Uses of Interface

Packages that use Option
org.eclipse.ocl Definition of the extensible environment API for OCL parsing and evaluation. 

Uses of Option in org.eclipse.ocl

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl that return types with arguments of type Option
protected  java.util.Map<Option<?>,java.lang.Object> AbstractEvaluationEnvironment.basicGetOptions()
 java.util.Map<Option<?>,java.lang.Object> AbstractEvaluationEnvironment.clearOptions()
 java.util.Map<Option<?>,java.lang.Object> AbstractEvaluationEnvironment.getOptions()
<T> java.util.Map<Option<T>,T>
AbstractEvaluationEnvironment.removeOptions(java.util.Collection<Option<T>> options)

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl with parameters of type Option
<T> T
AbstractEvaluationEnvironment.getValue(Option<T> option)
 boolean AbstractEvaluationEnvironment.isEnabled(Option<java.lang.Boolean> option)
 boolean AbstractEnvironment.notOK(Option<ProblemHandler.Severity> option)
          Queries whether I have a non-OK setting for the specified problem option.
<T> T
AbstractEvaluationEnvironment.removeOption(Option<T> option)
<T> void
AbstractEvaluationEnvironment.setOption(Option<T> option, T value)

Method parameters in org.eclipse.ocl with type arguments of type Option
<T> void
AbstractEvaluationEnvironment.putOptions(java.util.Map<? extends Option<T>,? extends T> options)
<T> java.util.Map<Option<T>,T>
AbstractEvaluationEnvironment.removeOptions(java.util.Collection<Option<T>> options)

Uses of Option in org.eclipse.ocl.lpg

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.lpg that return types with arguments of type Option
protected  java.util.Map<Option<?>,java.lang.Object> AbstractBasicEnvironment.basicGetOptions()
 java.util.Map<Option<?>,java.lang.Object> AbstractBasicEnvironment.clearOptions()
 java.util.Map<Option<?>,java.lang.Object> AbstractBasicEnvironment.getOptions()
<T> java.util.Map<Option<T>,T>
AbstractBasicEnvironment.removeOptions(java.util.Collection<Option<T>> options)

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.lpg with parameters of type Option
<T> T
AbstractBasicEnvironment.getValue(Option<T> option)
 boolean AbstractBasicEnvironment.isEnabled(Option<java.lang.Boolean> option)
<T> T
AbstractBasicEnvironment.removeOption(Option<T> option)
<T> void
AbstractBasicEnvironment.setOption(Option<T> option, T value)

Method parameters in org.eclipse.ocl.lpg with type arguments of type Option
<T> void
AbstractBasicEnvironment.putOptions(java.util.Map<? extends Option<T>,? extends T> options)
<T> java.util.Map<Option<T>,T>
AbstractBasicEnvironment.removeOptions(java.util.Collection<Option<T>> options)

Uses of Option in org.eclipse.ocl.options

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.options that implement Option
 class BasicOption<T>
          Useful implementation of the Option interface for OCL parsing options.
 class BooleanOption
          Implementation of the PreferenceableOption interface for boolean OCL options.
 class ClassOption<T>
          Implementation of the PreferenceableOption interface for class OCL options.
 class EnumeratedOption<T extends Enum<T>>
          Implementation of the PreferenceableOption interface for enum OCL options.
 class ObjectOption<T>
          Implementation of the PreferenceableOption interface for object OCL options.
 class ProblemOption
          Options for problem-reporting in parsing OCL constraints.

