Uses of Interface

Packages that use OCLHelper
org.eclipse.ocl Definition of the extensible environment API for OCL parsing and evaluation. 
org.eclipse.ocl.ecore Implementation of an OCL binding for the Ecore metamodel. 

Uses of OCLHelper in org.eclipse.ocl

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl that return OCLHelper
 OCLHelper<C,O,P,CT> OCL.createOCLHelper()
          Creates a new OCLHelper instance for convenient parsing of embedded constraints and query expressions in this environment.

Uses of OCLHelper in org.eclipse.ocl.ecore

Subinterfaces of OCLHelper in org.eclipse.ocl.ecore
static interface OCL.Helper
          Convenient interface aliasing the type parameter substitutions for the Ecore environment, for ease of typing.

Uses of OCLHelper in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.interpreter.console

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.interpreter.console with parameters of type OCLHelper
<C,O,P> ConstraintKind
ModelingLevel.setContext(OCLHelper<C,O,P,?> helper, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EObject element, IOCLFactory<C> factory)
          Set the context of the specified OCL helper to the given element (in the ModelingLevel.M1 case) or its metaclass (ModelingLevel.M2 case).

Uses of OCLHelper in org.eclipse.ocl.internal.helper

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.internal.helper that return OCLHelper
HelperUtil.createOCLHelper(OCL<PK,C,O,P,EL,PM,S,COA,SSA,CT,CLS,E> ocl)
          Creates an OCLHelper for the specified EMF metamodel.