Uses of Class

Packages that use CGElementImpl

Uses of CGElementImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel.impl

Subclasses of CGElementImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.autogen.autocgmodel.impl
 class CGASTCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CGAST Call Exp'.
 class CGContainmentBodyImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Containment Body'.
 class CGContainmentPartImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Containment Part'.
 class CGContainmentVisitImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Containment Visit'.

Uses of CGElementImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel.impl

Subclasses of CGElementImpl in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.codegen.cgmodel.impl
 class CGAccumulatorImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Accumulator'.
 class CGAssertNonNullExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Assert Non Null Exp'.
 class CGBooleanImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Boolean'.
 class CGBoxExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Box Exp'.
 class CGBuiltInIterationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Built In Iteration Call Exp'.
 class CGCallableImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Callable'.
 class CGCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Call Exp'.
 class CGCastExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Cast Exp'.
 class CGCatchExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Catch Exp'.
 class CGClassImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Class'.
 class CGCollectionExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Collection Exp'.
 class CGCollectionPartImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Collection Part'.
 class CGConstantExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Constant Exp'.
 class CGConstantImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Constant'.
 class CGConstraintImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Constraint'.
 class CGConstructorExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Constructor Exp'.
 class CGConstructorPartImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Constructor Part'.
 class CGEcoreClassConstructorExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Ecore Class Constructor Exp'.
 class CGEcoreDataTypeConstructorExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Ecore Data Type Constructor Exp'.
 class CGEcoreOperationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Ecore Operation Call Exp'.
 class CGEcoreOperationImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Ecore Operation'.
 class CGEcoreOppositePropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Ecore Opposite Property Call Exp'.
 class CGEcorePropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Ecore Property Call Exp'.
 class CGElementIdImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Element Id'.
 class CGExecutorCompositionPropertyImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Composition Property'.
 class CGExecutorConstructorPartImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Constructor Part'.
 class CGExecutorNavigationPropertyImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Navigation Property'.
 class CGExecutorOperationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Operation Call Exp'.
 class CGExecutorOperationImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Operation'.
 class CGExecutorOppositePropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Opposite Property Call Exp'.
 class CGExecutorOppositePropertyImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Opposite Property'.
 class CGExecutorPropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Property Call Exp'.
 class CGExecutorPropertyImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Property'.
 class CGExecutorTypeImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Executor Type'.
 class CGFinalVariableImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Final Variable'.
 class CGGuardExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Guard Exp'.
 class CGIfExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG If Exp'.
 class CGIntegerImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Integer'.
 class CGInvalidImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Invalid'.
 class CGIsEqualExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Is Equal Exp'.
 class CGIsInvalidExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Is Invalid Exp'.
 class CGIsUndefinedExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Is Undefined Exp'.
 class CGIterationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Iteration Call Exp'.
 class CGIteratorImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Iterator'.
 class CGLetExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Let Exp'.
 class CGLibraryIterateCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Library Iterate Call Exp'.
 class CGLibraryIterationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Library Iteration Call Exp'.
 class CGLibraryOperationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Library Operation Call Exp'.
 class CGLibraryOperationImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Library Operation'.
 class CGLibraryPropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Library Property Call Exp'.
 class CGLocalVariableImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Local Variable'.
 class CGModelImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Model'.
 class CGNamedElementImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Named Element'.
 class CGNavigationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Navigation Call Exp'.
 class CGNullImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Null'.
 class CGNumberImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Number'.
 class CGOperationCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Operation Call Exp'.
 class CGOperationImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Operation'.
 class CGOppositePropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Opposite Property Call Exp'.
 class CGPackageImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Package'.
 class CGParameterImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Parameter'.
 class CGPropertyCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Property Call Exp'.
 class CGPropertyImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Property'.
 class CGRealImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Real'.
 class CGSettableVariableImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Settable Variable'.
 class CGStringImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG String'.
 class CGTextImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Text'.
 class CGTextParameterImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Text Parameter'.
 class CGThrowExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Throw Exp'.
 class CGTupleExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Tuple Exp'.
 class CGTuplePartCallExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Tuple Part Call Exp'.
 class CGTuplePartImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Tuple Part'.
 class CGTypedElementImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Typed Element'.
 class CGTypeExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Type Exp'.
 class CGTypeIdImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Type Id'.
 class CGUnboxExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Unbox Exp'.
 class CGUnlimitedImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Infinity'.
 class CGValuedElementImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Valued Element'.
 class CGVariableExpImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Variable Exp'.
 class CGVariableImpl
          An implementation of the model object 'CG Variable'.