Class Literals

  extended by org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.impl.Literals

public class Literals
extends java.lang.Object

Utility class for converting primitive values, strings, and classes to literals that could appear in code.

Method Summary
static java.lang.String toBigDecimalLiteral(java.math.BigDecimal bigDecimal, GenModel genModel)
          Returns a literal expression for the given BigDecimal value.
static java.lang.String toBigIntegerLiteral(java.math.BigInteger bigInteger, GenModel genModel)
          Returns a literal expression for the given BigInteger value.
static java.lang.String toBooleanLiteral(boolean b, GenModel genModel)
          Returns the literal expression for the given boolean value.
static java.lang.String toByteArrayLiteral(byte[] bytes, GenModel genModel)
          Returns a literal expression for the given byte[] value.
static java.lang.String toByteLiteral(byte b, GenModel genModel)
          Returns the hexadecimal literal expression for the given byte value.
static java.lang.String toCharLiteral(char c, GenModel genModel)
          Returns a literal expression for the given char value.
static java.lang.String toClassLiteral(java.lang.Class<?> c, GenModel genModel)
          Returns a literal expression for the given Class value.
static java.lang.String toDateLiteral(java.util.Date date, GenModel genModel)
          Returns a literal expression for the given Date value.
static java.lang.String toDoubleLiteral(double d, GenModel genModel)
          Returns a literal expression for the given double value.
static java.lang.String toFloatLiteral(float f, GenModel genModel)
          Returns a literal expression for the given float value.
static java.lang.String toIntLiteral(int i, GenModel genModel)
          Returns the decimal literal expression for the given int value.
static java.lang.String toLiteral(java.lang.Object o)
          Convenience dispatch method.
static java.lang.String toLiteral(java.lang.Object o, boolean boxPrimitive, GenModel genModel)
          Convenience dispatch method.
static java.lang.String toLiteral(java.lang.Object o, GenModel genModel)
          Convenience dispatch method.
static java.lang.String toLongLiteral(long l, GenModel genModel)
          Returns the decimal literal expression for the given long value.
static java.lang.String toShortLiteral(short s, GenModel genModel)
          Returns the decimal literal expression for the given short value.
static java.lang.String toStringLiteral(java.lang.String s, GenModel genModel)
          Returns a literal expression for the given String.
static java.lang.String toUnsafeCharLiteral(char c, GenModel genModel)
          Returns a literal expression for the given char value.
static java.lang.String toUnsafeStringLiteral(java.lang.String s, GenModel genModel)
          Returns a literal expression for the given String.
Methods inherited from class java.lang.Object
clone, equals, finalize, getClass, hashCode, notify, notifyAll, toString, wait, wait, wait

Method Detail


public static java.lang.String toLiteral(java.lang.Object o)
Convenience dispatch method. If the object is an instance of Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, String, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Date, Class, or byte[], the appropriate conversion method is called, with the unboxed primitive, or the typed object as an argument. Class names are never imported; the qualified name is used.


public static java.lang.String toLiteral(java.lang.Object o,
                                         GenModel genModel)
Convenience dispatch method. If the object is an instance of Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, String, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Date, Class, or byte[], the appropriate conversion method is called, with the unboxed primitive, or the typed object as an argument.

The specified GenModel, if non-null, is used when necessary to import class names.


public static java.lang.String toLiteral(java.lang.Object o,
                                         boolean boxPrimitive,
                                         GenModel genModel)
Convenience dispatch method. If the object is an instance of Boolean, Byte, Short, Integer, Long, Float, Double, Character, String, BigDecimal, BigInteger, Date, Class, or byte[], the appropriate conversion method is called, with the unwrapped primitive, or the typed object as an argument.

The specified GenModel, if non-null, is used when necessary to import class names.

If the object is a primitive type, boxPrimitive indicates whether to include boxing code in the literal expression. Otherwise, this argument is ignored.


public static java.lang.String toBooleanLiteral(boolean b,
                                                GenModel genModel)
Returns the literal expression for the given boolean value.


public static java.lang.String toByteLiteral(byte b,
                                             GenModel genModel)
Returns the hexadecimal literal expression for the given byte value.


public static java.lang.String toShortLiteral(short s,
                                              GenModel genModel)
Returns the decimal literal expression for the given short value.


public static java.lang.String toIntLiteral(int i,
                                            GenModel genModel)
Returns the decimal literal expression for the given int value.


public static java.lang.String toLongLiteral(long l,
                                             GenModel genModel)
Returns the decimal literal expression for the given long value.


public static java.lang.String toFloatLiteral(float f,
                                              GenModel genModel)
Returns a literal expression for the given float value. This literal may be in simple form or exponential notation, or it may be one of the special values java.lang.Float.NaN, java.lang.Float.POSITIVE_INFINITY, or java.lang.Float.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.


public static java.lang.String toDoubleLiteral(double d,
                                               GenModel genModel)
Returns a literal expression for the given double value. This literal may be in simple form or exponential notation, or it may be one of the special values java.lang.Double.NaN, java.lang.Double.POSITIVE_INFINITY, or java.lang.Double.NEGATIVE_INFINITY.


public static java.lang.String toCharLiteral(char c,
                                             GenModel genModel)
Returns a literal expression for the given char value. This literal will be in its escaped form if it is backspace, horizontal tab, newline, form feed, carriage return, double quote, single quote, or backslash. If it is within the common printable range of space (32) to ~ (126), it will simply be the character literal. Otherwise, it will be in the escaped Unicode encoding form.


public static java.lang.String toUnsafeCharLiteral(char c,
                                                   GenModel genModel)
Returns a literal expression for the given char value. This literal will be in its escaped form if it is backspace, horizontal tab, newline, form feed, carriage return, double quote, single quote, or backslash. Otherwise, it will simply be the character literal. This result may not fall within the common printable range.



public static java.lang.String toStringLiteral(java.lang.String s,
                                               GenModel genModel)
Returns a literal expression for the given String. Each of its characters will appear in the same form as if it was the argument to toCharLiteral(char, org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.GenModel).


public static java.lang.String toUnsafeStringLiteral(java.lang.String s,
                                                     GenModel genModel)
Returns a literal expression for the given String. Each of its characters will appear in the same form as if it was the argument to toUnsafeCharLiteral(char, org.eclipse.emf.codegen.ecore.genmodel.GenModel).



public static java.lang.String toBigDecimalLiteral(java.math.BigDecimal bigDecimal,
                                                   GenModel genModel)
Returns a literal expression for the given BigDecimal value.


public static java.lang.String toBigIntegerLiteral(java.math.BigInteger bigInteger,
                                                   GenModel genModel)
Returns a literal expression for the given BigInteger value.


public static java.lang.String toDateLiteral(java.util.Date date,
                                             GenModel genModel)
Returns a literal expression for the given Date value.


public static java.lang.String toClassLiteral(java.lang.Class<?> c,
                                              GenModel genModel)
Returns a literal expression for the given Class value.


public static java.lang.String toByteArrayLiteral(byte[] bytes,
                                                  GenModel genModel)
Returns a literal expression for the given byte[] value.

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