Fields in org.eclipse.ocl.options declared as Option
static Option<java.lang.Boolean> EvaluationOptions.ANY_LESS_IS_INVALID
           Evaluation option indicating whether an any iteration that selection no values should return invalid (true) or null (false option, default option).
static Option<java.lang.Boolean> EvaluationOptions.CLOSURE_INCLUDES_SOURCES
           Evaluation option indicating whether a closure includes the sources (true) or excludes them (false, default).
static Option<java.lang.Boolean> ParsingOptions.DEFINITION_CONSTRAINS_FEATURE
           Parsing option indicating whether to reference the defined property or operation in a def: expression as a constrained element of the constraint, in addition to the context classifier.
static Option<java.lang.Boolean> EvaluationOptions.DYNAMIC_DISPATCH
           Evaluation option indicating whether to perform dynamic source-type dependent dispatch of operation calls.
static Option<?> ParsingOptions.IMPLICIT_ROOT_CLASS
           Static instance for the implicit-root-class option token.
static Option<java.lang.Boolean> EvaluationOptions.LAX_NULL_HANDLING
           Evaluation option indicating whether to implement lax handling of null values in certain OclAny-defined operations.
static Option<java.lang.Boolean> ParsingOptions.OVERLOAD_AMBIGUITY_IS_INVALID
           Parsing option indicating whether the parser should consider an ambiguous overload resolution as invalid.
           Static instance for the lookup-package-by-aliase option token.
static Option<java.lang.Boolean> ParsingOptions.SUPPORT_STATIC_FEATURES
           Parsing option indicating whether to accept static as part of a definition constraint.
static Option<java.lang.Boolean> ParsingOptions.USE_BACKSLASH_ESCAPE_PROCESSING
           Parsing option indicating whether to process backslash escape sequences ( \n, \r, etc.) as specified by OMG Issue 14357 for OCL 2.3.
static Option<java.lang.Boolean> ParsingOptions.USE_COMPARE_TO_OPERATION
           Parsing option indicating whether to interpolate <, <=, >, and >= operations when a model type defines a Java-style compareTo(...) operation.
static Option<java.lang.Boolean> ParsingOptions.USE_LONG_INTEGERS
           Parsing option indicating whether to allow integer literals to exceed 32-bit limits..
static Option<java.lang.Boolean> ParsingOptions.USE_TYPE_CACHES
           Parsing option indicating whether the parser should make use of caches to accelerate repeated lookup of operations and properties.
static Option<java.lang.Boolean> ParsingOptions.WARN_OF_XOR_OR_AND_PRECEDENCE_CHANGE
           Parsing option indicating whether to generate a warning when the OCL 2.1 parsing of distinct xor, or, and precedences leads to a different parse to the OCL 2.0 specification of all levels equal.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.options that return Option
<C> Option<C>
ParsingOptions.implicitRootClass(Environment<?,C,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> env)
           A parsing option specifying a class that's assumed to be the implicit root of the subject model's class hierarchy.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.options that return types with arguments of type Option
 java.util.Map<Option<?>,java.lang.Object> Customizable.clearOptions()
          Clears all options.
 java.util.Map<Option<?>,java.lang.Object> Customizable.getOptions()
          Obtains a copy of my map of options.
<T> java.util.Map<Option<T>,T>
Customizable.removeOptions(java.util.Collection<Option<T>> options)
          Removes the specified options.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.options with parameters of type Option
<T> T
ParsingOptions.getValue(Environment<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> env, Option<T> option)
          Obtains the value of the specified option's setting in the the given environment's options map, adapting the environment as necessary to the Customizable API.
<T> T
EvaluationOptions.getValue(EvaluationEnvironment<?,?,?,?,?> env, Option<T> option)
          Obtains the value of the specified option's setting in the the given environment's options map, adapting the environment as necessary to the Customizable API.
<T> T
Customizable.getValue(Option<T> option)
          Obtains the value of the specified option's setting in the my options map.
 boolean Customizable.isEnabled(Option<java.lang.Boolean> option)
          Queries whether the specified boolean-valued option is enabled.
<T> T
Customizable.removeOption(Option<T> option)
          Removes the specified option.
<T> void
ParsingOptions.setOption(Environment<?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?> env, Option<T> option, T value)
          Add an option to apply to the specified environment, adapting it as necessary to the Customizable API.
<T> void
EvaluationOptions.setOption(EvaluationEnvironment<?,?,?,?,?> env, Option<T> option, T value)
          Add an option to apply to the specified environment, adapting it as necessary to the Customizable API.
<T> void
Customizable.setOption(Option<T> option, T value)
          Add an option to apply to my behaviour.

Method parameters in org.eclipse.ocl.options with type arguments of type Option
<T> void
Customizable.putOptions(java.util.Map<? extends Option<T>,? extends T> options)
          Adds options to apply to my behaviour.
<T> java.util.Map<Option<T>,T>
Customizable.removeOptions(java.util.Collection<Option<T>> options)
          Removes the specified options.

Uses of Option in org.eclipse.ocl.uml.options

Fields in org.eclipse.ocl.uml.options declared as Option
static Option<java.lang.Class<? extends org.eclipse.uml2.uml.Association>> UMLParsingOptions.ASSOCIATION_CLASS_TYPE
          Option determining which UML metaclass to consider as the OCL notion of Association Class.
static Option<EvaluationMode> UMLEvaluationOptions.EVALUATION_MODE
           Evaluation mode option determining whether we are working with M1 instance models (EvaluationMode.INSTANCE_MODEL, M0 objects (EvaluationMode.RUNTIME_OBJECTS), or indeterminate, in which last case we guess on-the-fly (EvaluationMode.ADAPTIVE).