Uses of Interface

Packages that use EventFilter
org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.framework Copyright (c) 2009, 2011 SAP AG and others. 

Uses of EventFilter in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager that return EventFilter
 EventFilter EventFilter.clone()
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createAndFilterFor(EventFilter... eventFilters)
          Creates an AndFilter for incoming EventFilters.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createClassFilter(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass clazz)
          Creates a filter that matches a Notification if the object that changed has clazz as its class.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createClassFilterIncludingSubclasses(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass clazz)
          Creates a filter that matches a notification if its notifier's class equals the class passed to this filter's constructor or any subclasses thereof.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createContainmentFilter()
          Creates a filter that matches a notification that indicates a change in containment.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createEventTypeFilter(int eventType)
          Filters for a Notification's event type, such as Notification.ADD or Notification.REMOVE.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createFilterForEAttribute(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute referredProperty)
          Constructs an AndFilter combining a ClassFilter for eClass and an PropertyFilter for referredProperty.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createFilterForElementInsertion(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass cls)
          Creates an event filter that listens for events which indicate that an element of type cls has been added to the event manager's ResourceSet, either by directly assigning it to the immediate contents of a resource owned by the ResourceSet, or by assigning it to the containment reference of an element that is already part of the ResourceSet, or by adding a parent in the containment hierarchy to the ResourceSet.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createFilterForElementInsertionOrDeletion(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass cls)
          Creates a filter tree, which will match if the given class get inserted or deleted by an event
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createFilterForEReference(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference referredProperty)
          Constructs an AndFilter combining a ClassFilter for eClass and a PropertyFilter for referredProperty.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createNewValueClassFilter(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass clazz)
          Creates a filter that matches an event's Notification.getNewValue() class.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createNewValueClassFilterIncludingSubclasses(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass clazz)
          Creates a filter that matches an event's Notification.getNewValue() class to clazz and all subclasses thereof.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createNotFilter(EventFilter filter)
          Creates a filter that matches if and only if filter does not match.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createOldValueClassFilter(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass clazz)
          Creates a filter that matches an event's Notification.getOldValue() class against clazz.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createOldValueClassFilterIncludingSubclasses(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass clazz)
          Creates an filter that matches an event's Notification.getOldValue() class against clazz and all subclasses thereof.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createOrFilterFor(EventFilter... eventFilters)
          Shortcut, to create an OrFilter for incoming EventFilters
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createStructuralFeatureFilter(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EStructuralFeature feature)
          Creates a filter that matches a notification if its feature equals feature.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager with parameters of type EventFilter
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createAndFilterFor(EventFilter... eventFilters)
          Creates an AndFilter for incoming EventFilters.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createNotFilter(EventFilter filter)
          Creates a filter that matches if and only if filter does not match.
 EventFilter EventManagerFactory.createOrFilterFor(EventFilter... eventFilters)
          Shortcut, to create an OrFilter for incoming EventFilters
 void EventManager.subscribe(EventFilter filter, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter listener)
          Register an Adapter on the EventManager which will be notified for any Notification which matches the given filter.

Uses of EventFilter in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.filters

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.filters that implement EventFilter
 class AbstractEventFilter
          An EventFilter matches a given specification for the properties of a Notification against an incoming Notification.
 class AndFilter
          Is an LogicalOperationFilter implementing the and-operator, so it matches if each contained operand matches the Notification.
 class ClassFilter
          Matches an event's notifier's class
 class ClassFilterIncludingSubclasses
          Matches an event if its notifier's class equals the class passed to this filter's constructor or any subclasses thereof.
 class ContainmentFilter
          The Containment filter matches a notification if its Notification.getFeature() is an EReference and EReference.isContainment() is true, or if the Notification.getNotifier() is not an EObject, so it might be a ResourceSet or a Resource.
 class EventTypeFilter
          Matches an event type.
 class NewValueClassFilter
          Matches an event's Notification.getNewValue() to an EObject.eClass().
 class NewValueClassFilterIncludingSubclasses
          Matches an event's Notification.getNewValue() to an EObject.eClass() and all subclasses of this EClass.
 class NotFilter
          Is an LogicalOperationFilter and implements the not-operator.
 class OldValueClassFilter
          Matches an event's Notification.getOldValue() to an EObject.eClass().
 class OldValueClassFilterIncludingSubclasses
          Matches an event's Notification.getOldValue() to an EObject.eClass() and all subclasses of this EClass.
 class OrFilter
          Is an LogicalOperationFilter implementing the or-operator, so it matches if any of the contained operand matches the Notification.
 class StructuralFeatureFilter
          Matches a feature.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.filters that return types with arguments of type EventFilter
 java.util.Set<EventFilter> LogicalOperationFilter.getOperands()
          Returns a read-only collection containing the filters

