Uses of Interface

Packages that use MappingDomain

Uses of MappingDomain in org.eclipse.emf.mapping

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping that return MappingDomain
 MappingDomain MappingRoot.getDomain()
          This returns the associated mapping domain.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping with parameters of type MappingDomain
 void MappingRoot.setDomain(MappingDomain domain)
          This sets the domain of this mapping root.

Uses of MappingDomain in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.action

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.action declared as MappingDomain
protected  MappingDomain RemoveMappingAction.CommandDelegate.mappingDomain
protected  MappingDomain TypeMatchMappingAction.DelegateCommand.mappingDomain
protected  MappingDomain CreateMappingAction.DelegateCommand.mappingDomain
protected  MappingDomain NameMatchMappingAction.DelegateCommand.mappingDomain
protected  MappingDomain CreateOneSidedMappingAction.DelegateCommand.mappingDomain

Uses of MappingDomain in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command declared as MappingDomain
protected  MappingDomain MatchMappingCommand.domain
          This keeps track of the mapping domain in which the command operates.
protected  MappingDomain CreateMappingCommand.domain
          This keeps track of the mapping domain in which the command operates.
protected  MappingDomain RemoveMappingCommand.domain
          This keeps track of the mapping domain in which the command operates.
protected  MappingDomain RestoreInitialStateCommand.domain
          This keeps track of the mapping domain in which the command operates.
protected  MappingDomain AddMappingCommand.domain
          This keeps track of the mapping domain in which the command operates.
protected  MappingDomain PersistentCommandStack.domain
protected  MappingDomain CreateCopyOverrideCommand.mappingDomain
          This keeps track of the mapping domain in which the command operates.
protected  MappingDomain InitializeCopyOverrideCommand.mappingDomain
          This keeps track of the mapping domain in which the command operates.
protected  MappingDomain RemoveOverrideCommand.mappingDomain
          This keeps track of the mapping domain in which the command operates.
protected  MappingDomain SetOverrideCommand.mappingDomain
          This keeps track of the mapping domain in which the command operates.
protected  MappingDomain AddOverrideCommand.mappingDomain
          This keeps track of the mapping domain in which the command operates.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command with parameters of type MappingDomain
static Command RestoreInitialStateCommand.create(MappingDomain domain)
          This creates a command that removes the mapping from the mapping root.
static Command CreateMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command that creates a new mapping involving the given domain's collection of input and output objects.
static Command RemoveMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command that removes the mappings in the collection from the mapping root.
static Command AddMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command that adds the new mappings in the collection into the appropriate place in the mapping root's.
static Command CreateMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> inputs, java.util.Collection<?> outputs)
          This creates a command that creates a new mapping with the given collections of inputs and outputs.
static Command CreateMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> inputs, java.lang.Object output)
          This creates a command that creates a new mapping with the given collection of inputs and output.
static Command RemoveMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
          This creates a command that removes the mapping from the mapping root.
static Command TypeMatchMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
          This creates a command that creates a new child mappings for the given mapping by attempting to match by type input children with output children.
static Command NameMatchMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
          This creates a command that creates a new child mappings for the given mapping by attempting to match by name input children with output children.
static Command AddMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
          This creates a command that adds the new mappings in the collection into the appropriate place in the mapping root's.
static Command CreateMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.lang.Object input, java.util.Collection<?> outputs)
          This creates a command that creates a new mapping with the given input and collection of outputs.
static Command CreateMappingCommand.create(MappingDomain domain, java.lang.Object input, java.lang.Object output)
          This creates a command that creates a new mapping between the given input and output.
 void PersistentCommandStack.setEncoding(MappingDomain domain, java.lang.String encoding)

