Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Uses of Class

Packages that use CTabFolderEvent

Uses of CTabFolderEvent in org.eclipse.swt.custom

Methods in org.eclipse.swt.custom with parameters of type CTabFolderEvent
 void CTabFolder2Adapter.close(CTabFolderEvent event)
          Sent when the user clicks on the close button of an item in the CTabFolder.
 void CTabFolder2Listener.close(CTabFolderEvent event)
          Sent when the user clicks on the close button of an item in the CTabFolder.
 void CTabFolder2Adapter.maximize(CTabFolderEvent event)
          Sent when the user clicks on the maximize button of a CTabFolder.
 void CTabFolder2Listener.maximize(CTabFolderEvent event)
          Sent when the user clicks on the maximize button of a CTabFolder.
 void CTabFolder2Adapter.minimize(CTabFolderEvent event)
          Sent when the user clicks on the minimize button of a CTabFolder.
 void CTabFolder2Listener.minimize(CTabFolderEvent event)
          Sent when the user clicks on the minimize button of a CTabFolder.
 void CTabFolder2Adapter.restore(CTabFolderEvent event)
          Sent when the user clicks on the restore button of a CTabFolder.
 void CTabFolder2Listener.restore(CTabFolderEvent event)
          Sent when the user clicks on the restore button of a CTabFolder.
 void CTabFolder2Adapter.showList(CTabFolderEvent event)
          Sent when the user clicks on the chevron button of a CTabFolder.
 void CTabFolder2Listener.showList(CTabFolderEvent event)
          Sent when the user clicks on the chevron button of the CTabFolder.

Eclipse Remote Application Platform

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