Constructors in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.filters with parameters of type EventFilter
AndFilter(EventFilter... newFilters)
NotFilter(EventFilter subTypeFilterTree)
          The standard constructor
OrFilter(EventFilter... newFilters)

Uses of EventFilter in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.framework

Classes in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.framework that implement EventFilter
 class LogicalOperationFilterImpl
          Is the basis for any LogicalOperationFilter implementation.

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.framework that return EventFilter
protected  EventFilter[] LogicalOperationFilterImpl.cloneContents()
          Creates a new Array with clone for each contained operand
 EventFilter EventManagerFactoryImpl.createFilterForEAttribute(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EAttribute referredProperty)
 EventFilter EventManagerFactoryImpl.createFilterForElementInsertion(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass cls)
 EventFilter EventManagerFactoryImpl.createFilterForElementInsertionOrDeletion(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass cls)
 EventFilter EventManagerFactoryImpl.createFilterForEReference(org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EClass eClass, org.eclipse.emf.ecore.EReference referredProperty)

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.framework that return types with arguments of type EventFilter
abstract  java.lang.Class<? extends EventFilter> TableForEventFilter.getIdentifier()
          Each type of TableForEventFilter is directly associated to a filter type, but some MoinEventFilters support additional modifiers that affect the filtering ( for example the includeCompositions flag on InstanceFilterTable or the includeSubclasses flag on ClassFilter).
 java.util.Set<EventFilter> LogicalOperationFilterImpl.getOperands()
          Returns a read-only collection containing the filters

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.framework with parameters of type EventFilter
protected  void LogicalOperationFilterImpl.addOperand(EventFilter filter)
          Adds an filter to the operands
 AndFilter EventManagerFactoryImpl.createAndFilterFor(EventFilter... eventFilters)
 NotFilter EventManagerFactoryImpl.createNotFilter(EventFilter filter)
 OrFilter EventManagerFactoryImpl.createOrFilterFor(EventFilter... eventFilters)
 void RegistrationManagerTableBased.register(EventFilter filterTree, java.lang.ref.WeakReference<? extends org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter> listener, ListenerTypeEnum listenerType)
          registers a listener with the passed filter expression.
 void EventManagerTableBased.subscribe(EventFilter eventFilterTree, org.eclipse.emf.common.notify.Adapter listener)

Method parameters in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.framework with type arguments of type EventFilter
protected  void LogicalOperationFilterImpl.addOperands(java.util.Collection<EventFilter> filters)
          Set#addAll(Collection)Adds a collection of filters to the operands

Constructors in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.eventmanager.framework with parameters of type EventFilter
LogicalOperationFilterImpl(EventFilter... filters)
          Creates a filter containing the given filters as operands

Uses of EventFilter in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer that return EventFilter
 EventFilter ImpactAnalyzer.createFilterForExpression()
          Creates a filter for the given OCL expression, which matches at least all events that cause the expression to change its value on one or more context elements.

Uses of EventFilter in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.filterSynthesis

Fields in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.filterSynthesis with type parameters of type EventFilter
protected  java.util.Set<EventFilter> FilterSynthesisImpl.filters
          For each OCLExpression analyzed, stores the filters to merge into the resulting filter

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.filterSynthesis that return EventFilter
 EventFilter FilterSynthesisImpl.getSynthesisedFilter()
          Obtains the event filter for the expression passed to the constructor.

Uses of EventFilter in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.impl

Methods in org.eclipse.ocl.examples.impactanalyzer.impl that return EventFilter
 EventFilter ImpactAnalyzerImpl.createFilterForExpression()