Package org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel

Interface Summary
CGAccumulator A representation of the model object 'CG Accumulator'.
CGAssertNonNullExp A representation of the model object 'CG Assert Non Null Exp'.
CGBoolean A representation of the model object 'CG Boolean'.
CGBoxExp A representation of the model object 'CG Box Exp'.
CGBuiltInIterationCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG While Exp'.
CGCallable A representation of the model object 'CG Callable'.
CGCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Call Exp'.
CGCastExp A representation of the model object 'CG Cast Exp'.
CGCatchExp A representation of the model object 'CG Catch Exp'.
CGClass A representation of the model object 'CG Class'.
CGCollectionExp A representation of the model object 'CG Collection Exp'.
CGCollectionPart A representation of the model object 'CG Collection Part'.
CGConstant A representation of the model object 'CG Global Constant'.
CGConstantExp A representation of the model object 'CG Literal Exp'.
CGConstraint A representation of the model object 'CG Constraint'.
CGConstructorExp A representation of the model object 'CG Constructor Exp'.
CGConstructorPart A representation of the model object 'CG Constructor Part'.
CGEcoreClassConstructorExp A representation of the model object 'CG Ecore Class Constructor Exp'.
CGEcoreDataTypeConstructorExp A representation of the model object 'CG Ecore Data Type Constructor Exp'.
CGEcoreOperation A representation of the model object 'CG Ecore Operation'.
CGEcoreOperationCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Ecore Operation Call Exp'.
CGEcoreOppositePropertyCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Ecore Opposite Property Call Exp'.
CGEcorePropertyCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Ecore Property Call Exp'.
CGElement A representation of the model object 'CG Element'.
CGElementId A representation of the model object 'CG Element Id'.
CGExecutorCompositionProperty A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Composition Property'.
CGExecutorConstructorPart A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Constructor Part'.
CGExecutorNavigationProperty A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Navigation Property'.
CGExecutorOperation A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Operation'.
CGExecutorOperationCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Operation Call Exp'.
CGExecutorOppositeProperty A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Opposite Property'.
CGExecutorOppositePropertyCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Opposite Property Call Exp'.
CGExecutorProperty A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Property'.
CGExecutorPropertyCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Executor Property Call Exp'.
CGExecutorType A representation of the model object 'CG Type With Reflection'.
CGFinalVariable A representation of the model object 'CG Final Variable'.
CGGuardExp A representation of the model object 'CG Guard Exp'.
CGIfExp A representation of the model object 'CG If Exp'.
CGInteger A representation of the model object 'CG Integer'.
CGInvalid A representation of the model object 'CG Invalid'.
CGIsEqualExp A representation of the model object 'CG Is Equal Exp'.
CGIsInvalidExp A representation of the model object 'CG Is Invalid Exp'.
CGIsUndefinedExp A representation of the model object 'CG Is Undefined Exp'.
CGIterationCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Iteration Call Exp'.
CGIterator A representation of the model object 'CG Iterator'.
CGLetExp A representation of the model object 'CG Let Exp'.
CGLibraryIterateCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Library Iterate Call Exp'.
CGLibraryIterationCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Library Iteration Call Exp'.
CGLibraryOperation A representation of the model object 'CG Library Operation'.
CGLibraryOperationCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Library Operation Call Exp'.
CGLibraryPropertyCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Library Property Call Exp'.
CGLocalVariable A representation of the model object 'CG Variable'.
CGModel A representation of the model object 'CG Model'.
CGModelFactory The Factory for the model.
CGModelPackage The Package for the model.
CGModelPackage.Literals Defines literals for the meta objects that represent each class, each feature of each class, each operation of each class, each enum, and each data type
CGNamedElement A representation of the model object 'CG Named Element'.
CGNavigationCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Navigation Call Exp'.
CGNull A representation of the model object 'CG Null'.
CGNumber A representation of the model object 'CG Number'.
CGOperation A representation of the model object 'CG Operation'.
CGOperationCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Operation Call Exp'.
CGOppositePropertyCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Opposite Property Call Exp'.
CGPackage A representation of the model object 'CG Package'.
CGParameter A representation of the model object 'CG Parameter'.
CGProperty A representation of the model object 'CG Property'.
CGPropertyCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Property Call Exp'.
CGReal A representation of the model object 'CG Real'.
CGSettableVariable A representation of the model object 'CG Settable Variable'.
CGString A representation of the model object 'CG String'.
CGText A representation of the model object 'CG Text'.
CGTextParameter A representation of the model object 'CG Text Parameter'.
CGThrowExp A representation of the model object 'CG Throw Exp'.
CGTupleExp A representation of the model object 'CG Tuple Exp'.
CGTuplePart A representation of the model object 'CG Tuple Part'.
CGTuplePartCallExp A representation of the model object 'CG Tuple Part Call Exp'.
CGTypedElement A representation of the model object 'CG Typed Element'.
CGTypeExp A representation of the model object 'CG Type Exp'.
CGTypeId A representation of the model object 'CG Type'.
CGUnboxExp A representation of the model object 'CG Unbox Exp'.
CGUnlimited A representation of the model object 'CG Infinity'.
CGValuedElement A representation of the model object 'CG Valued Element'.
CGVariable A representation of the model object 'CG Variable Declaration'.
CGVariableExp A representation of the model object 'CG Variable Exp'.