Class CreateCopyOverrideCommand

  extended by org.eclipse.emf.common.command.AbstractCommand
      extended by org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command.CreateCopyOverrideCommand
All Implemented Interfaces:
Command, ChildrenToCopyProvider

public class CreateCopyOverrideCommand
extends AbstractCommand
implements ChildrenToCopyProvider

This command overrides the CreateCopyCommand for cross-domain copies.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.common.command.AbstractCommand
Field Summary
protected  EObject copy
          This is the copy.
protected  CopyCommand.Helper copyHelper
          This is a map of objects to their copies
protected  MappingDomain mappingDomain
          This keeps track of the mapping domain in which the command operates.
protected  EObject owner
          This is the object being copied.
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.common.command.AbstractCommand
description, isExecutable, isPrepared, label
Constructor Summary
CreateCopyOverrideCommand(MappingDomain domain, CreateCopyCommand createCommand)
          This creates a command instance that creates a copy of owner.
Method Summary
 void execute()
          Performs the command activity required for the effect.
 java.util.Collection<?> getChildrenToCopy()
 java.util.Collection<?> getResult()
          Returns an empty list.
protected  boolean prepare()
          Called at most once in AbstractCommand.canExecute() to give the command an opportunity to ready itself for execution.
 void redo()
          Performs the command activity required to redo the effect after undoing the effect.
 java.lang.String toString()
          This gives an abbreviated name using this object's own class' name, without package qualification, followed by a space separated list of field:value pairs.
 void undo()
          Throws a runtime exception.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.common.command.AbstractCommand
canExecute, canUndo, chain, dispose, getAffectedObjects, getDescription, getLabel, setDescription, setLabel
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait

Field Detail


protected MappingDomain mappingDomain
This keeps track of the mapping domain in which the command operates.


protected EObject owner
This is the object being copied.


protected EObject copy
This is the copy.


protected CopyCommand.Helper copyHelper
This is a map of objects to their copies

Constructor Detail


public CreateCopyOverrideCommand(MappingDomain domain,
                                 CreateCopyCommand createCommand)
This creates a command instance that creates a copy of owner.

Method Detail


protected boolean prepare()
Description copied from class: AbstractCommand
Called at most once in AbstractCommand.canExecute() to give the command an opportunity to ready itself for execution. The returned value is stored in AbstractCommand.canExecute(). In other words, you can override this method to initialize and to yield a cached value for the all subsequent calls to canExecute.

prepare in class AbstractCommand
whether the command is executable.


public void execute()
Description copied from interface: Command
Performs the command activity required for the effect. The effect of calling execute when canExecute returns false, or when canExecute hasn't been called, is undefined.

Specified by:
execute in interface Command


public void undo()
Description copied from class: AbstractCommand
Throws a runtime exception.

Specified by:
undo in interface Command
undo in class AbstractCommand


public void redo()
Description copied from interface: Command
Performs the command activity required to redo the effect after undoing the effect. The effect, if any, of calling redo before undo is called is undefined. Note that if you implement redo to call execute then any derived class will be restricted by that decision also.

Specified by:
redo in interface Command


public java.util.Collection<?> getResult()
Description copied from class: AbstractCommand
Returns an empty list.

Specified by:
getResult in interface Command
getResult in class AbstractCommand
an empty list.


public java.util.Collection<?> getChildrenToCopy()
Specified by:
getChildrenToCopy in interface ChildrenToCopyProvider


public java.lang.String toString()
This gives an abbreviated name using this object's own class' name, without package qualification, followed by a space separated list of field:value pairs.

toString in class AbstractCommand
string representation.

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