurs.

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.widgets with parameters of type Listener
 void Display.addFilter(int eventType, Listener listener)
          Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when an event of the given type occurs anywhere in a widget.
 void Display.addListener(int eventType, Listener listener)
          Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when an event of the given type occurs.
 void Widget.addListener(int eventType, Listener listener)
          Adds the listener to the collection of listeners who will be notified when an event of the given type occurs.
 void Display.removeFilter(int eventType, Listener listener)
          Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when an event of the given type occurs anywhere in a widget.
 void Display.removeListener(int eventType, Listener listener)
          Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when an event of the given type occurs.
 void Widget.removeListener(int eventType, Listener listener)
          Removes the listener from the collection of listeners who will be notified when an event of the given type occurs.

Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Copyright (c) EclipseSource and others 2002, 2013. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0