Interface PreferenceableOption<T>

Type Parameters:
T - the type of the option's value
All Known Subinterfaces:
All Known Implementing Classes:
BooleanOption, BooleanPreference, ClassOption, ClassPreference, EnumeratedOption, EnumerationPreference, ObjectOption, Preference, ProblemOption, StringPreference, VirtualDelegateMapping

public interface PreferenceableOption<T>

A PreferenceableOption identifies a configurable behavior suitable for use in a Preference or Property Page.

The behavior is identified by a key and has a value with a type T and a defaultValue.

The value may be persisted as a string and reconstructed by #getValueOf().

Nested Class Summary
static interface PreferenceableOption.Listener
          A Listener may be added to a PreferenceableOption2 and notified of changes in the option.
static interface PreferenceableOption.PreferenceableOption2<T>
          The extended PreferenceableOption identifies a configurable behavior suitable for use in a Preference or Property Page.
Method Summary
 T getDefaultValue()
          Obtains the option's default value.
 java.lang.String getKey()
          Obtains my string key, which may be used for persistence in a preference store.
 java.lang.String getPluginId()
          Returns the plugin qualifier for the key.
 T getValueOf(java.lang.String string)
          Returns an option value from a String typically obtained from an Eclipse Preference file.

Method Detail


T getDefaultValue()
Obtains the option's default value.

my default value, which default-default is null


java.lang.String getKey()
Obtains my string key, which may be used for persistence in a preference store.

my key. Is never null


java.lang.String getPluginId()
Returns the plugin qualifier for the key.


T getValueOf(@Nullable
                      java.lang.String string)
Returns an option value from a String typically obtained from an Eclipse Preference file.