Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Interface AccessibleAttributeListener

All Known Implementing Classes:

public interface AccessibleAttributeListener

Classes which implement this interface provide methods that handle AccessibleAttribute events.

After creating an instance of a class that implements this interface it can be added to an accessible using the addAccessibleAttributeListener method and removed using the removeAccessibleAttributeListener method.

See Also:
AccessibleAttributeAdapter, AccessibleAttributeEvent, AccessibleTextAttributeEvent

Method Summary
 void getAttributes(AccessibleAttributeEvent e)
          Returns attributes specific to this Accessible object.
 void getTextAttributes(AccessibleTextAttributeEvent e)
          Returns text attributes specific to this Accessible object.

Method Detail


void getAttributes(AccessibleAttributeEvent e)
Returns attributes specific to this Accessible object.

e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [out] topMargin - the top margin in pixels
  • [out] bottomMargin - the bottom margin in pixels
  • [out] leftMargin - the left margin in pixels
  • [out] rightMargin - the right margin in pixels
  • [out] tabStops - an array of pixel locations
  • [out] justify - whether or not to justify the text
  • [out] alignment - one of SWT#LEFT, SWT#RIGHT or SWT#CENTER
  • [out] indent - the indent in pixels
  • [out] attributes - an array of alternating key and value Strings which represent additional (i.e. non predefined) attributes


void getTextAttributes(AccessibleTextAttributeEvent e)
Returns text attributes specific to this Accessible object.

e - an event object containing the following fields:
  • [in] offset - the 0 based text offset for which to return attribute information
  • [out] start - the 0 based starting offset of the character range over which all text attributes match those of offset
  • [out] end - the 0 based offset after the last character of the character range over which all text attributes match those of offset
  • [out] textStyle - the TextStyle of the character range
  • [out] attributes - an array of alternating key and value Strings that represent additional attributes that do not correspond to TextStyle fields

Eclipse Remote Application Platform

Copyright (c) EclipseSource and others 2002, 2013. All rights reserved. This program and the accompanying materials are made available under the terms of the Eclipse Public License v1.0