Interface ParserContext

All Known Implementing Classes:
AbstractParserContext, ClassContext, DiagnosticContext, EClassContext, EInvocationContext, ModelContext, OperationContext, PropertyContext

public interface ParserContext

A ParserContext captures the context in which source text is parsed. A derived context is constructed with the relevant context, then createBaseResource creates a Concrete Syntax resource for a Concrete Syntax expression string. Then parse creates a corresponding Abstract Syntax ExpressionInOCL. initialize is invoked during the parse to install the derived context into the ExpressionInOCL.

Method Summary
 BaseResource createBaseResource(java.lang.String expression)
          Create a Concrete Syntax resource containing the parsed expression.
 Type getClassContext()
          Return the type of the self variable.
 ExpressionInOCL getExpression(BaseResource resource)
          Extract an Abstract Syntax ExpressionInOCL fronm a Concrete Syntax resource.
 MetaModelManager getMetaModelManager()
          Returbn the MetaModelManager in use.
 void initialize(Base2PivotConversion conversion, ExpressionInOCL expression)
          Callback to initialize the ExpressionInOCL with the derived context such as a contextvariable for the self type, parameter and result variables.
 ExpressionInOCL parse(java.lang.String expression)
          Create an Abstract Syntax ExpressionInOCL containing the parsed expression.

Method Detail


BaseResource createBaseResource(java.lang.String expression)
Create a Concrete Syntax resource containing the parsed expression. Semantic errors may be found at the Resource.errors and may be converted to ParseExceptions by invoking PivitUtil.checkResourceErrors.

Throws: - if resource loading fails


Type getClassContext()
Return the type of the self variable.


ExpressionInOCL getExpression(BaseResource resource)
                              throws ParserException
Extract an Abstract Syntax ExpressionInOCL fronm a Concrete Syntax resource.

ParserException - if parsing fails


MetaModelManager getMetaModelManager()
Returbn the MetaModelManager in use.


void initialize(Base2PivotConversion conversion,
                ExpressionInOCL expression)
Callback to initialize the ExpressionInOCL with the derived context such as a contextvariable for the self type, parameter and result variables.


ExpressionInOCL parse(java.lang.String expression)
                      throws ParserException
Create an Abstract Syntax ExpressionInOCL containing the parsed expression.

ParserException - if parsing fails