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.command with parameters of type MappingDomain
AddMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command instance that adds the new mappings in the collection into the appropriate place in the mapping root's.
AddOverrideCommand(MappingDomain domain, AddCommand addCommand)
          This creates a command instance that adds and then maps the added object(s).
CopyToClipboardOverrideCommand(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> nonInputObjects, java.util.Collection<?> inputObjects)
          This constructs a command that copies the given collections of objects to the clipboard.
CreateCopyOverrideCommand(MappingDomain domain, CreateCopyCommand createCommand)
          This creates a command instance that creates a copy of owner.
CreateMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command that creates a new mapping involving the given domain's collection of input and output objects.
CreateMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection, int enablementFlags)
DragAndDropOverrideCommand(MappingDomain domain, DragAndDropCommand command)
InitializeCopyOverrideCommand(MappingDomain domain, InitializeCopyCommand initializeCommand)
          This creates a command instance that initializes a copied object
MatchMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
NameMatchMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
PasteFromClipboardOverrideCommand(MappingDomain domain, PasteFromClipboardCommand command)
RemoveMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a command instance that removes the mappings in the collection from the mapping root.
RemoveOverrideCommand(MappingDomain domain, RemoveCommand removeCommand)
          This creates a command instance that removes and then unmaps the removed object(s).
RestoreInitialStateCommand(MappingDomain domain)
          This creates a command instance that removes the mappings in the collection from the mapping root.
SetOverrideCommand(MappingDomain domain, SetCommand setCommand)
          This creates a command instance that removes, unmaps the removed object and then adds and maps the new object.
TypeMatchMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)

Uses of MappingDomain in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.domain

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.domain that implement MappingDomain
 class AdapterFactoryMappingDomain
          This class implements MappingDomain interface using two strategies.
 class PluginAdapterFactoryMappingDomain
          This class extends the AdapterFactoryMappingDomain by providing initialization using config information specified in the VABase plugin.xml.

Uses of MappingDomain in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.presentation

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.presentation that implement MappingDomain
static class Ecore2EcoreEditor.Ecore2EcoreMappingDomain

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.ecore2ecore.presentation with parameters of type MappingDomain
Ecore2EcoreEditor.Ecore2EcoreInitializeCopyOverrideCommand(MappingDomain domain, InitializeCopyCommand initializeCommand)

Uses of MappingDomain in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.impl

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.impl declared as MappingDomain
protected  MappingDomain MappingRootImpl.domain
          This keeps track of the mapping domain that uses this mapping root.

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.impl that return MappingDomain
 MappingDomain MappingRootImpl.getDomain()

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.impl with parameters of type MappingDomain
 void MappingRootImpl.setDomain(MappingDomain domain)

Uses of MappingDomain in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.presentation

Fields in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.presentation declared as MappingDomain
protected  MappingDomain MappingEditor.MyViewerPane.domain
protected  MappingDomain SimpleMappedObjectViewer.mappingDomain

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.presentation with parameters of type MappingDomain
MappingEditor.MyViewerPane(IWorkbenchPage page, IWorkbenchPart part, MappingDomain domain, boolean isTop)
SimpleMappedObjectViewer(MappingDomain domain, Tree tree, boolean isTop)

Uses of MappingDomain in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.provider

Methods in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.provider with parameters of type MappingDomain
protected  Command MappingRootItemProvider.createAddMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a primitive AddMappingCommand.
protected  Command MappingRootItemProvider.createCreateMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a primitive CreateMappingCommand.
protected  Command MappingItemProvider.createNameMatchMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
          This creates a primitive NameMatchMappingCommand.
protected  Command MappingRootItemProvider.createRemoveMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, java.util.Collection<?> collection)
          This creates a primitive RemoveMappingCommand.
protected  Command MappingRootItemProvider.createRestoreInitialStateCommand(MappingDomain domain)
          This creates a primitive RestoreInitialStateCommand.
protected  Command MappingItemProvider.createTypeMatchMappingCommand(MappingDomain domain, Mapping mapping)
          This creates a primitive TypeMatchMappingCommand.

Uses of MappingDomain in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.xsd2ecore.presentation

Classes in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.xsd2ecore.presentation that implement MappingDomain
static class XSD2EcoreEditor.MyMappingDomain

Constructors in org.eclipse.emf.mapping.xsd2ecore.presentation with parameters of type MappingDomain
XSD2EcoreEditor.MyInitializeCopyOverrideCommand(MappingDomain domain, InitializeCopyCommand initializeCommand)
          Constructor for MyInitializeCopyOverrideCommand.

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