Class UuID.UuIDNamespace

  extended by org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.Namespace
      extended by org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.UuID.UuIDNamespace
All Implemented Interfaces:, org.eclipse.core.runtime.IAdaptable
Enclosing class:

public static class UuID.UuIDNamespace
extends Namespace

See Also:
Serialized Form

Field Summary
static java.lang.String SCHEME
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.Namespace
Constructor Summary
UuID.UuIDNamespace(java.lang.String name, java.lang.String description)
Method Summary
 ID createInstance(java.lang.Object[] parameters)
          Make an instance of this namespace.
 java.lang.String getScheme()
          Get the primary scheme associated with this namespace.
 java.lang.Class<?>[][] getSupportedParameterTypes()
          Get the supported parameter types for IDs created via subsequent calls to Namespace.createInstance(Object[]).
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.ecf.core.identity.Namespace
equals, getAdapter, getCompareToForObject, getDescription, getHashCodeForID, getInitStringFromExternalForm, getName, getNameForID, getSupportedSchemes, hashCode, initialize, testIDEquals, toExternalForm, toString
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, finalize, getClass, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


public static final java.lang.String SCHEME
See Also:
Constant Field Values
Constructor Detail


public UuID.UuIDNamespace()


public UuID.UuIDNamespace(java.lang.String name,
                          java.lang.String description)
Method Detail


public ID createInstance(java.lang.Object[] parameters)
                  throws IDCreateException
Description copied from class: Namespace
Make an instance of this namespace. Namespace subclasses, provided by plugins must implement this method to construct ID instances for the given namespace.

See Namespace.getSupportedParameterTypes() to get information relevant to deciding what parameter types are expected by this method.

Specified by:
createInstance in class Namespace
parameters - an Object[] of parameters for creating ID instances. May be null.
a non-null ID instance. The class used may extend BaseID or may implement the ID interface directly
IDCreateException - if construction fails


public java.lang.String getScheme()
Description copied from class: Namespace
Get the primary scheme associated with this namespace. Subclasses must provide an implementation that returns a non-null scheme identifier. Note that the returned scheme should not contain the Namespace.SCHEME_SEPARATOR (\":\").

Specified by:
getScheme in class Namespace
a String scheme identifier. Must not be null.


public java.lang.Class<?>[][] getSupportedParameterTypes()
Description copied from class: Namespace
Get the supported parameter types for IDs created via subsequent calls to Namespace.createInstance(Object[]). Callers may use this method to determine the available parameter types, and then create and pass in conforming Object arrays to to Namespace.createInstance(Object[]).

An empty two-dimensional array (new Class[0][0]) is the default returned by this abstract superclass. This means that the Object [] passed to Namespace.createInstance(Object[]) will be ignored.

Subsclasses should override this method to specify the parameters that they will accept in calls to Namespace.createInstance(Object[]). The rows of the returned Class array are the acceptable types for a given invocation of createInstance.

Consider the following example:

 public Class[][] getSupportedParameterTypes() {
        return new Class[][] { { String.class }, { String.class, String.class } };
The above means that there are two acceptable values for the Object [] passed into Namespace.createInstance(Object[]): 1) a single String, and 2) two Strings. These would therefore be acceptable as input to createInstance:
        ID newID1 = namespace.createInstance(new Object[] { "Hello" });
        ID newID2 = namespace.createInstance(new Object[] { "Hello", "There"}};

getSupportedParameterTypes in class Namespace
Class [][] an array of class []s. Rows of the returned two-dimensional array define the acceptable parameter types for a single call to Namespace.createInstance(Object[]). If zero-length Class arrays are returned (i.e. Class[0][0]), then Object [] parameters to Namespace.createInstance(Object[]) will be ignored.