Interface StandaloneProjectMap.IResourceLoadStatus

All Known Implementing Classes:
StandaloneProjectMap.AbstractResourceLoadStatus, StandaloneProjectMap.MultiplePackageResourceLoadStatus, StandaloneProjectMap.SinglePackageResourceLoadStatus
Enclosing class:

public static interface StandaloneProjectMap.IResourceLoadStatus

An IResourceLoadStatus maintains the lazy load state of a resource associated with a genmodel identified by an IResourceDescriptor within a ResourceSet.

Method Summary
 void configureDelegatingResource()
          Configure the ResourceSet.URIResourceMap to resolve platform:/plugin and platform:/resource references to a pseudo resource that delegates to generated packages.
 void configureEPackageRegistry(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource resource)
          Configure the EPackage.Registry to resolve namesapce URI references to the specified resource.
 void configureResourceSetURIResourceMap(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource resource)
          Configure the ResourceSet.URIResourceMap to resolve platform:/plugin and platform:/resource references to the specified resource.
 void dispose()
          Dispose of all facilities used by the IResourceLoadStatus, and remove all EPackageDescriptor entries.
 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage getConflictingDynamicResource(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage ePackage)
          Return the EPackage to be used for a platform-resource/plugin URI after a namespace URI has already been loaded.
 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage getFirstEPackage()
          Return the first loaded EPackage which may be part of a model or a Java generated EPackageinstance..
 StandaloneProjectMap.IPackageLoadStatus getPackageLoadStatus(StandaloneProjectMap.IPackageDescriptor packageDescriptor)
          Return the package load status for the package identified by packageDescriptor
 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage.Registry getPackageRegistry()
          Return the package registry maintained by this resource load status
 StandaloneProjectMap.IResourceDescriptor getResourceDescriptor()
          Return the descriptor for the resource.
 StandaloneProjectMap.IResourceLoadStrategy getResourceLoadStrategy()
          Return the configured resource loading strategy.
 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet getResourceSet()
          Return the ResourceSet to which the resource logically belongs.
 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource loadDynamicResource(org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI nsURI)
          Load and return the EPackage appropriate to the platform resource or plugin resource using nsURI to identify a conflicting nsURI access,
 void loadGeneratedPackages()
          Load all the Java generated EPackage instances for the resource.
 void setConflictHandler(StandaloneProjectMap.IConflictHandler conflictHandler)
          Define a new conflict handler.
 void setGenerationInProgress(boolean isGenerating)
          Set true by Pivot2Ecore to inhibit auto-loading of newly added EPackages.
 void setResource(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource resource)
          Define the resource once it has been loaded.
 void setResourceLoadStrategy(StandaloneProjectMap.IResourceLoadStrategy resourceLoadStrategy)
          Define a new package load strategy.
 void unloadedResource()
          Reset the status following notification that the model has been unloaded.

Method Detail


void configureDelegatingResource()
Configure the ResourceSet.URIResourceMap to resolve platform:/plugin and platform:/resource references to a pseudo resource that delegates to generated packages.


void configureEPackageRegistry(@NonNull
                               org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource resource)
Configure the EPackage.Registry to resolve namesapce URI references to the specified resource.


void configureResourceSetURIResourceMap(@NonNull
                                        org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource resource)
Configure the ResourceSet.URIResourceMap to resolve platform:/plugin and platform:/resource references to the specified resource.


void dispose()
Dispose of all facilities used by the IResourceLoadStatus, and remove all EPackageDescriptor entries.


org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage getConflictingDynamicResource(@NonNull
                                                                      org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage ePackage)
Return the EPackage to be used for a platform-resource/plugin URI after a namespace URI has already been loaded.


org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage getFirstEPackage()
Return the first loaded EPackage which may be part of a model or a Java generated EPackageinstance..



StandaloneProjectMap.IPackageLoadStatus getPackageLoadStatus(@NonNull
                                                                      StandaloneProjectMap.IPackageDescriptor packageDescriptor)
Return the package load status for the package identified by packageDescriptor


StandaloneProjectMap.IResourceDescriptor getResourceDescriptor()
Return the descriptor for the resource.


StandaloneProjectMap.IResourceLoadStrategy getResourceLoadStrategy()
Return the configured resource loading strategy.


org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EPackage.Registry getPackageRegistry()
Return the package registry maintained by this resource load status


org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.ResourceSet getResourceSet()
Return the ResourceSet to which the resource logically belongs. (Note that generated EPackage may have a null actual ResourceSet, but a non-null logical ResourceSet.)


org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource loadDynamicResource(@NonNull
                                                                     org.eclipse.emf.common.util.URI nsURI)
Load and return the EPackage appropriate to the platform resource or plugin resource using nsURI to identify a conflicting nsURI access,


void loadGeneratedPackages()
Load all the Java generated EPackage instances for the resource.


void setConflictHandler(@Nullable
                        StandaloneProjectMap.IConflictHandler conflictHandler)
Define a new conflict handler.


void setGenerationInProgress(boolean isGenerating)
Set true by Pivot2Ecore to inhibit auto-loading of newly added EPackages.


void setResource(@NonNull
                 org.eclipse.emf.ecore.resource.Resource resource)
Define the resource once it has been loaded.


void setResourceLoadStrategy(@NonNull
                             StandaloneProjectMap.IResourceLoadStrategy resourceLoadStrategy)
Define a new package load strategy.


void unloadedResource()
Reset the status following notification that the model has been unloaded.