Uses of Class

Packages that use BehaviorItemProvider

Uses of BehaviorItemProvider in org.eclipse.uml2.uml.edit.providers

Subclasses of BehaviorItemProvider in org.eclipse.uml2.uml.edit.providers
 class ActivityItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Activity object
 class FunctionBehaviorItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a FunctionBehavior object
 class InteractionItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a Interaction object
 class OpaqueBehaviorItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a OpaqueBehavior object
 class ProtocolStateMachineItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a ProtocolStateMachine object
 class StateMachineItemProvider
          This is the item provider adapter for a StateMachine object

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