Class PasteFromClipboardCommand

  extended by org.eclipse.emf.common.command.AbstractCommand
      extended by org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.AbstractOverrideableCommand
          extended by org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.PasteFromClipboardCommand
All Implemented Interfaces:
Command, OverrideableCommand
Direct Known Subclasses:

public class PasteFromClipboardCommand
extends AbstractOverrideableCommand

This works exactly like an AddCommand but the things to be added are copied from the EditingDomain clipboard. If the copied clipboard instance is of the same type as the original clipboard instance, the clipboard instance is replaced by the copied instance and the original instance is used for the add.

Nested Class Summary
Nested classes/interfaces inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.common.command.AbstractCommand
Field Summary
protected  StrictCompoundCommand command
          This is the command that does the actual pasting.
protected static java.lang.String DESCRIPTION
          This caches the description.
protected  java.lang.Object feature
          This is feature of the owner where the clipboard copy is pasted.
protected  int index
          This is index in the feature of the owner where the clipboard copy is pasted.
protected static java.lang.String LABEL
          This caches the label.
protected  boolean optimize
          This controls whether or not to optimize the canExecute (prepare)
protected  java.lang.Object owner
          This is object where the clipboard copy is pasted.
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.AbstractOverrideableCommand
domain, overrideCommand
Fields inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.common.command.AbstractCommand
description, isExecutable, isPrepared, label
Constructor Summary
PasteFromClipboardCommand(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, int index)
          This constructs an instance from the domain, which provides access the clipboard collection via EditingDomain.getCommandStack().
PasteFromClipboardCommand(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, int index, boolean optimize)
Method Summary
static Command create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature)
          This creates a command to add copies from the clipboard to the specified feature of the owner.
static Command create(EditingDomain domain, java.lang.Object owner, java.lang.Object feature, int index)
          This creates a command to add copies from the clipboard to the specified feature of the owner and at the given index.
 void doDispose()
          This is overrideable command's implementation of dispose.
 void doExecute()
          This is overrideable command's implementation of execute.
 java.util.Collection<?> doGetAffectedObjects()
          This is overrideable command's implementation of getAffectedObjects.
 java.util.Collection<?> doGetResult()
          This is overrideable command's implementation of getResult.
 void doRedo()
          This is overrideable command's implementation of redo.
 void doUndo()
          This is overrideable command's implementation of undo.
 java.lang.Object getFeature()
 int getIndex()
 java.lang.Object getOwner()
protected  boolean optimizedCanExecute()
protected  boolean prepare()
          Called at most once in AbstractCommand.canExecute() to give the command an opportunity to ready itself for execution.
 java.lang.String toString()
          This gives an abbreviated name using this object's own class' name, without package qualification, followed by a space separated list of field:value pairs.
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.edit.command.AbstractOverrideableCommand
canExecute, canUndo, dispose, doCanExecute, doCanUndo, doGetChildrenToCopy, doGetDescription, doGetLabel, execute, getAffectedObjects, getChildrenToCopy, getDescription, getDomain, getLabel, getOverride, getOwnerList, getResult, redo, setOverride, undo, updateEMap
Methods inherited from class org.eclipse.emf.common.command.AbstractCommand
chain, setDescription, setLabel
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, wait, wait, wait
Methods inherited from interface org.eclipse.emf.common.command.Command

Field Detail


protected static final java.lang.String LABEL
This caches the label.


protected static final java.lang.String DESCRIPTION
This caches the description.


protected StrictCompoundCommand command
This is the command that does the actual pasting.


protected java.lang.Object owner
This is object where the clipboard copy is pasted.


protected java.lang.Object feature
This is feature of the owner where the clipboard copy is pasted.


protected int index
This is index in the feature of the owner where the clipboard copy is pasted.


protected boolean optimize
This controls whether or not to optimize the canExecute (prepare)

Constructor Detail


public PasteFromClipboardCommand(EditingDomain domain,
                                 java.lang.Object owner,
                                 java.lang.Object feature,
                                 int index)
This constructs an instance from the domain, which provides access the clipboard collection via EditingDomain.getCommandStack().


public PasteFromClipboardCommand(EditingDomain domain,
                                 java.lang.Object owner,
                                 java.lang.Object feature,
                                 int index,
                                 boolean optimize)
Method Detail


public static Command create(EditingDomain domain,
                             java.lang.Object owner,
                             java.lang.Object feature)
This creates a command to add copies from the clipboard to the specified feature of the owner.


public static Command create(EditingDomain domain,
                             java.lang.Object owner,
                             java.lang.Object feature,
                             int index)
This creates a command to add copies from the clipboard to the specified feature of the owner and at the given index.


public java.lang.Object getOwner()


public java.lang.Object getFeature()


public int getIndex()


protected boolean prepare()
Description copied from class: AbstractCommand
Called at most once in AbstractCommand.canExecute() to give the command an opportunity to ready itself for execution. The returned value is stored in AbstractCommand.canExecute(). In other words, you can override this method to initialize and to yield a cached value for the all subsequent calls to canExecute.

prepare in class AbstractCommand
whether the command is executable.


protected boolean optimizedCanExecute()


public void doExecute()
Description copied from interface: OverrideableCommand
This is overrideable command's implementation of execute.

Specified by:
doExecute in interface OverrideableCommand
Specified by:
doExecute in class AbstractOverrideableCommand


public void doUndo()
Description copied from interface: OverrideableCommand
This is overrideable command's implementation of undo.

Specified by:
doUndo in interface OverrideableCommand
Specified by:
doUndo in class AbstractOverrideableCommand


public void doRedo()
Description copied from interface: OverrideableCommand
This is overrideable command's implementation of redo.

Specified by:
doRedo in interface OverrideableCommand
Specified by:
doRedo in class AbstractOverrideableCommand


public java.util.Collection<?> doGetResult()
Description copied from interface: OverrideableCommand
This is overrideable command's implementation of getResult.

Specified by:
doGetResult in interface OverrideableCommand
doGetResult in class AbstractOverrideableCommand


public java.util.Collection<?> doGetAffectedObjects()
Description copied from interface: OverrideableCommand
This is overrideable command's implementation of getAffectedObjects.

Specified by:
doGetAffectedObjects in interface OverrideableCommand
doGetAffectedObjects in class AbstractOverrideableCommand


public void doDispose()
Description copied from interface: OverrideableCommand
This is overrideable command's implementation of dispose.

Specified by:
doDispose in interface OverrideableCommand
doDispose in class AbstractOverrideableCommand


public java.lang.String toString()
This gives an abbreviated name using this object's own class' name, without package qualification, followed by a space separated list of field:value pairs.

toString in class AbstractOverrideableCommand
string representation.

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